A Week Of Sleeping Early | Mission Complete!

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1 year ago

Last week, I had not been feeling well physically. I felt weak and easily get tired. The tea or sweets did not work anymore to keep my energy high. I opted on these energy boosters which usually spike my energy up, but this time, no.

So, I decided to start a challenge to myself. It is also my own good, I thought to myself. So a week ago, I challenged myself to start sleeping early. I decided to sleep when the clock strikes 10:30 PM. No excuses this time.

It was a bad cycle for me as I stayed late and stay up early. I used to sleep around 6 to 7 hours and that is sufficient for me. But lately my sleeping hours were reduced by one to two hours. Ehh~ this is because of me being a marites on Discord.

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I stayed late because I talked to my friends on the discord server until midnight. Ansarap kaya magchismisan sa gabi haha! Bakit nga ba hindi sa umaga? HAHA! I think staying up late is also the culprit of me having a delayed mens cycle. Though, stress is always there already, my body had adjusted to it already. So nung dumagdag yung pagpupuyat, ayern na nga, started to have delays.

What did I notice after one week?

I really forced myself to not look on my phone beyond 10:30 PM, well, except for Friday and Saturday, I stayed until 12 midnight. I put my phone far on my reach to avoid checking notifications.

So during the first two days, I cannot sleep without melatonin. Maybe my body was used to sleeping late. So, the melatonin helped me naman as always. I always have this on my bedside so when I cannot sleep, I just pop one pill in my mouth and sleep. No blue lights after that.

On the third day, I always feel like sleeping around 9 pm. Oh, this is a good sign. I think my body at this point is also adjusting. I do not need melatonin anymore to help me sleep. I woke up twice in the middle of the night probably an adjusting part of sleeping.

On the fourth day and on succeeding days, I got sleeping an hour before 10:30 PM which is a good sign that my body had adjusted already to my sleeping time. I am more energized throughout the day. I noticed too that I am more productive. I get ideas easily and my mind is more focused and clearer.

Should I continue this commitment?

Wow, commitment! Big word! Chariz. Before engaging in any commitment make sure na kaya mo magcommit HAHA! But this is a different one, need talaga mag commit or else, I am destroying myself.

Yes, I will continue with what I had started. When I sleep early, it benefits me big time especially in being creative and in being productive.

Of course, I will not be that strict with myself. I might skip sleeping early, especially on Fridays and Saturdays. I still want to talk to my virtual friends kasi ansaya talaga ng chismis noh. Of course, bonding na rin as I treat them as true friends already.

And, yeah, I also encourage some of my friends to sleep early too para may karamay ako haha chariz. No, it is for their health too. It is hard to get sick these days. So, yeah, health is wealth. We only have one body, so we should take care of it because no one will.

📸 Photo from Unsplash

Date Oct 5, 2022

Check my other articles!

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💚 Mental Health Webinar | Challenge Accepted https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/mental-health-webinar-challenge-accepted-636d32ec

🎨 Inktober Is Here! | My Entry! https://read.cash/@Jijisaur/inktober-is-here-my-entry-2923b6e6

$ 1.29
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1 year ago


I haven't bought melatonin pa, and yung stock ko sa vit C with collagen, wala na rin kaya naman back to sleeping early in the morning ako. Pero good job, Ji. Sana mapush mo yang commitment na yan. Hehe. Sa kakamarites mo talaga kaya nagiging fake news ang 'matutulog na ako guys'. haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

wahaah! Im getting used to it na rin. Pero once lang ako mag good night hindi unlimited 20x haha!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Not working sakn ang 10.30.. Aabutin pa yan pasado alas 11 bago makatulog. Nkapikit lang mga mata .pero totally awake ang utak ..pero sna mgaww ko to

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wahaha true. Mga sampung ikot pa sa bed bago makatulog WHAHA!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Naks!!! Good job. Mas productive kapag maaga nagigising din continue mo yarn

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, hindi na ako inaantok ng maaga. Also, mas focused na talaga ako mehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also did limit myself from staying long hours in nights, that's happened why I am not that active anymore in late night emeruts for somehow I need to rest. My sleeping comes normal now also a challenge, but I valued my mind energy so much, haha.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, noticed that you do not stay uplate on discord. That is a nice decision forda health din naman hehe!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I remember committing to sleeping early when the pandemic started. But then i adjusted to the lifestyle and got back to staying up a long time again.

This week I also decided to stay nice to myself. I found out that i sleep deeper and better when the lights are off. Hahaha. I can sleep with lights on or with lights off kasi. I think the dark is a good prompt for the body to really start rest.

Yes commit ka na talaga!!! Kelangan ng katawan yan.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ayy oo mas maganda talaga pag dark hehe pati kurtina ko itim para better sleep. Though I have a night light na humidifier

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Calming!! Uu blackout din kurtina ko ... Tara tulog.....!! Waley kitams late na ulit tulog ko

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is actually a pretty cool challenge, can be fun too. Keep at it until you get better

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, it was hard in the first nights but I get through it and now I am loving my sleeping time.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ayan, maritess pa more😂. I usually sleep at 10 as I wake up at 5am. If happened late ako magising, 5:30 na ako babangon

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Eto nga ate, nagbabawas na ako sa pagkamarites ko sa Discord YAWA ayoko na mapuyat haha!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ahahha ako ndi oo na alam sleeping patterns ko sobrang wasak ahahahhaha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Whaha! Nako sis, time to fix it forda health char!

$ 0.00
1 year ago