Hello everyone :) The previous two days I wrote about positive thoughts and everything related to them. Today, as I promised, we write about optimism and "play": D
If someone has not read my first two articles related to positive thoughts so far, the first can be found here and the second here.
When it comes to positive thoughts, the question is always: "Is it enough to be just an optimist?"
Positive affirmations will not bring results on their own, nor will the Universe put them on a silver platter, but the fact is that this kind of thinking can affect the image we have of ourselves and strengthen our self-confidence. In that sense, they are a form of self-encouragement, work on yourself and wind in your back.
It is not enough to think positively, but to have goals and work on them. For example, if you want a job in a certain company, you have to ask what kind of staff they employ, can you meet their needs ... As an economist, I can't be employed as an architect with positive thoughts: D Positive thoughts are there to help you maintain faith in yourself and not give up. And in that bush lies success.
I am sure you know at least some example of a person who, with his positive spirit and heart, managed to overcome a terrible disease and succeed in some field. I personally know a wonderful lady Milena Lukac, my former landlady. With her energy and positivity, she managed to overcome a vicious disease. She even wrote her first book about it called “50 Glass Beads”. Or take for example a famous person, Nika Vujicica. He is a typical example of how this way of thinking and positive affirmations like "Yes, I can do it" can really change your life for the better.
You may be wondering how long will it take to see the results? Well, some will immediately feel a rush of energy and faith in themselves, some will need more time and will have to work hard to transform their thoughts. That's why it's best to start with some easier goals. If you start with some big challenges right away, you may lose faith in yourself halfway and positive affirmations can easily become nonsense that only the naive believe in.
And for “ranking” goals I can give you a personal example. In addition to working at the school, since 2008 I have also been working as a coach at a karate club. I teach my students to write their karate-related goal on a piece of paper and stick it on the wall. Every time they fulfill their goal I want a photo of them crossing it out. And here we come across the main item. The goal of every karateka is the Black Belt, right? Well, it's a really big challenge, it's hours and hours of training, years and years of competition, passing ... But in order to reach the black belt, we must first pass for yellow, then for orange, then green, blue, brown and only then black arrives. If we immediately write the goal Black Belt on a piece of paper - there is nothing of that. But if we write the yellow belt first and then everything in that order, and add competitions between them, then it makes sense. Children rejoice in every crossed out goal and are proud of themselves for crossing out one item, then they are motivated to cross out another as soon as possible.
Let's play!
Surely there are skeptics among you who think that positive affirmations have no effect. Well, let's get to the game :)
The rules are as follows:
Set yourself a challenge or goal and write it down on paper.
Give yourself some deadline to accomplish it
Identify negative thoughts related to it. What is it that is holding you back?
Turn negative thoughts into positive ones
Think of a positive affirmation in line with your goal
Make a plan
Repeat the affirmation and work on the goal
Make your dream come true
Let us know the results
I think this is enough for today :)
If you liked this article, don't forget to like and comment on it. If you have experience with positive affirmations, I would love for you to share your success story with us in the comments.
Don't forget to think positively: D
Pozdrav svima :) Predhodna dva dana pisala sam o pozitivnim mislima i svemu vezano za njih. Danas, kao sto sam obecala pisemo o optimizmu i "igramo se" :D
Ukoliko neko nije procitao do sada moja prva dva clanka vezana za pozitivne misli prvi moze naci ovde a drugi ovde.
Kada je rec o pozitivnim mislima, uvek se postavlja pitanje: "Da li je dovoljno biti samo optimista?"
Pozitivne afirmacije nece doneti rezultete same od sebe, niti ce vam ih Univerzum spustiti na srebrnom posluzavniku, ali cinjenica je da ovakvo razmisljanje moze da utice na sliku koju imamo o sebi i da ojaca nase samopouzdanje. U tom smislu, one su neki oblik samopodsticanja, rada na sebi i vetar u ledja.
Nije dovoljno misliti pozitivno, nego imati i ciljeve i raditi na njima. Ako na primer zelite posao u nekoj odredjenoj firmi morate da se raspitate kakav kadar zaposljavaju, mozete li da ispunite njihove potrebe... Ja kao ekonomista ne mogu se pozitivnim mislima zaposliti kao arihtekta :D Pozitivne misli su tu da vam pomognu da odrzite veru u sebe i da ne odustanete. A bas u tom grmu lezi uspeh.
Sigurna sam da znate bar neki primer osobe koja je svojim pozitivnim duhom i cerom u izlecenje uspela da prebrodi strasnu bolest i uspe na nekom polju. Ja licno poznajem jednu divnu gospodju Milenu Lukac, moju bivsu stanodavku. Svojom energijom i pozitivom uspela je da prebrodi opaku bolest. O tome je cak i napisala svoju prvu knjigu koja se zove "50 staklenih perli". Ili uzmimo za primer poznatu licnost, Nika Vujicica. On je bas tipican primer kako ovakav nacin razmisljanja i pozitivne afirmacije poput "Da, ja to mogu" zaista mogu da vam promene zivot na bolje.
Mozda se pitate koliko ce vremena trebati da vidite rezultate? Pa, neki ce odmah osetiti nalet energije i vere u sebe, nekima ce trebati vise vremena i morace dosta da porade na transformisanju svojih misli. Zato je najbolje da krenete sa nekim lakse ostvarivim ciljevima. Ukoliko odmah krenete sa nekim velikim izazovima, mozda cete izgubiti veru u sebe na pola puta i pozitivne afirmacije mogu lako postati glupost u koju samo naivni veruju.
I za "rangiranje" ciljeva vam mogu dati licni primer. Osim sto radim u skoli, od 2008 godine radim i kao trener u karate klubu. Svoje ucenike ucim da svoj cilj vezan za karate napisu na parcetu papira i zalepe na zid. Svaki put kada ispune svoj cilj zelim fotografiju kako ga precrtavaju. I tu nailazimo na glavnu stavku. Cilj svakog karatiste je Crni pojas, zar ne? Pa, to je zaista veliki izazov, to su sati i sati treniranja, godine i godine takmicenja, polaganja... Ali da bi stigli do crnog pojasa prvo moramo poloziti za zuti, pa za narandzasti, pa zeleni,plavi, braon i tek onda stize crni. Ako na parcetu papira napisemo odmah cilj Crni pojas - od toga nema nista. Ali ako napisemo prvo zuti pojas pa sve tako redom, a izmedju njih dodamo i takmicenja onda ima smisla. Deca se raduju svakom precrtanom cilju i ponosni su na sebe sto su precrtali jednu stavku, onda su motivisani da sto pre precrtaju i drugu.
Hajde da se poigramo!
Sigurno medju vama ima i skeptika koji misle da pozitivne afirmacije nemaju nikakvo dejstvo. Pa, bacimo se na igru :)
Pravila su sledeca:
Postavite sebi neki izazov ili cilj i napisite ga na papir.
Dajte sebi neki rok za njegovo ostvarenje
Indetifikujte negativne misli vezane za njega. Sta je to sto vas koci?
Pretvorite negativne misli u pozitivne
Smislite pozitivnu afirmaciju u skladu sa svojim ciljem
Napravite plan
Ponavljajte afirmaciju i radite na cilju
Ostvarite svoj san
Javite nam rezultate
Mislim da je ovo dosta za danas :)
Ako vam se svideo ovaj clanak ne zaboravite da ga lajkujete i komentarisete. Ako imate iskustva sa pozitivnim afirmacijama, volela bih da svoju pricu o uspehu podelite sa nama u komentaru.
Ne zaboravite da mislite pozitivno :D
I personally think that it is not enough to think positive, but it is a great start! If we think positive, we will be doing positiv things and we will make something great out of ourselves. We can get what we want if we truly believe that we will get it.