Odette really breaks my heart.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago

That name in my title was trending these past few days and it's so famous here in my country Philippines. This name has been imprinted in the minds of filipinos especially to those who lives where this typhoon strikes. It's a beatiful name but behind it's beauty, a destructive force are hidden and that force devastated various places here in our country. In just a snap, a day, two days after and everything was gone. Yes you read it right, everything turned to zero again and it's so sad to see my fellow kababayans being in the edge of surviving.

No matter where I scroll in facebook I saw a lot of pictures showing the aftermaths of the typhoon. Their situation is so depressing but as I look into their eyes I found something and that is Hope. Their hope didn't fade away when Odette shows her ugly side. Places were really devastated no matter how big or small it is. Wether it is concrete or not there's no exemption when our mother nature do it's thing.

A lot of people are dead and what's most heartbreaking is that there are also a lot of animals who lost their lives despite having nothing to do why this kind of destructive typhoons forms. What a scenarios. While staring at those photos in facebook I can't hold my tears not to fall down. My chest were so heavy and I can't stop myself from thinking how strong they are for them to be able to smile after all the happenings in the past two days.

A lot of us suffers in various hard situations but it's just so different when you woke up the other day and all your sacrifices has gone to waste. It's really hard to think where you will leave now after your house was washout by the strong flood. It's so depressing to think those kind of things. Standing up again can be the best thing to do but it's not that easy you know. It's really easy for us to say that they can stand up again but inside them, they are totally broken to pieces after seeing their homes in a really bad shape, other's don't have houses anymore, every single of the materials was gone. So please can we pray also for their mental health to be better despite what happened.

I don't know what I can feel if we were the one who lost their home in just a day. I don't know how to process in my mind after I will see our house in a state like this one. I think my mind will explode and will faint oh my. Image Source.

From what I saw in the pages of government agencies, they are doing their best to tend to areas affected by the typhoon. It's a challenge for them and to all of us. I'm happy to see the fast response of non-political personels and organizations raising funds for the affected citizens of the country. Same here in readcash, I saw the other authors the other time taking the initiative to raise funds for the victims. Kuddos to all of you and God bless you more for what you're doing is right.

Just a few days ago we were discussing about the aftermath of the super typhoon in our groupchat and one of our friends @Ayane-chan said that their rice crops has been put down to the ground and ofcourse bathed in the rain. I feel sorry for them because their crops is ready to harvest in the coming weeks but it was destroyed by Odette. A huge lost to them and this kind of thing has been the problem of farmers in decades where typhoons pinned down their crops leadng them into waste. You can still harvest the rice but it's not in a good state and also if you will sell it, the price will be lower.

I discussed about our harvest in my past articles and it was bathed in the rain. The result is so depressing because after one or two days of not able to sun dry it, molds had been developed inside the sacks affecting the rice condition. So how much more those rice crops soaked in the floods. No profit at all. A huge lost to farmers who put their full efforts in growing and took caring those rice. I hope the government will find a way to help the farmers regarding their wet crops.

Instead of dumping it in the trash what I thought is why not the government provide a drying machine for rice and corn in each barangay in the country. They can use it in many ways. I don't know if there are provinces or barangays who have this kind of machine. If it's already present then it's great but if not then they should put more attention to it and bringing it into reality. I hope those politicians can think of that.

Closing thought

It's really a challenge to be back into our feet in this days but we must never lose hope and continue to persue what's best for us. Also pursue what is right and can benefit the interest of many. Let's get back into our feet together again as one country and let's show to the whole world how resilient we are no matter what may comes into doors. Let's keep praying also for the lives lost in the said typhoon and for all the survivors.

Sponsors of Jher0122

$ 6.41
$ 5.67 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.21 from @ewyr
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+ 12
Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


Grabe talaga yun nangyari. Tas kun kelan pa naman magpapasko. Sana makabangon na ang lahat sa madaling panahon.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Sa fb laman ng news ko puro sa bagyong Odette grabe kakaiyak talaga. Kawawa lahat lalo na sa mga tabing dagat at mga ilog lawa bukod sa wasak na bahay bumaha pa :( pasko pa naman

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Talagang masaklap ang sinapit ng mga kababayan natin ngayon..ilang araw nalang magpapasko sila na wala na mga bahay nila..nakakaiyak lang ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sa toroo lang, sobrang nawa ako sa mga nasalanta. Ung iba ginagawa pamg business meron sila kesa na itulong nlaamh. Pano yung mga walang-wala talaga?

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Sa mga times din na ganito lumalabas ang may malademonyong utak...mga scam ba kumbaga na sinasabi nila na ganito ganiyan pero dipala totoo.. Di naman natutulog ang nasa itaas . Sa ngayon pray nalang natin sila at makabangon na.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There's always light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope that the people who were affected by the typhoon will be prioritized. I pray for their fast recovery. ❣

$ 0.03
2 years ago

What you said is really true. There's no way that Filipinos will be pinned down forever by the likes of typhoons. Our kababayans are stronger than we know. I pray for them also.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can see that NGOs are more active that government, it really proves that in times of calamity, Filipinos are very resilient, sad to say that politicians specially those political candidates are using media showing their helps since election is coming this may of 2022, I feel pity for Filipinos since those greedy politicians are just good to help if they have benefits on it.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It's really sad to see politicians with that kind of mindset. They move only for the benefit of their own interest and not really considering what's best for the community or country they are serving as a public servant.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes I also have been getting to know a lot of things about the destructions and loss of life by this odette and I am really very sorry to hear those incidents, god be with us and these times too will pass and we will stand on our feet once again smilingly

$ 0.03
2 years ago

It's all over the news and internet. What can I do and we can do now is to pray for them that they will get back into theur feets before celebrating christmas and new year.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really painful Jher. I'm crying a lot of what happened due of super typhoon Odette. Our place is one of the places that the typhoon make a landfall in Liloan, Southern Leyte.😭

There are a lot of houses been wash out. I felt pity to them especially my love ones.😭 It's really hard and it's really hurt. You are always having a heavy and dropping tears.😭 Still I'm super thankful because they are all safe.πŸ™πŸ˜­

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Aww...that's so sad po that your place is included last typhoon po. I hope that your family is ok po despite what happened. Fighting lang po. Makakabangon din po sa kabila ng lahat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is truly heartbreaking, I hope all the help will be distributed fairly to all affected by the typhoon. Makakabangon din uli silaπŸ™

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I'm hoping also that all of the victims will be given and all of the collected funds, relief goods. God is with them sa kanilang pagbangon..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can still consume the harvest but it's not of good quality to be sowed at the next crop.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Still that's good for you that you'll have rice to consume po... atleast po may mapapakinabangan papo ..hope your family is safe po ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can get through this. πŸ™ Sending prayers to everyone.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Yes we can. Filipinos are strong to begin with when it comes to this kind of situations. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago