Mother And A Father At The Same Time.

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2 years ago

Some people may belittle you because of what you had gone through or even worst discriminate you to the extent of ruining your image to the public. It's not a good sight to see someone doing this kind of thing to a person who suffers from hell especially those single moms out there.

For me, when a man gets you pregnant and will not stand for it, it is considered as hell because how can you raise a child without any help from your partner, what's worst is when you don't have parents anymore to depend on. It's just like you stuck between the heaven and earth man.

Real talk, a humongous thumbs down to every man who didn't stand the responsibility of being a father to their child and a man to their girl. Everyone has the right to be respected but if you're doing something like that, you deserve less respect because it's just like you're not a man after all. They don't have balls after all.

I have a friend who's a single mom for almost 2 years already and she told me her sufferings everytime we havie time to talk in chats. Her boyfriend run away from his responsibility and left out my friend. She's my classmate back in elementary and it's just sad that she had to experienced something like that.

She told me that the struggle of being a single mom is not a joke and it can lead also to depression. Well anyone can be depress after being left out of nowhere. You expect your man to take charge of you after doing something intimate but later on, he will deny that he's not the one who's responsible.

They've been in a relationship for almost 6 years and that long can be considered as a life of a married couple already. She thought that it will not end up in a scenario she's in right now but it happened. What's worst was the guy has a different affair to another girl so the pain doubled huhu. What a tragedy.

Since her parents don't have enough support they can give, my friend was forced to look for a job in order to provide some milk for her child because she's not able to breastfeed her son. Her sons stays at her parents house while she's at work back then. But the pandemic arised so her work was also affected.

It really brought a high toll on my friend but despite the huge responsibility she has to shoulder, I'm proud of her because she's fighting and looking to what's she's doing now, I know that she will raise the child better.

It's good if the father of her son will give some support but he's not and it's really uncool.

Reminder: Doing that intimate thing will lead to something good or bad so for the guys like me out there, be mindful enough that before you stick in those things, your resolve to stand the responsibility of being a father later on is strong. Because it takes only one of those for a baby to be formed and you can't change result afterwards.

Single moms out there are doing their best to be a dad and a mom so I can consider them as a living hero. Raising a child with your partner is difficult especially if you're not financially stable so how much more when you're alone.

That's why I salute all the single moms out there sacrificing everything for their child. I'm sure those child will do everything to protect and support you too when they grow up.

To all single mom out there, don't let anybody belittle you because you are a living concrete example of good parents. Being a mom and dad at the same time is hard but keep on holding on, you can do it and can get through any challenge you may face ahead.

My friend is planning to include me as godfather of his son so I'm looking forward to it. It will be my first time so I'm thinking what gift I will give. I want something to be memorable huhu.

Author's note

Let's give our support to those super single moms out there they need it. I really admire them and have high respect to them because they are more responsible than others.

Don't wait for others to give you a boquae of flowers. Plant some and make a garden of flowers. Fightuuuu.

I will end this now and I thank you again for reading this far. I hope you get the message I want to convey thru this article. See you again friends.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

Thanks to my sponsors for the support as always.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


Awee! Lovely. That's why I salute to all single moms. They are superhumans

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Asidr from love, what we need in this world is mutual respect. Let's us respect each other. <3 Love this blog of yours brother.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am proud of all single moms who strive hard to raise their babies alone. They are brave and great fighters. They are all ready to sacrifice everything for their baby. Extremely amazing!

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Absolutely salute to all single mom out there who's willing to fulfill a father's position to their child, also same to all single dads, it's really amazing that there are a lot of people who's ready to do everything just for the sake of their children.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I forgot those single dads also ..huhu. a salut to them.. You're right when it comes to their own child...those efforts in taking care of them are nothing at all..seems they're not getting tired at all.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hate a guy who just wants to hang out then abandon their young, they are coward people. I had this friend before and that make me want to unfriend for a lifetime. He implanted the girl and when he knows that she was pregnant, he said it wasn't him. He accused the girl that having multiple partners not only him. As a result, we see the baby and he was look like him. Karma will also chase him in the future hayst.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Aww. kasaklap naman at inaccuse pa... so sad sa part ni girl.. and for sure ..naka set na karma sa kaniya. That's the word..coward hihi..don't have any courage to face what they did.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A mother has to arrange everything for the child. When father, when teacher, when doctor. When a child has an ideal mother, nothing else matters.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's true ..if a mother can be an ideal to that child then as you said.. nothing else matters.. what matters is the mother can give a good life to her child.😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm actually a single Mom. Hehe. He takes responsibility at first but a year later when I gave birth, he cheated on me. So, I broke up with him. It's better that way than raising my child inside a toxic family.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Ohh..first time to know po hehe..why men exist with that kind of mindset... huhu. Mas better po talaga na magpalaki ng bata na hindi present ang toxicity kasi para naman safe ang bata.. A salute for you po.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, po. Thanks. Nasa magulang ko ang bata, pinapadalhan ko lang at tinatawagan palagi. Masaya naman siya dun, at mahal na mahal siya ng magulang ko at mga kapatid. Mas mahala pa nga nila anak ko kaysa sakin. Ayts. 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago lang mas mahal yung apo...ganun din lola kopo mas mahal mga apo kesa sa anak ewan ba haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have been a single mom for more than 3 years until I found my partner. It's true, the suffering and the humiliation were too much but I had to be brave for my daughter. Your friend will make it through, just give her good advise :) God will provide. Tell her to be strong for me :)

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I'm sure your daughter will be very proud of you.. That's what we are doing , giving her some advice and support in order for her to get through to where she is far she's doing good

$ 0.00
2 years ago