Struggles are meant to make you stronger.

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2 years ago

Good afternoon guys, how are you doing today? I trust that you're doing great. Let's quickly review yesterday's article.

The stability and life of relationships are affected by the individual behaviors of each person involved in the relationship. Each person in the relationship will only make decisions based on their personality, upbringing, experiences and emotions. No one is perfect as regards behavior, therefore each person in a relationship needs to learn to accept the other person's imperfections. Learning to live with the imperfections of others is very important if you wish to build and maintain healthy relationships with people.

A way to ignore the imperfections to admire the good qualities of the person.

Sometimes it is hard to recognize the good in people because we are too carried away by their negative traits that we become blind to their amazing qualities. This becomes a trap for you because it's easy to forget that you also have weaknesses, but if we know and remember that we also have weaknesses, we'll be able to live with other's imperfections and learn to manage with them.

No one is perfect. We must all learn to manage other's weaknesses instead of being judgemental about them. Weaknesses can come from the person's past or present experiences and also parental mistakes. You must forgiving enough to forgive people when they make mistakes, because no one is perfect. Even if you are always right, there will be a time that you will be wrong even if it's once.

Also we should learn to love unconditionally that is without expecting a reward for your love.

To achieve happiness in a relationship is not impossible.

By accepting your partner imperfections, it means that there'll be times when you will have to tolerate things that you do not like at all.

A quick reminder is that being imperfect does not give you an excuse not to improve yourself. People change, but at least you must try to be the better version of ourselves every passing day.

When you learn to work together and know each other's weaknesses and strengths, you will be able to overcome your differencesnl and make your relationship lasts.

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Struggles are a very particular part of the lives of people. It is always good to acknowledge that life is not made up of rainbows and sunsets but rather with some bad weather that can make us better.

Life was never easy and never will be, but if we manage to live through all its difficulties we can say that it was worth it.

The internet is filled with posts on how anyone can be successful in life, but no one really warns you that many obstacles will come your way.

For some people, it can be very easy to go through life and not face any hard times. But if you think about it, life is meant to be full of struggles. Think about it, where would you be if you never had any obstacles to overcome?

There is a quote that I have used to help me realize this importance in our lives, "If you get to the top without the valleys, you've just been given a free pass to the bottom." Think about that for a minute, if we don't have valleys then we aren't going to appreciate any peaks.

Struggles are meant to make you stronger. Struggle is a part of life. Always remember that your struggles are meant to make you stronger. Challenge yourself and face your fears head on.

Most people will agree when I say that it is important to find support during times of struggle. Support is important because it gives you something to lean on when times are tough.

Thanks for reading through. I hope loved it.

All images are from Unsplash.

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2 years ago


Trials makes us strong, tough days made us the best version for ourselves.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Absolutely true

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As an ordinary guy who has gone through crest and troughs, I am a big fan of struggles, especially the ones which are really breaking us from the inside out.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's a great one

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We struggle in life just to get to know what we have been struggling to have is within our tips

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hmmm. True in some cases

$ 0.00
2 years ago