Outstanding leaders lead with consistency of character.

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Avatar for Jerrysavage00
2 years ago

Good evening guys. How are you doing today? How has your day been? I hope it's been splendid.

Let's quickly review the article of yesterday.

Anger is one of the human emotion that everyone has experience at one point or the other in our lives. Nevertheless, it's what that anger produces that differentiate the mature and wise ones from the immature and unwise ones. Unfortunately, there are times when we get angry and say things to people in the heat of the moment that are very hurtful,and this we later regret. And the thing is that, words cannot be taken back regardless of when was it spoken, whether in the heat of anger or in excitement. Therefore, it's very important that we learn to control our anger and also how and what we say to people in our moment of anger.

Anger is a strong and powerful emotion that we all feel at some point in our lives. Some people are better at hiding or controlling their anger than others, but the fact is that everyone experiences anger at some point. Whenever you're angry, you must remember to stay in control of yourself. I'm sure you will not want to do or say anything that you'll regret of later.

Some of the things you can do to help in controlling your anger. First of all, try to take a deep breath. Once you've been able to calm yourself down a bit. Then try to think about the situation by asking yourself questions like what is making you angry, and why you're angry? Also if there's anything you can do to fix the problem? And if there's nothing to do, the next question is if it is worth getting angry about?

And then finally, try to speak to the person or people you're angry with perhaps the issue is just a minor one that can be easily resolved. Avoid yelling or talking at the top of your voice, and also endeavor to listen to what they have to say, don't be the only one talking.

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Outstanding leaders lead with consistency of character. They understand that their actions set the standard for their entire team, and that their influence reaches far beyond themselves. Character is what you do when no one is watching. It is the foundation of great leadership.

Outstanding leaders lead with consistency of character.

At the center of all great leadership are two interconnected qualities: consistency and character. Those who lead with character do the right thing 100 percent of the time, even if no one is watching and the benefits of cheating are great.

Leaders with consistency of character know that it's not about making the perfect decision every time, it's about making decisions that are true to their values regardless of the consequences. This builds trust, creates a powerful example for others to follow, and allows teams to achieve great things together.

They understand that their actions set the standard for their entire team, and that their influence reaches far beyond themselves. And, as we all know, a great leader is only as good as the team they have leading with them.

So, how can you become a more consistent and principled leader? Here are three tips:

So, how can you become a more consistent and principled leader? Here are three tips:

1. Establish clear values and principles that you stand for.

2. Be authentic and true to yourself.

3. Hold yourself and those around you to the highest standards.

Thanks for reading through.

All images are from Unsplash.

$ 1.77
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Avatar for Jerrysavage00
2 years ago


Yeah, I agree with this. Leaders should know their principles and stick to it

$ 0.03
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, leader must lead with consistency. The plan might change but the leaders should not. I mean what he show from the first will also be the last.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

That's true

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope to read more tips on your next article.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is why they said readers are leaders. You can't be an illiterate and also be good leader. A leader red and learned a lot of things before they become a good leader. Nice writes my friend 👌😀. Have a wonderful week.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you. Have a wonderful week too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have had anger issues before until I was able to manage and control them. Being angry doesn't lead you really to positive things, instead, it will make the problem worst.

Elections here in our country are fast-approaching. I haven't decided yet who to vote. Reading your article is actually a big help. I'll definitely look for the tips you've mentioned in the candidates :)

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I'm happy you're able to learn from the article

$ 0.00
2 years ago