Our extra space: roof deck

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2 years ago

Oh my! Sponsorship seems to be expanding… Now I have 2! Thank u @Wrinkle and @Telecharm, I really don’t know how I attracted your attention but nonetheless, I am grateful… And so does the increasing list of subscriptions, thank u. For the community, thank u so much.

The plants and the weather…

I am glad to share that the garden I set-up up at the roof deck is flourishing. The flowers are amazing and the bitter gourd is dancing its way up the wires I set up for it to climb. Even disposed of some plants to help with the medical expenses. Hahaha! Lolz…

The weather… Oh! I don’t know, the weather seems to be very erratic these days like the erraticness of my heart as it beats furiously sometimes and I just don’t know what triggers it. The lighting is like dancing in combos, their thunder sounds like a broken speaker that will absolutely awake anyone who sounds asleep! OMG… Lolz! True, my son was sleeping, awaken by the thunderstorm.

Oh! The rain really made it all good and further advanced my bitter gourd since I was still unable to attend to them. Now it vigorously climbing up the wires and flowering, I even spotted 2 developing fruits this morning! Wow, in a short time I will have some harvest already.

While in the morning, the sun is bathing the plants with its brightness but can’t take it the clouds off the picture. As my lemons are also on their way, just two fruits because the lemon is barely a shrub, so… I’m glad and excited at most even with just 2 lemons. Someone said, plants are shy and sulk whenever you took pictures of them? Well, I really don’t care… if they do, then be it. All I do is nothing but be excited about their products in a very short span and would like to share it with people. People I would like to inspire to do some gardening.

The Ecosystem

I just like plants and enjoy the walks I have around doing the chores. Tilling the soil isn’t necessary these days as the presence of the earthworms made that possible. I like the exploratory feeling every time I spent an hour or two with them.

I’m no longer sure how many bitter gourds I planted but there seem to be many and they’re growing taller by the day and climbing as well. Now flowering and bearing fruit I couldn’t ask for more. Although I didn’t expect them flowering to be attracting a lot of insects and birds. Building an ecosystem I didn’t expect to happen. Now, I am hearing a lot of birds chirping and singing at the roof deck.

Butterflies are a beauty to behold, and but at the same time pest too! The larvae eating the leaves will be an off sight. Why? Of course, the leaves will be mutilated. What else will they feed on? The cucumber is starting to grow. The seedling just sprouted last week, noticing new growth on the box where I dumped some soil and seeds.


Although I was able to successfully grow potatoes, I am experimenting with re-growing them together with some malunggay and trying to grow rosemary too from twigs. This week if I found some mint cuttings, will be pursuing it too! I just need some soil to really get it all going on. The celeries that I’ve been keeping, already sow them waiting for them to grow. Yes, the tomatoes too! I can’t wait to finally have a pick for my salad to come true! Lolz.

Ahh! I have really been meaning to grow strawberries too and grapes, to be dwarfed. What I am excited about is a gift of seedlings coming from my sister’s friend, the dragon fruits. For the jams and salads that I have been dreaming about. All these are just expensive to buy at the market so instead of buying, might as well give it a try to grow some. Lettuces will take time because of the water supply it needs to stay luscious, almost like aquaponics set-up is a must. Still experimenting on sayote, it's really sensitive. While spinach and lemongrass are just glowing in the hotness and dryness of the soil. Oh! don't forget the parsley! Important too!

The Roof Deck

Oh! The roof deck is still unsightly because the structure is really bad and due to budget constraints still cannot commence some projects. But perhaps later. Little by little trying to build a suitable structure in the future where we can settle in and enjoy the sight. Or perhaps put the dining table and be able to have meals up there! Sit and relax as we watch the day fade into the night.

You? How do you spend time at the house other than the chores? Me, this is how we spend the day. Wish me luck in growing all these! Thank u for the read, hope you enjoyed it and 'til next time.

July 2, 2022
Images: mine

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$ 0.50 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
2 years ago


Wao sister you have own plant gallery on the roof. I have little garden with ornamental plants but you are amazing with fruits plants like Lemon etc. Good job you are saving nature from pollution factor also.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Home gardening is the best pass time you give me a lot of new ideas.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I find gardening fascinating. When the lockdown started, I took this as a hobby. Your plants look nice!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I like the way you turn your roofdeck into your happy place. When mom was still here, it was her garden that she makes her forget her pain. It give her strength to go on her day talking to plants and attending to their needs giving them life probably telling them "take care of yourself lovelies when i'm gone".

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I always fancy plants but I can't grow them beautifully like yours there.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Am wishing you the best in your vegetative exploitation. I do spend time in the house, pressing my phone or watching movies. I know am very lazy but am still trying to change. Though sometimes I bake but its not often.

$ 0.01
2 years ago