A walking deadman

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2 years ago

"I prefer death" @Gaftekloriginal

Another writing prompt? Oh no my friend, you really got me thinking! Let me tell you a story…

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Years back, I used to have circle of friends, my colleagues at work. 2 girls and a boy, and we all call each other “geng”, gengsters so to speak. These are a bunch of fully loaded colleagues that to be near them is... will make me insecure with my current job portfolio. They are these good that all 3 of them are google certified, SEOs, lead gens and marketers. 1 died, the other still roaming the world and the 3rd is half-dead – and his name “Sharon”.

He was the last of them that went away. He was currently under pressure from work because the department he was in was under scrutiny and his manager was just all over him. While he was doing his work, he discovered all of things that really needs updating and his manager was not the kind who likes to be corrected. Oh, geng was not an all-show-man, he was very down to earth and very low profile. Tried to conceal his skill set but was eventually discovered because of affiliates and he was making good income from it. When his skills were noticed, his manager and colleagues placed him under bad pressure. And perhaps geng, reacted so bad his blood pressure rose high, as high as 200/120 and this was every day. However, unfortunately, he never noticed this. I asked him if he was good because he was so red and he just told me he was fine. But we cant let it go, we sent him to the clinic and there it was found our his blood pressure reached 240… It was not long, he can no longer take how he was treated and decided to resign but tendering means had to serve 30 days. Fortunately though, we devised for him to take rigid monitoring of his blood pressure for 2 weeks and there, tender immediate resignation. And boom, it was a blast. Everyone else on his team complained but there was nothing they can do about it because it was legitimate. He went home to his family, in the province.

Years ago, geng, his blood pressure finally came to a point of no return. He had a stroke. He was in ICU for 6 months and his brain was operated on, removing some part of his right brain. It took him years but luckily, his was recovering. He woke up from coma, then he went therapy… then he started walking again. His 2nd wife took care of him. The expenses from the hospitalization, oh! God knows how but there were generous friends who sustained them. I knew this because his wife posted his developments on our feeds.

The horrors he faced back then? I have no idea how it was. To deal with it, I still hadn’t talked to him but could only share a few encouraging thoughts, especially now he seems to be dealing something hard and difficult. True, we may all prefer to die but geng, chose to live. For his wife and kid… forced himself up and with God’s good grace, he is able to walk again. Though half of his body is unable to move but gain so much since then. His case, well, struggle is real. Not just him but it is also difficult for the wife. But one good thing, they have each other on those times. And they prove that “love” really conquers all. They have faith and faith remains... Thank u for the read. God bless.

April 16, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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2 years ago
