Who burned the house?

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2 years ago
Date: May 24, 2022

What will you do when you saw the house of your neighbor burning?

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Hello my dear read.cash friends, how are you? I wasn't able to publish an article yesterday and I am hoping to write one today. I came across to read two article about Fire from @JonicaBradley and @Cleophia2 . I have an experience about fire too and I wanted to share it now.

Let's start...

We are living in the province or we also call it living in the country side or mountain before. Most houses that time were made with light materials and easy to catch fire. The floor were made of bamboo, the walls are made of bamboo to and the roof were usually made of coconut leaves and we call it in bisaya as "pawod".

One hot noontime when I and my mother is in the house busy preparing food for our lunch when we hear our father shouting Fire! Fire! Fire! The house of our neighbor is burning.

We ran as fast as we can going outside and we were able to see the strong fire eating most of our neighbor's house.

We did our best together with other neighbors to throw water on their house to save it from burning. Other also throwing water in our own houses making it wet and hoping that the fire won't go to our house.

Fortunately our houses never been burnt but the house of our neighbor been burn and leave nothing for them.

We felt so tired, weak and sad looking to it. Thinking how our neighbor would feel when they go home without a house anymore.

Our neighbor is not around that time because they were in their farm. And it is happened that my father came home from the farm when he noticed the fire. Neighbor's house is in the back of ours and might be that's the reason that we didn't even noticed it because we were inside.

We are clueless about the reason of fire. Some neighbor thought that might be they forgot to blow off the candle before they leave. People that time were just using candle or light using gas to have light in the evening.

Some also said that might be there is a candle in their altar and they forgot to blow off of it or might be they cooked early in the morning and there is still fire in the wood.

My two younger brother and sister is not in the house when the incident happened. My father asked them where they were that time. They just said that they are just roaming around to play.

Shocking revelation

Everyone is clueless for a few days until my aunt call my mother's attention. My aunt said, Nang (an aklanon term for Manang means ate or sister) don't be shocked and just be calm. I was able to convince Jong2 and El2 (my younger brother and sister) to tell the truth. When I asked Jong2 who burn the house and he said:

"Si El2 man gud iya kung gisugo nga sindihan ang sako" (El2 told me to lit a fire on the sack) which is beside the wall of their house.

El2 didn't say any word but cry.

Now, we know that the culprit in burning our neighbor's house is my very own brother and sister.

They said they got the match sticks from our other neighbor and they just bringing it while roaming around to play. I don't know why they come to think to lit a fire to a sack not thinking what will happen next. They were very young children when it happened. Might be it didn't come to their mind that what they did will result to fire and burned our neighbor's house.

My aunt told my mother not tell it directly to our father because she felt pity to my brother and sister that for sure will receive a spank from our father. My mother told this to my father when everything is under control and the emotion is good. I can't remember now if they receive some spanking from my father. But indeed it is a bad experience for us.

We pay money to our neighbor as payment as well as our father gave some of our things to them. From blanket and some beddings, to utensils, and even our own clothes. I cannot forget that even my favorite jumper was given to them because our neighbor has a child at the same age of mine. In fact we're classmates, playmates and friends too.

Ending thoughts

There are lot of times that children wanted to explore and experiment on different things not knowing what will be the result. Let us monitor our kids especially when they roam around because unexpected things will happen.

I think this is for now.

If you'd like to take part in this prompt, here's how:

  1. Join the Promptly Jonica community here

  2. Write anything about FIRE

  3. Write 100% original content

  4. Write at least 600 words for Rusty to be happy

  5. Submit your article to PromptlyJonica

  6. Tag @JonicaBradley

  7. Have fun!

Thank you for reading. See you
again in my next article.
  • If you want to read my previous articles you may click HERE.

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2 years ago


I remember my place also kids cause the fire just like this, they're playing with fire

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's sad but kids never thought that it would be the outcome.. Let's keep matches keep out of their reach and let's monitor them always as possible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are really right, children sometimes can cause more harms but to them they feel they are playing, but not knowing that they have destory alot, they like taking experiment. At times it is really good to have good neighbors around you, I mean neighbors that even they hear you shouting in the middle of the night they must come to find out if you're in a good condition.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes in the countryside before you can only hear sounds of crickets at night but the incident happened at noon time and people are awake.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Alright, Thank God it didn't happen in the night time, because that would have been allitle difficult..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed, God is very good. Though we cannot stop it but atleast neighbor knows about it easily.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Is alright friend thanks alot..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's just too bad, your siblings were playing and didn't know they will end up burning the neighbors house. This is why it's never good to play with fire, bad things can happen

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes you're right and even matches do give us reminder. Keep out of reach of children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Impressive dear, you reminded me of a typical story of my town, of some houses made of wood located on a mountain, that when the grass dries, the same sun generates fire and inv set on fire

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's a sad story sis,, di ko din expect na kapatid mo pala Yung may gawa, Minsan kasi mga Bata curious Sila sa mga gamit, not knowing na delikado pala yun., Kaya mula nagka baby ako sis lagi talaga ako maka bantay sa kanya, kasi di natin alam kung ano mga gusto nila gawin

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ou sis sino din ba naman mag aakala na sila pala ang naging dahilan ng sunog. Tama sis dapat monitored talaga sila.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Buti wala casualty. Yun mahalaga ..mga bata pa kc, wala alam

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ou sis buti na lang talaga walang nasaktan..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope your neighbour didn't later know your brothers did or else, they won't take it lightly with you at all.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Actually they already know it because we did inform them thats why we were able to pay an amount of cash and give some of our things to them.

There is no need to make it a secret because for sure everyone will know also sooner or later.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

First off, it is good no one got hurt from the fire. I guess they were just kids and didn't know that would be the outcome of their actions. Good your parents compensated your neighbour for it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes they don't really know the outcome of their actions because if they did, for sure they will never do it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This so so serious! The case of house burning is not a thing to look merely, imagine rendering homeless to people. Thank God your parents rendered their generosity to them

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We have to because they lost everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Perti guro hadluka sa imong igsoon ato nga time sis unya for sure wala sad jud to nila tuyua kay mga bata curios kaayu pero kami sauna mag duwa og balay balay magtago tago sad og dala og Posporo kay kay maglung ag lage og yuta hihi.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahaha mao jud sis, amua sauna kay lata baya sa tinapa ang lung agan kunuhay hehehe.. mga bata karon wa najud kasuway ana bah...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hala ako sa bata pa sis nakasala pud ko ky nagdula ko ug plastic cellophane akong gbutang sa tumoy sa kahoy ug gidaigan unya ky nitulo man sa degamihan sis.aw nasunog nuon.gikasab an kos akong mama lagi.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Mao lagi oi unsaon ning mga bata pata sauna hilig kaayo mag experiment hehehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mao jud bisan unsa ry mahuna hunaan

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is so easy for young children's curiosity to cause a big disaster. I bet your brother and sister never did it again.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes they are more careful after that. As a punishment, our parents gave our favorite clothes to them.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

As a parent, I wouldn't really say that was a punishment. More a consequence of their actions. And a lesson, "If you destroy somebody's property, you will have to give up some of your own to make up for it."

I like your parents decision. Sorry about your jumper, though.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh that might be the right term to use. Thanks for the best word.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's sometimes hard to find more nuanced words when you are writing in a language different to the one you speak every day. You wrote from the heart and it showed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you're right, when i am new here I leave after a days I think because it seems that I can't last long here because I am not good in English.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Your English is very impressive. I would have a hard time writing in another language. Especially when I don't live in that area. Such as Germany. I wouldn't write week in German. Not any more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's is all i have.. I am just giving my best but still learning while reading and writing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's all we can do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago