OTP: common way of scammers

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2 years ago
Date: June 11, 2022

Have you received a text message that contains or talks about OTP? Do you know what is OTP? How important this OTP is?

Hello Philippines and Hello World. I hope that you are happy and blessed. Here I am again, saying I'm present and will write another article for you.

Now, I decided to talk about OTP because I had a recent experience about this. I will share this to you hoping to help you to be aware about it or atleast just to give you an idea what to do when it happen to you. Might be read.cash family already knew or encountered about it but just let me share for the benefit of those who do not know about it yet.

What is OTP

OTP meansĀ One Time Password. It is a temporary, secure PIN-code or password sent to you through text message or e-mail that is valid only for a short period of time.

Nowadays, I noticed that there were lots of reminders about OTP. SMART, DITO and even NTC itself reminds us about our OTP. I really wonder why time to time I received a message about it until I experienced something.

DITO also asks for OTP before proceeding


One time, a friend and a co-worker of my husband called me asking a favor. I ask her what is it and she ask me if I have a gcash. I told her, yes I do have. She then ask me if they can use my gcash account. I ask her first where she will be using it. Then she explain..

My mother join Tutok to win, a program hosted by Willie Revillame, by just commenting in her live program. Then someone messaged her that she was selected to be given 10,000.00 ($200). They asked a gcash number so they could send the amount for my mother. Since we don't have gcash, we told him if they could send the money through our bank account. But the man said that they only use gcash for transferring the said amount. The man told us to find someone we know who have gcash account then I remember you.

After hearing her story, I asked her if it is really legit. She said that it is from Tutok to win. They want to try it hoping that it is true. $200 is a big help for them if ever it is for real.

I told her to try and I gave my gcash number and we will see.

After a second, I received a text message from gcash reminding me not to share my OTPmy OTP to anyone.

Message from gcash

While we are talking over the phone, an unknown number is calling me. So, I told her to drop it for a while and I will answer it first.

Ma'am do you receive a text message from gcash?

Yes sir.

Can I ask the number that was sent to you?

Why sir?

I need it ma'am so we could send the money.

Oh! why you need to ask my OTP?

It is mine mam, just give it to me so I could process the sending of money.

May I ask what organization do you belong?

I am from Manny Pacquiao's team. (Here, I think he was distracted by my questions because he has a different answer from what he said to my husband's workmate which he came from Tutok to win)

Ah okay. Sir, how many times I send money through gcash but it doesn't need OTP to do it. Di mo ako maloloko sir because I am a gcash user for a long time.


He ends up the call.

I and my husband's workmate talks again and I told her it was a scam. They are trying to open my gcash account and asking me the OTP so they can access it. Thanks God I know about it.

She says sorry about it and I just say, it's okay. I am glad that she thought about me first. What if she ask help from others and don't know how important OTP is and will share it with that scammer. Naku, mauubos pera nila sa gcash. Okay lang if walang laman.

Ending thoughts

Scammers is everywhere right now. They are trying to do everything just to get the money they want. There are lots in social media and in text messages. Please be careful and be vigilant. Make reading a habit and understand it. NEVER share your OTP to anyone.

Thank you for reading. I hope you
learn something. Till next time
see you...

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$ 1.09
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2 years ago


Great presence of mind there @JenThoughts!

Usually scammers are quite tricky nowadays and use a LOT of programs just to trick other people. What I learned from this post and also from other people is not to and never share the GCASH number that is connected to our wallets. If someone, like a friend or relative ask for one ask them on why they need it and if it will be used as a raffle entry, or for remittance from kung sinong herodes red flag na agad.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes una una pa lang may pagdududa na ako but I let them try but in the end they fail.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

YOu are so smart to ask questions back and get him confused.. everyone needs to be smart with their money like this

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes we really have to. I am tired and felt angry to people like this. They are scammers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama nga sis tayo lang naman ang pwede makaalam ng OTP natin bakit kailangan nilang hingin yun ehh account number lang sapat na para makapagpadala ng pera,akala nila sis walang utak yung bibiktimahin nila

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Mali lang yung nabiktima nila peru sana wala silang mabiktima na di pa masyadong alam ang mga ganyan kasi kawawa naman.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Naka receive ako nito last night. Mahalaga talaga na aware tayo sa mga ganiting bagay dahil sobrang laganap na ng scammers.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Nagkalat talaga online tong mga to ako din na scam ulit last last week yong sa Alpha Go grabe. Yong friend ko na scam almost 2k namn nong nag offer na madodoble ang laman ng Gcash. Grabe mga modos sakin may mga nag eemail diko nalang pinapansin pati sa mga sms ignore nalang din gawin.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ou nga dami talaga mga scammers ngayon kaya dapat di magpadala at intindihin dapat ang mga messages.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mabuti na Lang at di nyo pinatulan, may neighbor ako sis, na Naka receive ng ganyan message, at nanghingi ng load , una 60,then Naging 120,then nagpadagdag PA ulit.

Nag announce si Willie na never sila nagbibigay ng price through any Pera padala, at walang nananalo if hindi natawagan ng live sa show., Kaya 100% scam talaga yang mga text.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Di nila ako maloko sa gcash sis kasi matagal na akong gumagamit nyan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nagkalat na talaga mga scammers ngayon ate, lahat na lang nang paraan gagawin para lang makapangbiktima tsk. Buti na lang talaga ate you know what OTP kung hindi naku naku sayang.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Buti na lng talaga, may 2k pa namang laman ang gcash ko that time kasi yun din ginagamit ko pampareload ng DITO ko. Nagloload kasi ako ng DITO

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya laging pinapaalala ni GCash na wag magshare ng OTP eh. Marami ng ways para makapag-scam talaga.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ou nga sis may nabasa na din ako dito na mga 1k ata nakuha sa kanya. It also gave me an idea how to deal with it kaya thankful din ako sa nabasa ko.

$ 0.00
2 years ago