Comparing: Positive and negative impact

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2 years ago
Date: June 22, 2022

In life, we cannot deny the fact that comparing happened, happening and will happen. We tend to compare things over another thing. Comparing someone to others and the most common is to compare ourselves to someone. It is a part of our life.

Have you experienced that other people are comparing you towards others? What do you feel? How about when you compare yourself to others? Is it giving a positive or negative impact in your life?

Hello family. Its been raining here in our side this time, not just rain but a heavy rain with strong winds. Even our small house is new but because of the heavy rain, the water slip from the area where nails is located. So there is some rain drops inside, lol.

Earlier this morning I came across with @Gaftekloriginal 's post about some reality of life. It is about comparing himself to others. I can relate with it and I'm sure you do too. His article lead me to write this topic.

Comparing is normal and it is part of one's life. But having this comparison will give positive and negative impact on our lives.

When someone or even me compares myself to others it gives myself a positive and negative impact.

Negative impact

When my aunt compare me to my cousins who have a good job and making a good money I have felt self pity thinking that they could buy what they want and they could go wherever they want to go.

It makes my self worth down thinking that I can find a job if I want but still I choose to be a full time mom and housewife.

Positive impact

On the other hand, comparing ourselves to others will also bring positive impact if we look at it as a challenge and inspiration in life.

When I see my friends posting pictures that they travel to a wonderful place, I don't think negative but instead I make it as an inspiration and a challenge to find some source of income, learn to save, so someday I can visit that place or I can travel too.

I am also being challenged to enjoy and be grateful for what I have.

A message for you and me

There were times in our life that we compare ourselves to others.

Life is wonderful and full of blessings but it will depend on how we look at it.

Let's take a moment to think about this.

They have a big house and lot while me living in a small house in a squatter's area waiting for a demolition team.

I have a small house to live in, a shelter in the time of rain and can protect us from the heat of the sun.

Others are living under the bridge, sleeping along the roads with some carton and sacks to protect them from cold.

They have a good paying job while me unemployed, house wife and full time mom.

I am unemployed because I choose to take care of my son. I am with him since he was a baby. I know when his teeth starts to grow, I first heared his first word - mama, I see his first ever step, I heared his first ever laugh and saw his first ever smile. I can play with him along anytime of the day. I can give him food when he is hungry and give water to drink when he is thirsty. I can give him the miraculous healing when he is hurt by something. My hug and kiss will stop him from crying.

Some working mothers wish to have that moment with their kids.

They could eat in a fancy restaurant, can afford different fast food while me will just depend on what I and my husband will cook.

I am thankful to eat food that we prepared. Grateful to God for giving food on our table and never leave us hungry.

Other people don't have even porridge to eat.

They could buy nice clothing, shoes and bags while me having a simple dress, one pair of shoes and a single bag.

I am happy to have clothes to protect my body, shoes to protect my feet and a bag to put my things.

Others don't have clothes and just walking everywhere bare footed wishing to have atleast a slipper.

The simpliest thing that you have, others are wishing to have it.

Let's be grateful and be contented for what we have. Being contented does not also mean that you will stop in there, but instead you will continue to do your best to make your life more better. Be happy for them and make them an inspiration to strive more.

Thank you my dear sponsors and to @Bibijani01 for the sponsorship.

Thank you also sis @Jane for the reward in the community engagement writing challenge.

Thank you for reading. See you
again in my next article.

If you want to read more, you can click HERE.

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$ 0.05 from @Jane
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Avatar for JenThoughts
2 years ago


I love your contribution dear. Sincerely, it's normal to compare but we shouldn't let it affect us negatively.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, that should be our mindset.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Amidst the trials, there is always a silver lining... And every negative situation has a positive impact. We just need to look at them from a positive perspective

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis Jane... it will depend on how we look at it but it is best when we look in a positive way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Depende rin kasi sa tao pano nila haharapin yang pag cocompare na iyan. May iba imbes na mas mapush na mapaganda ang buhay, kabaligtaran ang nangyayari. Nawawalan ng gana ee. Maganda sana if pipiliin nya yong napaganda ang buhay but what if no. Sariling family pa talaga ang naunang nang bagsak if ever. Aigooii

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Tama ka dyan sis, kaya sana when experiencing this one, look at the positive side tayo...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Truly, I have asked so much for myself peace and understanding that today I have read pure articles that seem dedicated directly to me. It's good to read this and know that I'm not the one What is going through these moments where you feel that life is already exhausted and that other people are much better off than me?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Upon writing, we don't know who among the readers will benefit on what we write but I am happy that you're one of its beneficiaries. Hopefully it can help you and will guide you to the positive side. You're not alone in a battle like this. Most of us experience it but it will depend on how we react or deal with it. You're unique Mafer, you are strong, you have qualities and abilities that's others don't have. Believe in yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always look to the positive aspect of things when I am comparing myself to other people, I take them as a role model and use that to set a goal for myself, with that I try to work hard so I can become like that person and even be better

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That is the right thinking kush... keep it up and for sure you will be better than yourself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

When people compares us to others depends on the person on how to react about it whether he / she will feel down or he / she will use it as inspiration to change for the better.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis but if possible lets choose the positive way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We need to prioritize first our own family than finding a job. We might be look pity cause we are solely dependent to someone especially if we don't have part time job at home but I think you can earn through this platform

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes Natsu, I am happy that I've learned about this platform. Hopefully bch will we can have some to be converted in our fiat. This is also a big help to housewife and full time mom like me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I hope it will pump cause I've to usemy accumulated BCH. But right I can't convert cause it's so small

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes its value is so small

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Being a full time mom also is the best profession in life its an a achievement for ourselves and di naman natin kailangan e prove sa kanila sis kung ano tayo ngayon kanya_kanya tayo ng rason at actions to take.di kailangan mag explain

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ou nga sis minsan masasaktan lang tayo sa mga sinasabi nila peru di tayo padaig, we know our choices and we know its the best and right choice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really hate comparison, there was no good thing within that for me. I will walk out with people who ever they are, that a bad attitude of mine. Hehe.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sabagay, walk out is good too to avoid anything bad to think about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should try not to compare ourselves with other because the abilities, capacities and the goals we have set are not same for all of us. We all have different circumstances that's the truth we need to accept.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis we are unique and we have different choices in life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is me too, comparison brings the two sides to me. It's either I feel negative or positive. But right I'm running away from comparison because it's making me think weird and negative. I really have a lot to out in order, so when I compare myself, I see myself not trying at all, even though I'm trying to tell myself that I'm trying

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes kacy, as possible we will not compare ourselves to others. If we do make sure to have a positive thought.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Agree with your point of view when we constantly compare ourselves to others, we waste precious energy focusing on other peoples' lives rather than our own. Comparisons often result in resentment. Comparisons deprive us of joy.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for this addition of point. Yes when we keep comparing ourselves to others we will just felt sad.

$ 0.00
2 years ago