Birthday and Boarding house blessings

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1 year ago
Date: August 19, 2022

Life as well as things that we acquired are both a wonderful blessings from above and we should be thankful for.

Last Sunday August 14, I received an invitation from a friend and a churchmate before. She is inviting us to attend the 5th birthday celebration of their son as well as boarding house blessings on August 18, 2022. We are blessed and happy being invited by them because I know this person that she is not comfortable of inviting a lot of people but she is inviting just a few closest friends. This is also a chance that we can visit their place again after almost 2 years of lockdowns.

A day after, my sister in law asked me through a chat if we were invited by that friend. I told her yes we were invited and she told me they are invited too. So, I told her that we will go there together.

Yesterday is the celebration and based on the invitation, the program will start at 3PM. It's already 3PM but still we're in the house, I am waiting for my husband who's out from work is 3PM too plus the time spent for traveling. So he could reach home around 3:15PM.

When he got home, I borrowed his cellphone and call my sister in law where they are only to found out that they are just waiting for my call. She said she won't go there if I won't. So, I told her move fast and we will go because for sure few are just invited.

My son is still sleeping that time so I wake him up so we can go there. We went straight to the venue and found few people there.

The program not yet started because they are still waiting for the Pastor who forgot his appointment. While waiting we took the time for taking some pictures and when the Pastor arrived, the program started.

Part of the program is giving the history of how they acquire a boarding house. The owner told us that when they have a money enough to buy a car, she really want to buy a car for their family. But her husband told her that a car will need a lot of maintenance and it cost them big. The husband suggests to put up some business first so they could have some income and have a source of fund in the future. She agreed with her husband and they decided to put up a boarding house. First they have only one room, it becomes two, becomes three, becomes four and now becomes five. Their goal is 20 rooms and they will be working out for the next 15 rooms soon.

That was a great decision they made because having a boarding house is a big help for them every month. We are so happy for them too.

After giving the history, the Pastor gave a message that reminds all of us that what we have acquired here on earth comes from God. We should not be boastful for having it because we are not the owner but instead its from God. He reminded us that we always praise God for all His blessings and be thankful for everything that we have. He then offer a prayer for the celebrant as well as he blessed every room of the boarding house.

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After the program, a Pastor offered a prayer for the food before we partake it. There's a lot of food being served but I just choose those viand which is free from meat. The Pastor is a vegetarian so they also prepared vegetarian menu. I choose it because aside it is more healthy, I seldom eat it because only few people are vegetarian.

I felt so full last night and kids enjoy it too. Kids were given packed food and it contains spaghetti and fried chicken as what kids love. They also given juice and party bag that contains chocolates and candies.

It was a great time to spend with friends, church mates and even to our Pastor who already forgot my name. Might be because he is old enough to remember my name or might be because we didn't meet for almost two years.

Closing thoughts

If someone invites you, give time for it because you didn't know how they value your time for being there.

Business or source of another income is a good choice too over your wants but still it will depend on someone's priority.

This is just a story telling of what happened yesterday but I am so grateful because you still gave time to visit and read this random article of mine.

Happy friday everyone.

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1 year ago


Absolutely I agree. If we are invited to a place, we should go and collect unforgettable memories. Happy birthday boy

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang cake talaga ang pinakagusto ko sis. Yun talaga ang nakakatawag ng pansin. Sana mainvite din kami ng ganito kaganda na set-up. Pero ngayon hindi pa kasi talaga lahat nasanay sa mga parties ulit, siguro yung iba na may budget talaga. Mahal kasi bilihin ngayon kaya budget muna.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Korek ka sis... first time ko pa nga nakakita na yung tao2 sa cake ay nakakain ehhehe akala ko nagjoke lang peru kinain talaga yung si elsa sa cake hehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow..edible pala lahat kaya sulit talaga pala yung magandang cake na yun.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ang cutiee ng cake ate. Minsan ang sarap sa feeling kapag iniinvite ka kapag may okasyon, parang pinapakita nila at kino-consider that you are special to them and you're part of the party.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ou sis being invited by someone means you are special or part of their life and/or achievement.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

WWow, I am so surprised with that beautiful Elsa and Ana cake that I want to buy one just like it for my birthday. It's good that you are now part of your partner's closest bond, appreciate it a lot!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes that cake is so unique...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's a nice birthday and it's good that you answered the invitation and had fun

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes we have to because being invited mean you are special to them.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow, I am sure you had fun at the party yesterday.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes we really had fun and our stomachs is so full hehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nahaysuuu, maganda napili nila at boarding house. Lalo na mag papasukan or even workers talaga patok yan sa kanila ee. Congrats naman sa kanila. Di kaba nakapag uwi ng lumpia sana na owdng ihagis here ( ꈍᴗꈍ) haha

$ 0.00
1 year ago

heheheh favorite mo ba ang lumpia sis hehehe.. ou may nakatira na nga kaagad sa boarding house nila eh...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I always feel special every time I get invited to a gathering. Ewan ko pero ang sarap lang sa feeling talaga hehe.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Tama sis kasi di lahat ng kakilala mo iinvite ka hehehe...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Kanice sa set up and decor sa bday sis.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ou nga sis, di ko afford ganoon if ever kasi balloons pa lang ibili ko na lang siguro ng pagkain hehehe

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes mahal na mga pamaliton run

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Don't worry ma'am it's all good to express your own thoughts or whatever you want, consider it as your personal Journal.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thanks for that.. thanks for dropping by.

$ 0.00
1 year ago