A plan to kill their brother

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2 years ago
Date: June 21, 2022

Killing is everywhere. We can hear it in the news and we can see it in the social media. The world is getting worst as day passed by. Have you known someone who killed his or her own parents? friends? or even his brothers? It seems so bad, right?

For today's article I will share to you how a brothers nearly killed their younger brother. If you wasn't able to read my previous article about A father who loves one more than the others, you may click the underlined words so you will know the story because today's article is the continuation of that one.

Hi Philippines and hello world. How are you my dear read.cash family? Here I am again to share another story or I mean a continuation of yesterday's story for us to learn another lessons.

If you want to read the story that we will discuss for today, you may open your Bible to Genesis 37:12-36. Yesterday, I was amazed when @CrazyWrites told me that the story of Joseph was also written in Quran and Joseph is a prophet and his story is one of her favorite story that teaches patience and forgiveness. Hello Sissy, can you share with us for the benefit of our Muslim or Islam friends where we can find the story of Joseph in the Quran. Thanks.

A plan to kill their brother

Joseph is the most loved and a favorite son of his father. He had two dreams telling that his parents as well as his older brothers will bow down to him. Being a favorite son plus that dreams let his brothers felt jealousy towards him and hated him for it.

That jealousy, leads to hatred and it push them to plan of killing Joseph their own younger brother.

They wanted to kill him and see if his dreams will come true.

The eldest son hear what his brothers are planning and he doesn't like it and he wanted to save Joseph from it. So, he suggested that instead of killing him, they will just throw him in the dry deep well. In this way, he will be able to save Joseph.

When Joseph came, they removed his long dress and did their plan.

As they were eating, they saw a group of business man bringing their products to Egypt.

Juda, one of Joseph's brother told them that what they can have when they will kill Joseph? He told them that it is better to sell him to the business man.

They agreed with him and sold Joseph with 20 pieces of silver.

Lesson from this story

Imagine how jealousy grow into hatred and hatred into murder. Good thing, Joseph eldest brother save him from being killed by his own brother.

Jealousy seems a usual feeling but when we take care of it, love it, for sure it will lead us to hate someone. Hatred will make our love colder towards someone we supposed to love and we don't know it will later push us to do something bad towards someone.

Let's not embrace jealousy and hatred in our lives because they won't bring any good in our lives.

Let us learn to have patience and cultivate love towards our siblings. Never entertain negative feelings and don't give space for Satan to let us do something according to his plan.

Joseph's eldest brother tells us that within the family there is someone who will continue to love and protect us even most of the siblings hates us and want to do something bad towards us.

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2 years ago


Jealousy is the root of all evils. It can really destroy one's heart that makes other's life miserable just to justify their own dissatisfaction in life. So we should not let jealousy conquer our hearts, it toxifies our own mental and emotional health.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Indeed you're right. Satan fall because of jealousy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually I'm a victim of jealousy of my own people so I know better how it destroy relationship and spoil the image of a jealous person.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh its sad to hear about it. What did you do about it?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

what to do? try to ignore them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thats a good thing to do...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

jealousy has killed mankind, the first people to feel it were born in genesis.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis, even Cain the first born in the Bible felt jealousy toward his brother Abel and killed him.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kapag yung puso ng isang tao puno ng hatred, angry, jealousy yan ang mga tao na madaling makagawa ng karahasan kasi madali lang makapasok sa Satan sa kanila. Kaya sana isa isip natin ang pagiging mapagpakumbaba at alisin ang anumang inggit na namamahagi sa ating loob.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Tama jud sis... Yan ang gustong gusto ni Satan yung may galit ang puso natin kasi easy na lang sya maka dictate to do bad

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, in fact in the small town where I live, there was a case where the son killed his mother and another where a son killed his father and dismembered him in a container. Now your story is very scary especially because it can be something very common since parents almost always have very noticeable preferences

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh how sad to know about it sis. The world is being worst now as a soncan kill his mother and father.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jealousy leads you to be a greedy,kaya mong makapatay ng tao kahit kadugo mo pa natabunan ng inggit at galit ang puso ay nagdudulot ng karahasan sa buhay

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Korek ka dyan sis, di mo na makita at mafeel ang love kasi yung utak mo may virus na ng jealousy at hatred.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The story is a popular one and a great lesson to be learnt from there. Jealousy can destroy a whole nation if not careful and that's why it destroys the whole of their family.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's true, that's why we need to control that kind negative emotion.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The story and his brother is a big lesson for us. It shows that when hatred is allowed into the mind, it has capacity to kill not regarding whether the person is your blood or not.

Even though hatred is somehow not negligible sometimes, we should learn how to control it

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes when hatred attacks, you sometimes didn't consider someone even your own family.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jealousy really happens in a family, especially when the other siblings can feel favoritism. But, it shouldn't be end up with killings and other violence, for people who fear God, we must forgive each other.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes sis, it shouldn't end up like that. May we keep our connection to God so we couldn't think bad towards someone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's really hard to avoid not having any dark thoughts toward others once we felt this jealousy. Hoping that anyone who gone through a hard times on handling their jealousy might overcome their flaws as its also for their own good.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thats right sis, jealousy is sometimes so hard to handle. In fact, Satan fall from heaven to earth because of his jealousy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago