My messy time

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Time, My Story, Life, Children, Motherhood, ...

Hurry up!

Let's not waste time!

What time is it?

It's too late.

Oh nooo!

These are the words I repeat every day. I don't know why I'm in such a hurry or why I'm late but I always feel like I don't have much time. And I'm really late everywhere. I would like people around me to leave me alone for at least one day so that I don't rush anymore and rest because I don't like to rush. I like to do everything slowly. I love harmony, balance, and above all peace, which sometimes makes me unhappy because it is not always achievable. There is no rush in my nature but life makes me a rush.

Since I sometimes don't understand why I'm in a hurry, I thought about it and concluded that I'm in a hurry because I want to finish everything so I can rest. This is wrong because we can never finish everything. I knew many people who behaved like me and hurried to finish everything to finally rest, and when they finished everything, they unfortunately died.

This means that we should relax and not try to do everything that society and family impose on us every day. And not just society and family. Usually, we are the ones who impose more obligations on ourselves than is realistically achievable, so we are frustrated when we fail to achieve what we thought we could. That is my case. That is why my time is messy and chaotic.

I am currently still on maternity leave so I can better manage my time which makes me happy. When I work, I don't know where I am. Time swallows me. I have two more months of maternity leave from now on and then I go back to the whirlpool that swallows my time. ๐Ÿ˜Š

If you would like to read what my messy time looks like and what I do, stay with me.


I donโ€™t get out of bed until I hear alarm voices. Those are the voices of my children. When I work, then I wake up with a phone alarm clock. It's hard for me to decide which one is worse but I think the alarm of children's voices is better because it's not always at the same time and sometimes I can get bingo and another hour of sleep longer if I'm lucky. ๐Ÿ˜Š

I always found it hard to wake up in the morning. As soon as I open my eyes I look at and to wake up and it helps me a lot. It lasts a very short time and then I become a machine for preparing food, taking care of children, and doing household chores. Luckily, I have a lot of real automated machines in the apartment that are my best friends, and that shorten my time. Thanks to them, I can do my blogging every time I grab a free moment. Usually, during the day I write in the phone notes everything that comes to my mind to use later for a daily article.


Almost every day, my children have activities that require going out. We also spend a lot of time with my mother and I am happy about that. I live in a big city and every move takes a lot of time. When I work, I spend all day at work and I can't dedicate as much time to my children as I would like because there is very little free time left for everything I would like to do for myself and my family and what I do now on maternity leave. During children's activities, I usually try to do something for myself along the way. I love shopping, I enjoy it. I also use every walk or trip as inspiration for blogging. But everything I do for myself, I do along the way. I guess that's how it has to be when the kids are small.


In the evening, the action heats up. Preparing dinner, bathing children, showering, putting children to sleep. This sounds simple but itโ€™s not really because it takes energy. It's good that I'm not doing all this alone, but with my husband, it's easier.

When I work, I can barely do all these activities in the evening because I am very tired and I just want to sleep. But since I have children, I can never sleep when I want to, so I got used to it. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Finally, when children fall asleep, I have little time for myself and then I listen to music and write or watch TV series and write but always write something or read your articles. I love these moments.

I will sound like a bad mother but I live for the evening moments when I can dedicate myself at least for a while because soon during the night I often have to wake up again because of the baby.

As you can see my time is dedicated to my kids but I donโ€™t complain. I am happy to have two more months until my return to work to manage my time as I wish with them.

Thank you dear @Lucifer01 for inviting me and motivating me to write about my time. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thank you very much for reading.

The article and the photo are original and mine.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Time, My Story, Life, Children, Motherhood, ...


They always say that once you have children, your time is no longer yours, I haven't tried motherhood yet, but I can see how my mother spends all her time caring for us, time and attention is the most precious thing you can give to your children, but I think that despite the many responsibilities and pressures of work, you can allocate some time For yourself, because you deserve and need the energy to do your work with passion

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Motherhood is beautiful. There is a kind of Joy that you derive from spending your time for your kids or with them. Most mothers are busy with one thing or the other. Well done my friend. God bless you and your family

$ 0.01
2 years ago

ahahah, you're always in a rush. You are not alone, I am too. Oh no you are not a bad mother. have a nice day honey

$ 0.01
2 years ago

When I had my little son I lived with a lot of stress because the day owed me hours. I never had enough hours. That kills your life. Thank God I learned to live without hours and do things when I have to do them and not when I want to do them. Amiga I hope you also get your peace of mind.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Good to know about your time management dear. Stay blessed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes no time these days!!!

$ 0.01
2 years ago