Gossip is debatable phenomenon. I haven't ever thought about gossip effects until today, when my neighbour started to gossip about one of our neighbors, who is infected with a Covid virus. I usually avoid listening to him, because I am not always in the mood to listen to gossip, but today I listened. He didn't speak well about that neighbor. He told me that our neighbor is a selfish person, because he is infected, but he doesn't want to stay at home. He takes his child outside and he is sitting in the park with other parents. He doesn't care if he will infect others.
When it comes to gossip, one never knows what is true and what is not, but after this gossip, I didn't remain indifferent. I stopped going to that park to avoid the risk of infection. This gossip influenced my behavior, probably in a positive way.
In this case, gossip could have a positive effect, even if the first impression is that gossip always has a negative connotation. Explained in the simplest way, gossip is any talk about someone who isn't present. If we talk about that person with intention to show that person in a bad light, that will mean that gossip has certainly a negative effects.
I am sure that each of you has a great experience with gossip at work. Gossip between colleagues is so usual, that it can be considered as normal. If you are a manager, you will use gossip in positive way. You can hear some opinions about someone or about you, which could help you to improve yourself in current position, but only if you use information in smart way. But if you are not manager or if you don't know to use information in positive way, you may have a potential problem with gossip.
In my opinion, as much as it has negative effects, gossip has also many positive effects. Gossip connects people. People gossip a lot every day, every moment, with good or bad intentions. When we hear gossip about ourselves, it could change our behavior even if the gossip is true or not.
I would like to hear your opinion. Does gossip have more positive or negative effects?
Thank you very much for reading.
Article and photo are original and mine.
Best regards to all readers and writers.
Gossip is everywhere, and people have that personality. Just we should take care every words tbat we speak.