An embarrassing revelation of my lie

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Written by
2 years ago

Do you lie sometimes? Just a little? 😊

Always telling the truth is a difficult challenge. I’m an honest person and I don’t like to lie but sometimes it just happens spontaneously. When it comes to my lying, these are small innocent white lies that I am not even aware of when I say them, but they help me in some situations. For example, when my husband asks me how much I paid for the dress, I will always reduce the price a bit although I have no reason, I spend my money, but it sounds better when the price is lower. 😊 Or when my mom asks me if I'm okay and I have a headache I will tell her I'm fine so she doesn't have to worry.

When it comes to real lies, I never lie. I would rather accept and tell the worst truth than tell the best lie. But a lie is a lie. Whether it is white and innocent or real. The fact that we did not tell the truth will be the same in both cases.

A week ago, my son had an appointment for treatment with a speech therapist. I was pretty tired that day and decided to cancel the treatment and postpone it for another day. When the speech therapist asked me what the reason was, I said that my son had a cold and that we would come in a week when he recovered and that day was yesterday. He didn't have a cold. It was my lie because I couldn’t say we weren’t coming because I was tired or lazy. What kind of mother would I be then... 😊 That doesn't fit into the framework of the perfect mother that society supports, who is always dedicated to her child, doesn't know what fatigue is, and usually acts like a superman. A lie was the easiest solution.

When we arrived, the speech therapist immediately asked my son:

"How are you? Are you okay now?"

My son said he was fine.

At that moment, I hoped that she would not ask him anything else because then she would reveal my lie. Do you know a feeling of trembling in the stomach mixed with fear when you expect some negative outcome? That is exactly how I felt.

And then the speech therapist asked my son if he had a sore throat while he had a cold. It was the scenario that I was afraid of.

My son then said:

"I had a cold? Well, I didn't have a cold."

The speech therapist looked at me asking for an explanation. The heart beats and the face turns red. The feeling when someone discovers that you have lied is one of the most unpleasant situations that can happen to you. I tried to get out of all this by making my lie even deeper. You know how it goes, one lie creates another, then another, then another...

I turned to my son and said:

"How come you didn't have a cold? Of course, you did, you just forgot."

My son then said:

"Mom, did you dream that? What's going on with you?"

Then I said to the speech therapist:

"He had a cold, but since he often has a cold, he can no longer tell when he is healthy and when he is not."

The story ended there and they started the treatment. At that moment, I decided that I would be careful in the future and that I would not lie anymore, because white lies can make you red. 😊

What happened here? A series of negative actions due to one white lie.

  • A mother who lies.

  • A son who listens to his mother who lies and wonders what is wrong. They taught him not to lie.

  • Loss of confidence. The speech therapist will never believe me again.

  • Convincing a son that the lie is true.

  • Red face and discomfort in the body.

  • Embarrassing feeling.

I think these reasons and my experience are enough for you to never lie even when it comes to innocent white lies. They, just like serious lies, will make us feel uncomfortable and bring several inconveniences. Trust is built for a long time, but one day is enough to collapse, and when it collapses, it collapses forever. Be careful.

Thank you very much for reading.

The article is original and mine. The lead image is from

Have a nice weekend!

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Written by
2 years ago


Haha kids will expose you don't lie infront of them unnecessary. And the lie was a kind of red lie as with the situation it may have made your face red, lol.

$ 0.51
2 years ago

Haha yes this was a real red lie. The speech therapist will never believe me again.

$ 0.50
2 years ago

What about the kids haha?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't like lies because later you always suffer misunderstanding or as you said, less confidence, or it can create other new problems. I prefer to say the truth we all feel better, I think, I'm trying to be as honest as possible but sometimes it's difficult, in some particular situations or due to the hypocrisy of people. And well, there are different kind of lies, some are inoffensive but other can hurt after some time, and truth will be revealed.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The truth is always revealed in the end, so it is pointless to lie. A lie does not bring anything good even though it currently seems like a good solution.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I lie like you dear Jelie and I know the feeling when the truth is revealed lol. Just the other day, I picked a guava straight from the tree and gave it to my daughter without washing it. I am used to doing it, I believe that fruits directly harvested from the trees are "clean"..As per my experience, I was never sick when I did it so why can't my child experience the same? My mother-inlaw asked if it was washed and I said yes lol. My bad.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahaha! I'm like your mother-in-law again. 🤣🤣🤣 My husband doesn't wash fruit when he picks it from the tree, not even when he buys it in the open market, but I'm angry because we don't live in a healthy environment, there's a lot of dust and everything ... From the tree ok, I agree, but fruit from the market must be washed. 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, it's different when the fruit is from the market because they have been touched by someone else. Hehee I do bet you are gonna be a strict mother-in-law

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's ok. We all feel it that way. Understandable reason dear.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I don't think I will ever do that again. It was very embarrassing. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That final lie you made up had me laughing for minutes... hahaha.. He has a cold often so he can no longer tell the difference.. You re such a liar Jelena.. 😂🤣

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hahaha I'm the worst liar ever 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha that's a funny story. I have never really believed that little white lies aren't lies as some people do. Lies are lies whatever the magnitude. It's fine tho. Let's all be careful in the future.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha yes, we have to be careful because we don't need such unpleasant situations. You're right, a lie is a lie. People have invented the term "white lie" to make it easier for them to lie. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think we all tell lies, and sometimes think them harmful, but it is not a practice to foster. Sometimes our "harmless" lies can have serious consequences, so we must always strive to practice being truthful.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Truth is always the best solution. There are no harmless lies because every lie can have negative consequences.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We tend to lie in this life. It I hope this won't make us constant and turn into habits

$ 0.01
2 years ago

The worst is when lying becomes a habit. Then it can seriously endanger us. Although we naturally tend to lie, we should refrain from doing so.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we should cause when we LL ie small things and it's constant someday somehow we will learn to do big lies as well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always say that there is no color for lying .. A lie is a lie, but in some situations we have to disguise the facts lol, we may survive that or become a red color like what happened with you my dear 🤭

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I didn't really know if my face was red, but I felt it burning.🤣 It was like I was on fire. Or in hell 🤣 I agree, a lie is a lie.

$ 0.00
2 years ago