A child's improvements is worth watching
February 8, 2022
We all knew that children are explorers in their own world. I mean they were so curious on different things. They are trying to explore on what they seen and what's new to them. We are also aware that from time to time our kids were improving and that is along with their explorations on different things.
As a mother, I am very much happy everytime I'm able to see my son exploring on things and when he tried to analyzed on how he should do to get something he wanted. For example, when his toy were thrown under the sofa and he can't reach it using his bare hands then he will get the broom and used it to get the toy instead of his hands then he can successfully get his toy.
Something like that my son does really made me felt happy and as a mother we all witnessed their improvements and how they explored on things more especially if we are a full time mom.
Now, I am going to share how my son improves and how he tried to explore new things and start learning from it.
First and foremost, a child learns physically like they start to crawl, to lie down, to stand then to walk. But for my son, he start first to learn standing then followed by crawling.
I also observed that everytime my son learned something new he would always do it many times. Just like when he knew how to lie down and crawl then he always did it everytime I put him in bed.
My son knows well on how to stand on his own when he was I guess 7 months old because I already put him in his walker at that time.
Before he knew how sit on his own, my son first knew how to walk guided by his walker. His been with a walker for 3 months starting from 7-month old until 11 months old because after that he already knew how to walk without a walker. When he reached 1-year old my son already knew well how to walk on his own. He was even good at running already at 1-year old.
One thing is that, my son wasn't afraid on trying new things. Maybe that was the reason why he easily knew how to walk well on his own. Because as me as mother, I also allow him to learnt it on his own. I don't even helped my son to get up once he stumbled down and he will get up on his own.
Because children were also a good or best imitator, when we are in our garden before putting some bamboo stick around the plant my son also were helping by imitating on what I and his father doing. He was also putting the bamboo stick around the plant. That's actually part of their exploration as toddler.
Speaking of exploration, I as parent I and my partner bought our son toys but because of my son's curiosity he all ruined his toys. He broke all the tires of his toy cars. Now, his toys looks like a junk toys because most of it were already damaged or ruined.
As you can see, that was his toys and all broke or ruined by our son. Maybe he was curious of what's inside his toy that's why he tried to broke them. Lol
Therefore, I bought again a new toys for him.
Aside from the vehicle truck, I also ordered on shopee an educational toy for him. The wooden letters and puzzles. That educational toys was delivered today and when my son saw the letters and puzzles he was so happy and he immediately played with it.
He was trying to put all the letters in it's tile. One thing is that, my son already recognizes letters and knew how to pronounced the letter sounds.
Puzzle is what my son liked on playing because when he saw the puzzle he left aside the letters and he played the puzzle and trying to complete it. Good thing the puzzle is a cow since he also recognized a cow even it's sound as well. While I'm writing this my son now is still playing with his cow puzzle and what I am amazed of is that he tried memorizing on were to out the pieces for the cow puzzle to be completed.
"A child's improvements are worth watching."
It is really worth watching. Everytime my son learns new things I felt so glad and happy because he is trying to learn.
Now, he's 2-year old and 1 month and I am amazed that my son were already into puzzles because I knew puzzles really helped on how we analyzed on things. Strategies are there as well.
This is also one way for us as parent to minimized the usage of gadgets into our son.
How about to all mothers out here? Are you also excited to see new improvements and learnings your kids does?
"For my sponsors and those who upvoted my articles. I would like to say my deepest gratitude and happiness for you all since you always keep me inspired and motivated. Thank you so much. More blessings to all of us here. Love you all :) - @Janz
Even I'm not a parent I still find this legit because that's how I feel when I see my baby cousin started to learn something step by step while she is growing and it is really worthy to watch.