Hi everyone! Are you watching this? Yeh this one! Absolutely this...in front of your eyes...is my worst enemy...π£πThis yellow wasp..!!!
Yesterday I was sitting in my garden to have some time with my plants in beautiful weather. The cool breeze was blowing, and I was enjoying the weather. Suddenly this cruel worm sat on my arm, and bit me so hard. I was in pain and screamed. But before I could do anything, it flew away...π€¨
Although a little swollen, but I applied lemon to my arm, and it is much better now. Have you ever been bitten by this cruel worm? It hunts a lot of people, especially in summer. I instruct you to avoid its attack as much as possible. From now on, I have made a vow in my heart that wherever I see it, I will kill it immediately....Lol, just Kidding.
But, sometimes I wonder how beautifully Almighty has created even the insects whom we do not pay any attention, and consider them harmful for us. Allah didn't create anything in vain, and they must hold some benefits for us, so we should always praise such little creatures.
Few days ago, when I was in my vegetable garden, I saw this insect sitting on the plant of ladyfingers. They were sitting comfortably on the flowers of this plant, maybe it is source of food for them. I immediately captured it in my camera to share with you all.
I always get amazed to see, the way honey bees collect nectar from different flowers, and transfer it to the other bees in hive, where it is stored for winter season when there's a shortage of flowers, so they could use it for food. Honey is really beneficial for heart cure and also prevents cancer. Moreover, it is perfect for sore throat. My mother often grind pepper corn and mix it with honey and gives us for sore throat. Its also good for applying on skin. We can also take it daily, but only a half or a one teaspoon is enough specially during winter season.
Every creature is unique in its own way, if we talk about birds, they also holds some kind of specialty which attract us towards them. Often I get amazed to see them obeying discipline, although they haven't a kind of brain that human beings possess, but still sometimes they act in a way that we are bewildered to see their movements.
Once I captured this photograph, when little birds were flying in a row. There was no one who had asked them to do so, but still they were disciplined more than humans. I tried to capture the photograph, but they were a little far, so I couldn't capture clearly, but still you can see them in queue.
Birds are the most Innocent creature of the Almighty and free from any kind of malice. They stay busy in rejoicing in the heights of sky, and never think bad about others. We should also learn to follow the discipline by these little creatures, and should take care of them by offering something to eat like grains. I daily put some grains and water on the roof to serve them.
Although this world is cruel, as sometimes we pass through a lot of mishaps and incidents that we began to believing that this world is heartless, but suddenly we come through a thing that we realize that there are still good-hearted people exist in this world. Once I saw a dog, who was deprived of two legs, but someone geniusly has given him again a hope to walk on his own legs by providing him artificial legs. The reward of such people lives in Almighty's hand. We need to take care of not only our fellow beings, but also these helpless animals.
In short, every little creature of this universe is distinctive from other creatures, and unique on their own.
Thanks for reading.
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Insects from Bees to Birds each and every thing make us think about the creator who produced tasty Honey from a Bee and how he created the birds that fly in the air that always amazed human beings and inspired us to fly in the air like them. Beautifully compiled