Good health is a blessing

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Avatar for Itsfarah
1 year ago
Topics: Health, Wealth, Body, Blessed

Hi everyone! What's going on? I was inactive for three days, due to my illness. As I shared in the short post about the sore throat and high temperature I was having, so I was unable to write anything. My temperature was at 103 F (39.4 C). Past two days were tough for me, as I was not able to stand due to the weakness. Even I visited the doctor and applied home remedies, but still it took three days to get back in my health. Although I not properly well, but at least better than the previous three days.

During my illness I realised the importance of good health. Someone has said rightly,health is wealth, and importance of it can only be known by those who are perfectly well. No matter how much money we have, how much facilities we are enjoying, but if we are deprive of good health, everything seems us useless. Last three days, I was completely on my bed, and even I hardly checked my phone. My friends were keep messaging me, but I couldn't reply to anyone. All I wanted to feel better to walk and eat accordingly, but weakness was not allowing me to do anything.

Every day we complain to Almighty Allah for the things we are unable to achieve, we mourn for unfulfilled desires, but never pay heed to the good health we are enjoying. Our every body part, even a single breath we take is the greatest blessing of Almighty. Isn't that enough? Look at those who are disable, or suffering from any serious disease, how difficult life they are living. Their morning begins, and night ends with medicines, but still they are more thankful than us.

So many are living out of their homes, so many are not with their families, so many are unemployed, so many are disappointed, so many are under sstress. On the other hand, we are living peacefully in our homes with our families, enjoying sound and healthy body, but still we always complain for the unfulfilled desires. What kind of life we want? When we would be satisfied with what we already have in our life? When our habit of complain would be change in being grateful?

I saw a video on the TikTok where a man was deprived of one leg. He was explaining the incident which changed his life. Actually he met with the severe accident in which he lost his right leg. He even shared his previous videos in which he was perfectly alright, but now he lost his leg. How difficult it would be for him, but still he was hopeful, and was satisfied with his current situation. I was teary to see him, but I admire his positive attitude.

Seriously, such kind of people truly deserve to be appreciated, who inspite of losing their body parts are still grateful for their plight. But what about us? Who are enjoying the good health. Shouldn't we be grateful for all the blessings we are enjoying? Definitely we should!! It's not difficult, just start your day to pay gratitude to your maker, and try to look positive in everything.

Anyway that's all for today. Now let me publish it, before it gets too late.

Thanks for reading.

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Avatar for Itsfarah
1 year ago
Topics: Health, Wealth, Body, Blessed


Indeed, health is wealth, because it's expensive to get sick hahah! I hope you're okay now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Health is wealth and we should take care of our health because it's important. What is the use of working to earn and depriving yourself of good health, and at the end of the day, you spend the money on drugs?

Let's focus more on ourselves. Hope you are much better today? Sorry about that!

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Right dear, we should learn to live a healthy life.Yes I am good now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hope you are feeling good now Dear.

Make sure to take a lot of rest and visit a doctor till you completely recovered.

Indeed, health is one of the biggest blessings in our life. Without a healthy mind and healthy body, we can't do anything. A fresh and active mind will help us to feel better and more positive.

Wish you a speedy recovery ahead. Take care.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Thank you so much for this. I am recovering and hope to be more good in coming days.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Our health is really important. Good health is not only in physical but also emotional, mental, spiritual. All must be in balance. Get well soon and take care of your health and follow the right medication.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You are right peaceful mind is also needed to enjoy the pleasure of life

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes Health is very much taken for granted. Sometimes we need to be reminded of it to see it. If people who are less fortunate can show thier worth we have no excuses. Hope you feel better soon and get back to your normal self.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You said right, thank you for your asking. I am much better now.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It's so depressing to learn you were sick, I am sure you are better right now. What did you think was the problem? Good health is underrated sometimes until we are sick and then we could appreciate it.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Actually it was due to the weather changing. But I am feeling better now. Thank you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago