What is the Difference Between Gossip and Rumor?
Definitions of Gossip and Rumor:
Gossip: Gossip involves a juicy detail of some sort,which mean the information is shocking or personal.
Rumor: Rumors are piece of information or a story that has not been verified.
Characteristics of Gossip and Rumor:
Type of information:
Gossip: Gossip usually involves information of the personal lives of people.
Rumor: Rumor involves all types of information ranging from the individual to politics, economy, or even current affairs.
Gossip: The individual has no specific motive, but merely gossips.
Rumor: The individual has a clear motive to harm another.
Nature of information:
Gossip: The information is general.
Rumor: The information is very precise
I think it is foolish to listen to rumors. Good job dear💓💓