I Already Got My Grade Card!!!

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Written by
2 years ago

Good day everyone !!! How are you guys? Are you happy today? Because me I'm happy today hehehehe....

I hope your day is beautiful like me, charot hahahaha I hope your day is a wonderful day.

Today is Wednesday and that means we're just a homeroom, we don't have an online class on any subject but we just have an Online Kamustahan but it doesn't always go on WHAHAHAHA.......

But today it went on, it's just sad that we were the only two to attend the Online Kamustahan hayst .....

Our Online Kamustahan includes giving us our grade card....Our adviser handed us our card via messenger and of course I'm happy to see my grades hehehehe, I feel butterflies in my stomach right now because of my grades hehehehe ......

My average is 94.75 or if I round off 95 hehehe.......

Worth It My Stress HAHAHAHA!

Worth it my headache in answering my modules and activities hahahaha ..... I didn't expect my grade in TLE and Math, because what I expect in all subjects is that I can still get the same as in the 1st quarter or He'll just go up a little like that .... But gosh 98 seriously, that's too much for me...... Even if it's not the first time I got 98 grade, I still feel like it's my first time got it.

I remember when I was in grade 8 from the first quarter to the 4th quarter I'm with honors but huhuhu I didn't even receive a certificate, that's what mama was complaining about. Until now there's still nothing huhuhuhu, even if it's not a medal anymore, it's just a certificate because I want to somehow see my achievement, right?, But still they didn't give anything..... Hahahaha I'm dramatic again.....

My grade 8 Card

I Happy Today (≧▽≦).....

Who wouldn't be happy if I see grades like this, My only wish to God is that I can just pass the school year, I'm ok with the line of 8 grades but what I got is line of 9 grades ..... Well, maybe I'm diligent in my studies so my grades are high, right? Whahahaha .....

I Want To Say Thank You!

First of all thank to be God who gives me the knowledge and diligence to continue studying even if sometimes I want to give up studying because I do too much and my brain often floats, but God still gives me the courage to fight.....

Thank you to my Aunt who loaded me so I can attend my online class. She is also one of the reasons why I work hard to study because I don't want to end up with nothing when she spends money on me to load me just so I can take an online class.

Thank you to my Grandmother for allowing me to study here at her house because I mentioned before in my noise.cash account that our house used to be small so it's hard to focus and study because I don't have a place to sit. So I study here because often no one is here because both Grandma and Aunt go to work. Thanks to her, I don't have to go home to eat because she cooks me my food for lunch before she goes to work.

Thank you to my parents who have always supported me. Thanks to them because they don't put pressure on me in my studies. Even if they can't teach me how to study, it's okay because I can do that but I used to be jealous of other children who were taught by their parents to study, but now it's okay with me..... Thanks to them because they always make me smile, that way I forget my problems at school......

Thank you to my teachers because even though it is difficult to teach in an online class, they are still trying to teach us. Even though sometimes I feel sorry for my teachers because sometimes I am the only one who attends the online class, they make an effort to teach us but no one wants to attend the Online Class, it's just sad......

But I Think It's Not Worth The Grade Given To Me In Mapeh

Of all the subject teachers, I only have a problem with the Mapeh teacher, because I don't like his way of teaching because he doesn't take online classes and he only sends videos of the lesson from YouTube. 3rd quarter na I only saw my Mapeh teacher once in an online class and then he didn't take an online class anymore....

So I said it wasn't worth my grade to him because I didn't learn anything because he didn't take an online class and I will also admit that I have activities that were not answered because I am confused about the activities......

I Deserve A Reward WHAHAHA

Ehem ehem Alegria Boys Series Book Set Cutieeee !!!

Hahahaha, I've been saving money for a long time but I still can't buy it because my priority is to gave my parents money than to buy my wants.

But I really want to have Alegria Boys Series Book Set !!!

Deserve ko toh pera na lang kulang WHAHAHAHA........

So that's what makes me so happy today that I hope my overthinkings won't break it...

This 3rd quarter I expect that my grade can go down, especially in TLE and Math because 98 It's hard to maintain that 98. I just enjoy this school year, I don't really care what my grades are. I just want learned something and I passed even though I only had line of 8, I'm fine with that......

Again Thank To Be God!!!

Thank You For Reading and Don't Forget That



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Written by
2 years ago
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Congratulations!! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wonderful result herzy. that is a marvelous report card.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you po!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Below 75 is failed? Oh my god, is it really that hard? I used to get 75% marks in our university and it's quite high as perspective of our educational sysyem

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, to our school 75 below is failed..... In our school, it's not good to have a line of 7 on the card.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow ang laki ng mga grades. Congrats Herzy. Keep it up! Yung sa Alegria Boy's Series, ilang books yan lahat?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you po! 3 books po Yung Alegria Boys Series

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're welcome...Yung sa Php1279 na babayaran, isang set yan with 3 books?

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago