My March earnings, thank you everyone!
Hello! Hope everyone is doing well on April Fool's Day. Are you planning to prank everyone? Are you going to announce that you are pregnant? It is actually the most common prank during April Fool's lols. I used to do it and because I am a silent type of person, most of my friends believed me. And then the joke was on me, I became pregnant, for real.
I did think of making a prank but I might manifest it discarded the idea. And I came up with a "Thank you" article for today.
My total earnings from March 2, 2022, to March 31, 2022, are $25.04
I apologize if I cannot show you the breakdown as to which article earned the most and the least because I am in a hurry but please do know that I appreciate all the upvotes and tips that you gave me. I actually did not expect that I will reach 25 dollars because I only withdrew 12.50. This means that half of my earnings were spent on tips.
Based on this experience I learned that:
I should spend my tips wisely, not that everyone does not deserve to be tipped. I need to budget them because I am not earning that much. There came a time that I have 0 in my balance because I gave it all away. Forgive me, I am a mother and I should save some for my personal expenses.
I can still support the community by reading the articles and commenting on them if I cannot tip anymore and I believe that you'd understand. It's a symbiosis kind of relationship that we are trying to build here, but I know you'd be okay with not receiving tips from me all the time.
I must evaluate which types of articles are helpful and with value based on RR's visit and make that my reference to create better articles. I wanna try to understand the algorithm but I don't wanna stress myself a lot.
Thank you!
I just wanna say "Thank you" very much to my beautiful sponsors and sisters at heart! Girl power, yeah!
I am happy that you stayed with me despite what happened to my old account. I gained new friends here and I am happy that I am still connected with my old friends. You are the reason why I don't wanna leave this platform.
Dear cousin or sibling, whatever, Luci @Lucifer01 thank you for staying with me and for pushing me. I can't imagine what could have happened to me if not for your support.
To sir @Unity who was the very first to "onboard" HermaniGinger, thank you. Do know that I look up to you.
To community and the developers and the contributors- who am I to be supported by you? But still, you accepted me here and you gave me a spot to prove to myself that I deserve to earn some BCH. It really was a life-changing experience to discover this amazing platform along with the kind and beautiful souls that make this site alive. Bless you, for your generous hearts. And I hope this project will last forever.
(I am sorry if I cannot make this post longer because my arm is already complaining.)
If I forgot to thank someone- please do not be offended. Do know that I am thankful and grateful that we are on the same platform. And that the relationship that we have is beyond this virtual world. If I am your friend, I can be your friend for life.
Being in always inspires me, makes me smile, makes me happy. The stories, articles, and columns that I've read pushed me to become better. I have learned, unlearned, and relearned. If ever I am gonna have a job sooner or later, I will still stay here and share my experiences with you guys. I am also going to reach out personally if I have to just to keep the communication going.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
P.S. And I am sorry for missing a lot of your articles, I have been so busy and I cannot keep up because it's so hot in the Philippines lol.
All content is mine. The lead image was from
I love reading your articles. You are very interesting and positive and you deserve much more! Don't tip my articles if you don't have enough resources because I will appreciate you anyway. 😊 I will read because I like your way of writing. 😊 I wish us a lot of bch and success!😘