Fruit of the spirit

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2 years ago

Happy Sunday to you readers, today is the first Sunday in the month of April, let me take this time to wish you happy new month once again.

We all know what is called fruits. There are lot of fruits in the this world. We all have our own specific fruit that we like the most. As for me, I have more interest in oranges and pineapples.

Speaking of Fruit of the Spirit, we aren't talking about the fruits we eat. The bible in Galatians 5: 22-23 said this;

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law"

I would be talking about the first four fruit of the spirit in this article while the rest will be saved for next week.

✓ Love, ✓ Joy, ✓ Peace, ✓ Long-suffering.

★ Love

Love is the most important thing in the world. If you have love in your life, then all things will be easy, no matter what your troubles are.

Love is a great teacher, and if you fall, love will lift you up. Your smile can be your only shield, and your pain can be an inspiration to others. Love means that everyone's kindness and everyone's heart has a place.

Love is to respect each other, to support each other, and to share each other's happiness and pain.

Love is a very important part of our life. We can not live without loving and loving us. We need to love each other because it's the best thing we have in our lives.

That is why it is part of the 10 commandments that we should love our neighbors as ourselves.

★ Joy

Joy is the only emotion that is given to us without any reason whatsoever. We experience it from within. We don’t make it. It’s a gift that we are born with, an inheritance more valuable than wealth and fame.

Joy is the strength that helps us experience and appreciate beauty. Joy is the heartthrob that makes us feel truly alive. Joy gives meaning to our lives. Joy is a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Joy is a feeling of wholeness, completeness, and inner peace. This feeling is indescribable; words simply can’t do it justice.

The Bible says in Psalms 33:1, "Rejoice in the presence of the Lord, oh you righteous ones; praise befits the upright". In other words, don’t just feel joy; let it flow out of you, to those around you and let them experience it too.

★ Peace

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul.

A world of peace must be built upon the unhampered growth of all its peoples in every part of the earth. So that all men may reach their fullest stature and become the best they were created to be, there must be a lifting of the crushing burden of poverty.

Let us all be magnanimous, to put an end to the conflict in the world; to work for an abundance which will benefit all mankind and make peace reign.

Long suffering

According to the dictionary, long-suffering is Long, patient endurance of insult, abuse or mistreatment. Which simply means being able to endure any circumstances.

Long-suffering is described in two ways: (1) as a fruit of the Spirit or

(2) as evidence of the presence of grace.

Long-suffering is the attitude of someone who endures with patience and meekness. It is the attitude of one who accepts suffering as a means to an end and who knows that God works all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

Long-suffering is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength. It is patience that makes us tolerant of others' faults and slow to anger in a sinful world. And it is the source of joy.

When referring to the fruit of the Spirit, long-suffering is paired with love. Without love, patience becomes apathetic and without patience, love becomes emotional and ill-motivated.

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Thanks to @foryoubtc09 for the sponsorship. Thanks for showing love.

In conclusion

Let us be Joyful in whatever we do and bring peace to those around us.

Choose to love,

Choose to make peace,

Choose to be joyful,

Choose to endure,

Love yourself and others,

Love everyone just the same.

Love despite differences.

Love within your family and friends.

Love your country and community.

Love yourself and others without any expectations.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️

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Written by
2 years ago


Love, peace to all of our hearts

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ooh!🥺 If humanity can all portray these fruits of the spirit in them. The world would have been a better place 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All of the three can be done if we have love in thoughts, actions and words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totally agree with this 💯 Love is the center of everything without it we're not here in this world. That would be one of the most precious gift we ever received from God ❤️ I'm glad to read your article for the first time and to meet you here. Fruit of the spirit is marvelous and wonderful to live life happily.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I wonder how it feels to have unity and peace between mankind, love gives us joy and peace only if people knows how to be content and only if people know how to have unity. I look forward to your next article :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I wonder how will the world look like if everyone loves each other

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope love will be center in everyone's heart ❤

$ 0.02
User's avatar EJ
2 years ago

I don’t even know orange has this effect but it’s my best fruit. I think it the most common fruit in Africa. Thanks for letting me know that they are fruits of joy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago