Beauty- Are you a lab rat?

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3 years ago

I was the most sort after lady in town. Every man’s dream girl. I enjoyed the attention and hype, I savour the ovations and wished things will remain this way forever. I was walking down the street on my usual walk when I heard them talking about me. It wasn’t my intention to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help it. Who wouldn’t want to listen to people praising her?. No one i

Then I heard one say ‘ She would have been more beautiful if she was lighter’ I felt bad and Sad. "So I am not beautiful enough" I said to myself. I decided to tone my skin a little. I spent my money and time looking for the best creams and soaps that walked with my skin. Finally, the changes were showing. I glow like the morning star. I then decided to go on another walk.

The praises were flowing again and people talked about my glowing skin. I felt fulfilled and happy, since it seems everyone is now in agreement that I am beautiful. Heading back home, I saw some people looking at me with disdain. "She was more beautiful when she was darker, her skin now looks artificial". Just like that, my happy mood turned sour. I got back home and pack all the expensive creams and soaps. Off to the trash bin, they went.

While pouring it away, my neighbour saw me. She came out and asked me what was happening. I narrated everything to her and she smiles. ‘Your skin is okay. It’s only the hair that needs some trimming. It’s too long ‘. I was happy someone appreciated my beauty again and quickly went in to do as she instructed.

Early the next day, I took a walk around town. I was basking in the compliments and praises being thrown my way. Satisfaction, joy and gladness were my new friends. I never knew this will be short-lived. "I like her hair longer. It was better when it got to her shoulder .she looked like an angel back then". The sadness I thought I’ve said goodbye to, came running back. It clouded my day and it showed in my behaviour.

I saw a classmate who is also one of my numerous admirers and he asked for the reason why I was sad. I gave him the reason and he smiled and said: "you are beautiful already. You only need to change your dressing style to fit your new skin and hair". I stood rooted to a spot, confused and surprised. I thought my dress style was good enough. People talked about it and I received constant praises everywhere I stepped into but here I am being told my style needs to change.

I had a wardrobe make-over done. I changed every single wear and burnt the previous. I felt proud of myself. My purse was weeping from the constant expenses but since it was for a good course, I feel no guilt or regret, I needed to hear people say that I’m beautiful, so I went on yet another walk. This has to be the best day of my life because the stares and whispers were much. Just when I thought the day was over I heard a lady say "She looks like a prostitute with her bleached skin, short hair and skimpy wears"

I was humiliated and I felt horrible. Walking home, I saw those that said I would look better if I wasn't dark

"Look at her rainbow coloured skin. It would have been better if she remained black" They said with laughter.

With hot tears falling from my eyes I ran. Ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I decided to go to my neighbour's house to seek comfort and advice. But getting to her door I heard her say to her friend

"My neighbour's hair is too short. She looks like an ugly man with double coloured skin" That was "me" she was describing.

I couldn't believe my ears. She advised me to cut the hair, why is she mocking me now?. If everyone rejects me, I'm very sure my classmate and admirer won't do that. So I went over to his place. I could do with a little word of encouragement right now.

Immediately he saw me afar, he went into hiding. I saw him but pretended as if I didn't. I left but heard him say-

"I don't know what I saw in her. She's all dressed up like a trollop"

Here is the same person that asked me to burn my clothes and change my wardrobe. I was shattered beyond repair. I couldn't cry again. Seems the tears are tired of falling without being attended to. I got home and stood in front of the mirror. I couldn't recognize who I saw. I looked back to see whose reflection was in the mirror, but I saw no one.

"It can't be me I'm looking at. This is someone else" I said to no one in particular. I slapped myself and the figure ditto. I pinched my nose and it did that too. Where did I miss it? What have I done to myself?. I detest the people that advised me and those that mocked me- the towners, my neighbour, classmate, the lady and every other person.

Above all "I hate myself for allowing myself to be their lab rat"

Author's POV

Are you also offering yourself as a lab rat to people?. You allow yourself to be the item for their practical. You changed your colour, style, name,wardrobe-everything, just to please the public.

You cherish human appraisal and acceptance over your health, life and happiness. Know this fully well- "You can never please humans. They will always have one thing or the other to say about your cloth, face, body, hair, colour, height, lifestyle... Live your life not to please anyone but yourself.

Love yourself!. If you don't love who you are, then you will be easily swayed by comments from the public.

Parents-teach your kids to love themselves for who they are. There's no life that is better than theirs. Living to please others shouldn't be their goal. They owe no one anything. They are uniquely made and are beautiful just the way they are."

Valour loves you.💚

Thanks for reading!🤗💚🤗

This is my entry for the prompt "Beauty" organised by Ma'am @JonicaBradley . Feel free to join guys-

Submit to Promptly Jonica community and please avoid plagiarism. It is a great offence.

Once again. I love you all.💚

Special shout out to @Bloghound who's last article gave me this idea.

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3 years ago


This is what happens when we find validations from other. We are only torturing ourselves by trying to fit into the standards that CHANGES all the time. Until you find your own color, you'll stay as a lab rat. It is sadly happening right now. It is saddening.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Dealing with self-love is really not as easy as it might seem. But everyone needs to learn that the people opinions don't really matter. Be you, do you, for you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If we keep listening to what people say we will never move forward. That's the problem with most people they want people to adore them but no matter what you do "Different People have different Opinions" that's just a simple fact. We are all humans but we are not the same person.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't really care of what other people say about me. I get hurt when I hear some things from them but I don't really take action to change their view to me. This is me, and I'm not gonna change just to please them. And I'm comfortable with this.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I seriously detest people that live their lives according to the instructions of others, at the end of the day they become depressed and it sometimes leads to suicide.

This reminds me of the news about a model that died while undergoing surgery to change the shape of her nose, people are diving head first into trending things without thinking about the repercussions.

Like something I always tell myself; new doesn't always mean better

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am totally moved. It is the reality of the world that must be unfold. That every woman must know that the beauty they have only needs acceptance and confidence not approval from the public.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Don't change yourself because of others, change yourself for your self. Let's learn to love ourselves because no one will appreciate it the way we see ourselves.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The first thing is we should love ourselves no matter what people say about us. We shouldn't reply to everyone's comments. Just be you....!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's why I don't really take other's opinion personally. I don't allow them to rain on my parade.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We really should learn to appreciate ourselves regardless of what people say because there is no specific standard for beauty. We're all beautiful in our own way.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In one word, love ya self🙌. Thank you valour 🙂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love it. .it is really happening nowadays. People think that things that pleases other people are something thay we should be like.. Changing from one style to another, one product to another, just to fit the standard of beauty.. And look better in front of other people.. However, we are all beautiful.. We just need to accept it embrace our flaws.. And confidently face the world..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very well written. We shouldn't shape ourselves to follow other's ideals. Find the ones who will accept you for who you are, and you'll live a happier life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We should be contented. Don't let the others inside yours. Love yourself, love who being you are. Don't let the others ears to be self follow, you don't know who's real. Embrace yourself and lift up. We're beautiful in our own ways..❤️

Take care always HappyBoy..🙏😇

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am not a lab rat, I refuse to be one :D

What a beautiful world we live in! That is why it is imperative to teach the new generation to turn a deaf ear to chatters that don't serve them right.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hmmmmand am short of words after reading this because some people has be gone astray just because they want to please people and take some beautiful praise as well Once you love who you are what people say about you doesn't matter at all

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No one can be satisfied, just do you. This life, whatever you do, people will talk

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly. No matter how hard we try we will never be enough and perfect for everybody. Let us place our confidence in ourselves not in what other people would say.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Exactly! Our all can never be enough for the public. So why stress oneself

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Allowing people opinions about the things you do reshape one's life would definitely end in regret and this is one reason why I encourage people to be themselves always.

$ 0.03
3 years ago