Why others' opinion doesn't matter

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3 years ago

Today's society is so messed up. So messed up that people find it really hard to be happy. People choose not to do the things they love and the things that can make them happy because of fear. Fear that the people around them might invalidate what they do. Fear on what their family, friend, and loved ones might say. Fear that they are not good enough at that thing.

People are fearful because they don't want to be rejected. They are slowly losing themselves for the sake of pleasing others. People cares so much about what others think of them. But, guess what? What they think of you is irrelevant and it is not your responsibility to be liked by the people around you. But, it is your responsibility and moral obligation to make yourself happy and fulfilled.

Want to start something but feel like you're not good enough? Do it anyway. Everybody was once a beginner. Stop seeking validation from other people. Stop caring about what others think. Once you do that, you'll find life becomes easier and simpler. You'll find out there's no lie on the saying, "The less you care, the happier you'll be."

Hi everyone! How are ya'll doing? I hope you're all safe xoxo

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