You Can't Stop Me Loving Myself

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2 years ago

November 10, 2021

The title of this article is from the lyrics of BTS song, titled Idol. Credit to BTS lyrics for this article today. I know the song eversince it started playing on social media like YouTube. It is a fast, hip hop genre song and you can dance to the beat. Just recently I cared enough to search for the translation of this song in English. This is what I found out. But first, let me introduce you to this song.

You can watch the video first before reading my article 👆👌.

I love the part where BTS was dancing and there is a shark behind them trying to attack them. They just danced all the way, not minding the big shark. I feel that is their representation of basher and bullies who attack them when they are just starting out as a Kpop Idol, but anyway even until now there are people who hate them but they just fulfill their love for themselves and they survived.

The lyrics and meaning

The lyrics of this song is about them being an artist and an idol. It focuses on telling everyone that eventhough they are known to be an idol, they can't escape criticism and solid judgement. It seems they had gone through a lot when they made this song, that they made the lyrics so powerful telling the world that no matter what you say about me or us, I love myself!! They have lots of haters actually and this song is their answers to the hatred they are giving them. Loving yourself is such a positive answer to all the people who let you down. This is also their message to Army, their fans. They want Army to know that they are fine, they are strong and that is because they love themselves. No need to worry for them. That is the way they handle bullies during that time.

Moreover, there are people dictates them to be like this and that before, but BTS didn't follow that. They want to be unique. They want to be different. They able to push that and again, succeeded. They become a better person after all of it.

I love this song eversince I started hearing this one. I also love the dance step and the visuals of music video, but I never realize it has a deeper meaning. It gives voice to those people who have been feeling down to stand up for themselves because you cannot expect everyone to be nice. Everyone in this planet could hurt, even if you are nicest above all. Despite all of this challenges to human kind because manners, decision and attitude, what really matters is that you stand up for yourself and love yourself. You and you alone will team up to survive and always remember to live yourself!!

Have I been loving Myself?

Since this song is a powerful message to everyone, I love to answer if I apply that to myself.

Did I care to be different and unique or I listen to other people because they know better?

In my existence, I am proud to say that I know my limitations and my flaws. I take responsibility for my actions and its very easy for me to apologise for the mistake I did. I love myself for being that. I am humbled by the experiences of life and I become understanding and open-minded. I am not proud of some of my decisions but I am grateful for the lesson it taught me. I feel regret but that avoids me for making mistakes and I get better in decision making because of it. Opinions of people around me means something, but it doesn't describe me as a whole. It is just a part of me. My whole existence is a good story to share. You can learn from me. I am proud of what I become and what I will be in the future. To answer the question, I truly madly deeply, live myself!!

Other People's Opinion, does it really matter?

Yes, but remember, you can receive hard opinions even to the closest people you have. They will hurt you and your pride. They will crack the shell in you but you have all the decision on how to treat those opinions. You have the right to stand up for yourself. It can make or break you yet you will always find the light for you need to shine and that starts inside you. No matter what they say about you, you alone knows the truth and you should hold it. Let them say what they want to say and don't ever forget to prove them wrong.

My Basher and Haters

While I was growing up, my neighbors that we call Marites here in my country, always tell me I will never graduate highschool because I will get pregnant at 15. This is because I have many friends especially to opposite gender. They are my classmate and we walk on the way home because we are all near the school. Some of the Marites saw me walking with them and started humor about me. It even reached my parents, but sadly my parents didn't believe. They know me better than them.

As a revenge, I studied hard and graduated with scholarship to college. But that didn't stop them. Oh my, they lots to gossip about me. This time I will not graduate in college, because I will get pregnant again. As a friendly revenge, yours truly graduated in college too and got a job after a day of graduation rites. The Marites around got a heart attack and their daughter congratulate me with a grin.

I also have basher and haters from my relatives. On my father side, eventhough they will not tell me straight to my face, I have been a subject of chitchat because of my body. In their own foul mouth, they joke about my breast or boobs because they are too big for my body. They laugh at my back and even tell me once that maybe I have lots of men to work on it. My precious and innocent brain didn't care about it because I don't understand. It is just that one cousin told me that I am the subject of humor, explained to me the meaning and I was horrified. My big breast as they say is a result of body development. I was growing to be a young woman that time. What funny is, the one who started the joke have the biggest breast. So how many men she has too?? You see, even inside your own family you cannot escape all this hate.

It didn't stop there. Eversince I started school up to graduation in college, I have set of people that belittle me. I got affected that I don't want to go to school. I also experienced that with some of my teachers. They are all the thorns of my life. Even in my past work life, there are still people that puts me down, but that became the time I truly understand their way of hurting people. They have all the hurt inside them and they are sharing that or passing the pain to you so that they have company feeling that pain. If you accept that pain, you lose. If they belittles you, they feel it too. They just want to make you feel you are not worth it because they feel the same feeling inside them. If you accept the hate, then you hate yourself too.

It's a tactic. If you get affected, you lose. Let them say what they want to say. What matters is that you value yourself more and live yourself double time.

You can't stop me loving myself!!

Yes, this is the exact words that should be in your head. It is like killing them with your kindness or killing them with your silence. Work more on your actions and be the better from yesterday. Focus on your results because that is the only way to kill them. They might hurt you more, but what matters is that you use them as an instrument to get better.

You are important. You are always important. Love yourself more.

Images: BTS pictures from random fan account at Weverse and Unsplash

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2 years ago


pagka basa ko palang sa title napaka kanta agad ako ng 'oh oh oh woooahh' HAHAHA

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kanta tayo dali!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That is a powerful message Grecy. Everyone should love themselves and don't let anyone stop them for doing so.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I wish I could always apply this to myself

$ 0.00
2 years ago

For me I love myself for who I'm, I have flaws and sometime I feel insecured but I don't let that to get to me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The one thing like about bts is that they never took the criticism of the world serious and try to be the best version of themselves. We are unique in our own way, and if we are aware about our good and bad, that's enough for us. We don't need to be care about other's opinions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A die hard fan of bts! Yup, I see that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago