Save The Kidney

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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago

Good evening lovelies, am happy to be here today. I feel good and I hope we all had a good day too. My current world is cold relating to the weather at hand; raining season. It was shinny in the morning and I visited my farm then, my vegetables are doing well and I am happy about that. It just one of my young watermelon that got infected and has gone bad. I did my best to get rid of it before others get affected. Anyways, let me see how they go.

One thing about raining season is frequent urination, our kidneys plays its necessary roles in osmoregulation, a much heavy work during cold times. Rainy season is also accompanied by so many sicknesses and diseases such as cough and dysentery. Three of my friend is seriously sick right now and they are suffering from malaria and typhoid; the most common result after medical checkup in my country. We are so open to diseases and disease causing insects like mosquitoes, flies and rodents with the bushes around us, water logged on portholes and littered surroundings, all around us in my poor country.

Yesterday, my uncle lost his very good friend to the cold hands of death. His friend died of cancer of the kidney after battling with it for years. When he came home for his late friend’s funeral, he told us of how severally his friend has been warned to quit smoking. According to my uncle, he said that his late friend has been smoking for years, probably more than twenty years. He had tried on so many occasions to quit smoking but he wouldn’t back off for long and get back to it. So addictive that it has gotten over him and can’t live without it.


Now the outcome of it all is cancer leading to death. He is no more now and yet cigarettes and all other substances he lived with didn’t die with him. Not even his smoke mates accompanied him to the land of the spirits; what a pity!

I have heard that smoking goes with alcohol, the real problem here is taking too much of them and feeling that one can’t live without them. There has never been a victim of alcohol that died with their drinks, they go and the drink(s) remain. I know of someone who takes too much alcohol, one day this young man got drunk and got into an argument which leads to a fight. Unlucky for him, he got stabbed and was losing so much amount of blood. He was rushed to a local hospital and when the doctor checked him, he couldn’t help him because he was so drunk and smoky. Sorry for him but luck stood by him; he survived the incident.


It true we have two kidneys that can function without the other but, it for a reason we got that naturally. They should be cared for and as well be respected. Just like the eyes, when one goes bad, we still can see but not as that of both eyes. If people can wear glasses to protect this external pairs (eyes) for sight, how much more do we need to protect the internal ones (the kidney) we have.

Say no to:

Excessive smoking

I remember a debate in my primary school days where one of my opposition asked a question. She asked: what vitamin or nutrient does smoking gives human? Till today, I have not seen the answer to that question. In my locality for instance, all the people who smoke do so out of influence and habit. Not because they live in an extremely cold place but just to be among the crew. Children and teenagers get into that too not even knowing what harm they might be causing themselves in the future. As we all know, excessive smoking causes lung, liver and kidney cancers. People should reduce the intake og this no nutritious gases that comes in different packages.

Too much intake of salt

There has never been a person w loves too much salt in food, but still there are reports of too much salt causing kidney diseases. This could be by what we take without knowing to us that they are toxic to our system. Therefore, watching and taking a close look at what we consume daily is so important.

There are so many causes of kidney diseases and it can be read online, I think it will be better to visit the internet for more. I just chose to write about this because of my uncles lost. His very good friend is gone forever and I feel for him. We have to care for our kidneys by doing the needful. Some people who are in need of kidney transplant will tell you the importance of respecting the healthy ones you have. I love my kidneys and my kidneys love me.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely month.

Thank you @TheRandomRewarder for your generosity. I am so pleased for your tips!

Copyright @Giann-B, 2022 and all rights reserved.

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Avatar for Gianna-B
2 years ago


The kidneys are a very important organ of the body that needs extra care. So we should know how to take good care of our kidneys and stop abusing them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

we should take care of our kidneys cause it plays a major role in our body. Hope your Uncle are now happy wherever he is

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The kidney is a vital organ of the body which requires much care.. Most young people mess around with this through their reckless life of smoking and alcoholism..

$ 0.00
2 years ago