Do what makes you happy
I was on my WhatsApp yesterday viewing different people's statuses when I came across one of my friend statuses and this is what I saw 👇
All that he said was that the quote " do what makes you happy " is a very wrong quote in the sense that smokers, prostitutes and all other illegal workers will make use of this as an excuse. He said that things that make us happy are either illegally or morally wrong and I agree with this 95 %.
What makes a lot of people happy nowadays is what they can boast of outside or let me say publicly cos it Is wrong or illegal. So many youths out there are happy with illegal things like cybercrime, drugs, prostitution, stealing, and all other sorts of immoralities. So that particular quote is very wrong cos It will serve as an excuse for those who are involved in all that I have listed above. They will use it as an excuse for their wrong behaviour saying, after all, they are happy with what they are doing and that's the best feeling.
We all have what makes us happy but that particular one that makes us the happiest might be particularly wrong and it can be right for many also depending on who we are. Some peoples own might be s*x and if they are not able to get it from whosoever they get it from maybe their wife or husband, they begin to do otherwise which is bad and wrong.
If what makes you happy is legal and morally right, It's fine to press on with it, of course, I am not against that. All I am against is the quote itself, I feel the right word to use has been written in the screenshot above and that's " do what's right that makes you happy ", this should have been the best quote to be generally accepted by us all cos it's self-explanatory. We all know what's right from wrong so there wouldn't be any excuse for doing what's not right. Do what's right that makes you happy and not what's wrong that makes you happy.
That my friend said if he decides to rob a bank and was able to steal billions of money, won't he be happy? Of course, he will be happy but happy after doing illegal things. So from today, begin to use the right word for the quote by saying do what's right that makes you happy.
I hope we all grabbed all that I try to say in today's article and will take a new turn towards it by saying the right quotes. I feel I will write about some quotes that are wrong and needs to be adjusted as soon as possible to enlighten us more about them.
Thanks for reading, I really appreciate your time. Thumbs up beneath the article if you love what tho read.
Bye for now 🥰🥰🥰.
Our happiness is prompt by doing the best we can, and making the right choice in doing positivity