Every day we make choices. The moment we opened our eyes from a long night of sleep, we have plenty of choices of what to do first. Should I get up now, or sleep a little more? Should I wash my face first or brush my teeth? Some simple scenarios in our daily lives require us to choose one from the choices. Often, we get confused about what to choose, so we tend to ask for others' opinions to be enlightened. We try to weigh things which are better, which are not, and the reasons and effects if you choose one certain choice.
We all make sorts of choices every day of the week. Some choices shape us for life, such as a man or a woman's choice of their future spouse, it could also be our choice of the people we want to get close or be friends with or our choice of career. These are fundamental choices that shape our other choices in life but there could be more than that, that is the choice of the value system by which we will live.
This Sunday mass, the gospel talks about CHOICES. As the priest is delivering his homily, I remembered the choices I made this day. Earlier today before going to the church. I was thinking what should I wear? What shoes should I put on? Should I ride a motorcycle to church or just walk? In the end, I went to the church comfortably. It did not take a long time for me to decide those matters. All I ever think of is to go to the choice where I'm comfortable.
Making choices could be difficult and confusing. When the priest said, "Make your choices closer to God and you will never be confused." God will never give us an option that could harm us. He will provide options, even not the same as our choices but it is similar and closer to His. There I realized why does sometimes I feel trouble in finding a decision? It seems so hard to choose among the many choices. Some options are easy but can lead to harm. Let us always remember God will never lead us to an option that harms us. So, reject that option.
The gospel today somehow relates with the first reading, when Joshua put a fundamental choice before the people. It's who to serve, the Lord or the false gods. Sometimes we are all Joshuas' in another way. We sometimes confuse ourselves and give importance to the one they called "false gods". These false gods could be money, sex, and other earthly things. God wants us to have freedom. What He means of freedom is that we can no longer feel confusion and hesitation whenever we make choices. If we lose the choice we wanted, He will give it to us as often as we need it.
No matter what choices prompt us every day, always choose what makes you free and which makes you closer to God.
Happy Sunday Everone!
Fyangzee :>
Lead image from Unsplash.
Yeah. Choices that makes you closer to God. We try our best to do so.