Random thought: Did Giants ever exist on earth
Is it realistically possible that giants lived on this planet prior to evolution or that giants never existed? Everyone has their own point of view, whether they feel the myth is false or not, therefore we are free to believe whatever we like as long as no one is threatened.
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Early archeologists discovered some certain skeletons, which I find hard to believe based on how big their skeleton was, and there's a fact that hasn't been well publicized: there is a third type of human species that co-existed with us. and they are known as the DENISOVANS and this is where is starting to get very interesting... I learnt that all of the anatomical remains that have been found so far suggested that the DENISOVANS were huge and their teeth were so large almost 2 inches and every piece of evidence relating to the DENISOVANS suggest that we could be looking at the giants of old.
Through what I read, I discovered these denisovans are probably the most exciting discovery in the origin of humanity and they are much more advanced than what they are been credited with, this was because of a piece of jewellery that was found in the original denisovan cave which was dated 40,000 years ago which is something that a lot of anthropologist are uneasy with because it shows a depth of understanding and beauty in their culture that really shouldn't have existed with such ancient hominids.
There are verified images of giants skeleton on the internet currently and there's a part of history that are not just being told and some giant history are like that. Hieroglyphics in Egypt showing massive human like entities, there is giant footprint in granite in south Africa which is about 6 foot tall that's a height above an average human being height and reasonably that would be the foot of a twenty to forty foot creature, you know how terrifying it would be standing close to a creature that is over 20 to 40 foot tall, I can't even imagine it..
Definitely, somehow I believe that giant creatures existed way before us which won't go along with Darwinian evolution theory, there was also a petrified finger which was found which looks so biological because they scanned it and thy could very much see the tendons and the bones and is very much organic finger bone with the fingernails as well and if that kind of finger is attached to a human and analysis is been done it would have been a 20 foot tall creature because the finger was almost the same length from my elbow to my wrist.... Maybe we are talking about the ANNUNAKI or the offspring of NEPHILIM here on earth..
At some point we were wondering how did the Egyptians build those pyramids?.... What if we had 30 to 40 foot giant here on earth and they build those pyramids but to them those pyramids would have looked like small little rocks and there are also hieroglyphics of giants that physically lift these stones up which are boldly scarved in the walls but we still choose not to believe that giants are real.
The bible provides a substantial link between giants and mankind in Genesis, and the last giant was documented in the bible in Deuteronomy 3:11 and the later book of numbers and Joshua, whose name was OG and he was referred to as the last REPHAIM and REPHAIM is a Hebrew word for giants. We must have also heard of GOLIATH, The GITTITE was the most well known giant in the Bible, and he was well known because of his battle with David..... These gave me more reasons to believe that giants actually existed.
Thanks for reading 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Will the world be a better place if giants still exist?.
The Goliath story made it so obvious that Giants once existed on this planet Earth. Or is the story of David and Goliath a lie or myth? This is why I fancy those mythical movies that contains different species of creatures. It makes me think far