This is too much for an investor to bear

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Avatar for Fexonice1
1 year ago

A young boy approached a rich businessman one day and asked, "Sir, what can I do to be as successful as you?" To that, the rich man replied to him; " You much be ready to fail many times, you must be ready to lose many times and be mocked by many people, you must school yourself in risk-taking".

The young boy felt very discouraged and said to the rich man, "that's too much for an investor to bear". That was exactly how I felt while watching and listening to @MarcDeMesel live video recording titled "Market crashing" on YouTube earlier today. I couldn't hold back tears from my eyes as I listed to Marc narrated what he's been through in his investments all this while.

Most of us who know Marc wishes we could be successful in our investments the same way as him but I guess not of us can take the hits he has been through. Despite that, Marc still holds himself up for the love of his followers and being able to help and teach investors more deeply. What an inspiration!

Given the weight of Marc's video recording, I took my time to do a text transcription of the video to put Marc's words in an article and inspire investors in the BCH community. Here's what I came up with:

"I thought not about the bottom, I thought there's a serious correction, so I started buying. I invested in Arc a lot, but Arc was cut by two from $160 high to $80. Since then, the market continued to crash and Arc found a bottom at or at least a low at $40. The same happens with my stocks. I bought Growth stocks because I didn't invest in growth before. I had oil tankers for a long time, then I had Airlines. I kept some oil tankers, and then I kicked out these oil tankers for good and cut back my Airlines a lot two months ago for growth stocks. But since then, growth stocks continue to collapse. And oil tanker, as you see from flow, went up. So I missed that.

And Airlines did the same as the overall market, which is going down, but not as much as growth stocks. So I continue to pile up losses. I was also cut by two again because also crypto continued to go down. I found new lows recently. My biggest exposure was BCH. I found a new low around $200. It's been around 300 $400 for a long time, but now it's $200 and DPI was around. How much was it? $150 $200, but also found a lot $80 for me. I've been trying to avoid margin calls. And for that, I have had to sell a lot of my BCH, about half, sadly, because I can't use it as collateral for my DeFi loan. I can only use Ethereum for that or DPI itself. And so I have to convert BCH to Ethereum to use as collateral because otherwise my DPI file loan would be margin calls and would be paid off with my collateral. And then I lost my DPI, so I didn't want that.

But of course, my crypto exposure has been high all the time, around 80% in the past year. Even 90% at the top was even my highest. It went down to 80%-70% being there all the time because at the same time I lost a lot in my brokerage account as much as I lost in crypto. But my exposure is still the same today. I still have an 80% exposure to crypto, but it's not like more than half BCH anymore. That used to be the case, 60% has been down to 30%. I still have a 30% BCH exposure, but that's about half of what I had before and now I have also a DPI exposure of 30% the same as before, but the goal of the Ethereum now is to use BCH as collateral or to convert a new project. So that's what I'm doing. I don't reduce my crypto exposure but I shift BCH and later invest in other projects and that I think is the biggest mistake I've made.

The big mistake is that I didn't see this correction coming. In the Corona crash, I predicted how to protect myself against it. But this one, I failed to protect myself against it. I didn't see it coming, and so I continue to be bullish the whole way down. And of course, that's very costly because you keep on investing more. And yeah, the leverage also, I made some quite big mistakes there.

But this is a very hard time for investors. Yeah. I mean, some people lost a lot more, even with some terribly gone wrong projects. Luna and stable coin UST. If you were part of that, that's, of course, very painful, especially if it's a large exposure, is a very big difference between losing 90% and losing 100%. That's a very big one. And the only way for me to feel good about myself after having such big crashes as these is to learn valuable lessons. And that's what I do. And I'm happy to share with you also what I learned and what I changed. But of course, the biggest danger right now is to not do the right thing.

Okay, most people will conclude, damn, I took too much risk. Damn, I was too much exposed. I should have taken profits or locked in profits before that's. Of course, the majority left . The question now is, what do you do today? if you're going to take risk off the table and reduce exposures today after you lost a lot, that's the wrong move. The right move is to learn the lessons but implement them later, huh? Now is the time to take lots of risk, to have high exposures, because now we have a serious, severe correction. If you measure it by different kinds of metrics, you can only conclude that, yes, we have gotten a very big correction. It can always get worse, but certainly in the long term, very likely a good time to be exposed well, to certain investments or in general, to the market. So that's the first thing that I do."

If you have read the transcript of Marc's video recording above and do not feel the same way I felt I think you are not being considerate or cannot think rationally about it. What Marc has been through is truly more than an investor can bear, but despite that, Marc still held himself up and continues to project to his audience that he is in control and is still bullish about crypto investments.

Final thoughts

Marc has been an inspiration to many investors including my humble self, and in this crypto mess, his video recording today came as a soothing balm for many of us who admire his character and are encouraged by his spirit and persistence.

I knew Marc must have felt incredible to have opened up about what has happened in his life and to also see others reacting to his words with love and empathy. I feel grateful for his generosity and kindness and humbled by his transparency.

Lead image is from Marc's YouTube channel.

$ 8.09
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1 year ago


Marc is indeed an incredible men and a inspiration to many of us. In a way it is soothing to hear about his losses, because if such an experienced trader can make many mistakes, so can we, newbies. Now it’s time for learning from our mistakes and like Marc, I also decided not to sell any of my investments that have already shown huge loss. If I did, I’d only recover a small fraction of my investment, so holding is the only option I see now. Had I had more fiat, I’d be buying more bch now for sure

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, Marc is truly an inspiration to all of us, and having the courage to come openly to talk about his losses is something that is worthy of praise. I think I did the opposite of what you did with your investments that were in a mess. On my own, I cut my losses and exit all failed investments and move on to a better investment options that might give me a recovery soonest.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Whatever works best for you Mr. i hope you’re recovering your losses nicely :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Just finished the video, I can tell many investor feel this way, even as the market crash, there are opportunity to be grab from it, but its not easy pulling one self together after the big lost, I know don't have must assets, but I know how I felt when I saw my asset cut into half, not to talk of someone having lost huge amount of money. I hope he can pull through, cause many look up to him.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

For Marc to come openly and talk about his losses you know it's really that bad to ignore. I hope he's able to pull back and recover from the losses.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I missed the video but watched the video later. He lost a lot but still took some positivity from the lessons learnt. Marc is a role model to me and many more

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was too much for an investor to bear. I couldn't hold back tears while listening to Marc narrated his investments ordeal.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Business always stands on profit and loss pillars but Crypto is more risky , freeky and melting one too . Exactly said by rich man that how much you have bearing capacity , much successful you will be.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It's really tough been a successful investor.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

But I can see his disappointment with BCH, the hope he puts in read & noise didn't yield the way he pictured out and this saddens me considering he sold half of his BCH bag for Ethereum for collateral means he's not fully putting all his hopes in BCH, it's normal because he's an investor.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes, it's disappointing to invest that much in a project voluntarily and the goal of the intent never work out.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Investment means taking a risk.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Every risk leads to learning that help us to be successful for next time. Marc has good adventure of life and investment either someone appreciate him or make criticize him he is running on rough road for his dreams and for motivation to his followers.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

And I like it that he's still holding up and being able to share with followers valuable lessons he has learned from all the ordeals.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Exactly you should agreed to my words. Have a good day noise mate.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Commendable that he is putting it out there so people can see and learn that it is not always profit and profits, sometimes there are losses and these losses teach a valuable lesson we must never forget and apply the experience in the future too so we do not make the same mistakes twice.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

You are right, the experience become a learning curve for Marc and all of us who look up to him.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Omo, it's rare people to say they're losing to the public cause they might be tag weak but he came out true and that is indeed a good leader.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hmmm, you cannot hear any whale talking about how they lost, they only talk about their wins.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I watched the live video and I love his honesty and how he laid himself bare while speaking his heart out. Just like most people, he has been hit too with exposure and I love his honest view about Read Cash and Noise Cash too...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What can we say, and noise could not become what was envisioned.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I felt his frustration on that...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is so sad to read and watch too, I really felt for him cos he has been generous to us all, I felt for other crypto holders too which I am also part of even though I am just in it. I love his courage and boldness, I believe it will rise again for sure.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Marc is truly a phenomenal person and being honest with his followers.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

A true leader doesn't celebrate his wins only, he shows his loss as well from us to learn from no matter how hard it can be. He is a true leader because I have seen several videos of him helping us with lessons he learned from losing a lot of money.

The market is terrible at the moment, I feel sad despite having a tiny amount of crypto compared to Marc. I believe that things will get better, thanks for this post because I haven't been very much online today to see the video. Tomorrow is definitely going to be a great day.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yeah, it's sad knowing the degree of losses Marc has to bear.

$ 0.00
1 year ago