My Experiences in this Flexible Learning (A.Y. 2020-2021)

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Thoughts, Experiences, Story, Random, ...

July 8, 2021

I am so excited when I first got to the University I will be studying for college. At first I was nervous but when I saw my friends and I ask there course I became so happy. We have the same course. The first day of my life as a college student was really enjoyable and awesome. I really enjoy everyday in my college days even if there are lot of hard times and difficulties. And then the Pandemic comes up and change everything. Covid19 has change the way we live. Classes are being changed and other things that we normally do.

Me and my classmates worried about what’s going to happen. We don’t even finished the sem when the pandemic comes up. We supposed to do the most important thing or task in our major that time when our president decided to stop going to attend face-to-face classes. There’s also a lockdown that time and some quarantine.

But above all that sem finished just like that, and we all passed that sem prior to what the president said that all students will passed this school year. We’re so Happy but at the same time we're a little bit sad because we can’t do the most interesting task in our major subject.

And then in the News it says that the School Year or Academic Year will begin at August 2020. That’s the time were student's are demanding for No to Online Class and they want a Ligtas na Balik Eskwela. But despite of that demand from students the school year started at August for Elementary to Senior High School and the college started their Academic Year at September.

At first I was so disgusted about this online learning. The college is doing Online Learning unlike to those Elementary and High School whose picking up their modules at school and then answer it at home, and after answering they submit it again at their respective school. The College do Online Learning, the modules are sent online and must answer it online too. And also there is Asynchronous and Synchronous classes. Asynchronous classes is time for answering modules, activities and other requirements, the professor and students didn’t meet on line at this time. And the synchronous classes is the time where Professor/ Instructor and Students meet online ( Zoom/Google meet etc.). This is the time for discussion of modules and other stuffs that are needed.

Starting of Online Class I’ve encountered a lot of problems such as I don’t have my own phone that I can use at that online class, And I’m just borrowing phone from my sister, also we don’t always have that money to purchased load Everytime. So I don’t know if I can survive online class, another one is in our major subject we need to spend some money to do our laboratory and requirements. That time our money is alloted for food and bills only because not all of our family members have their work because there are some restrictions about working hours, working days and age restriction that are allowed to go to work.

I can say that I experienced being stressed that time. I’m thinking too much or I’m over thinking of the things that might happen if I will not able to finished this online class. I’m lack of sleep that time so I’m always having a headache or dizziness.

But I do my very best just to pass all my requirements, activities, laboratories and other things that I must accomplish. I do everything that I can do just to earn money and buy a phone, but I save not enough money. And thankfully my mother got a work so she buy me a phone at her first salary. That phone is not expensive but I was so thankful and I appreciate this phone truly.

I was so happy when I have my own phone and that time I can pass all my Activities on time not like just before that I done some of my Activities late.

And after all the stuggles I’ve encountered and experienced I just passed this Academic Year. Thanks God your always the Best. We just finished the 2nd sem this June 25 2021. I can’t believe that I do all my requirements and I pass it all. Im very grateful to my family who helped me in this online class. Hahahha sometimes I’m telling them to lower their voices because the teacher might here them and I’m reporting online.

I want also to thank my classmates who helped me with this online class. They never get tired helping me and telling my teacher that I can’t attend some of our online meeting because I have some problems with connectivity or internet problems. I also want to thank all of my Professors/ Instructors who are very understanding and considerable in my situation.

So that’s my experience in this Flexible Learning. I just wanna share how I handled my online class despite of some problems that I’ve encountered.

Thank you.

God bless Everyone.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Thoughts, Experiences, Story, Random, ...
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It is really tough what pandemic has done. Everyone suffered from this. We all had our struggles but we had to cope. Some have given up but you are still lucky that you have people around you to help you. You are blessed for God has a plan for you. I also admire your perseverance and your determination to make it through.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes I'm really trying hard in everything I do especially in studying . Education is the most important treasure of mine that's why I always give my best on it.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Good for you! Keep it up :)

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3 years ago