Flexin my Fur Babies

Avatar for Expelliarmus30
3 years ago
Topics: Pets, Writing, Random, Story, Blog

I have 3 Fur babies. 1 dog and 2 cats. There are all male.


My mother is the one who named them all. My dog name was Betonghahhahah what a name indeed? My mom likes Betong, he is a comedian in the Philippines, our country.


The first cat named is “Tagulamen” I don’t know why my mom giving those kind of names to our pet. This is kinda different and weird.


My last cat named is “ Watiwat”. Really different right?


I don't know why mom named the pets strangely or she just really wants the names of our pets to be unique.

I love our pets so much. The same goes for those with me here at home, we treat them like they are really part of the family . My pets also make us happy here at home. They are our source of happiness and because there are no children here at home, they are our babies. We take good care of them, bathe them, feed them and sleep next to them.

"Betong" my only dog ​​is very naughty. He is very tender, even to those we don't know or just our guests. He is a gentle dog in other words. Betong wants him to always be noticed or given attention, which is normal for dogs. This dog is also smart because when I tell him he understands what I say and he won't do things I don't want him to do. Betong is just a house dog because he is tied up and sometimes locked up because dogs are not allowed here on the road. When Betong was young, I always carried him, so now he still wants me to carry him but because he is so big and too heavy, I can't handle him anymore.

My first cat, "Tagulamen", is very kind. He also join with anyone so sometimes I was worried that he might go with others right away and disappear. I can't stop him from wandering around because we also don't want to lock him up, they still have a cage with my other cat but we don't lock them up because we want them to be free. Tagulamen love eating crakers, the person who gave them to us said he inherited it from his father. We were surprised how Tagulamen when he went to sleep, he would suddenly drop his body and just lie down. Hahhahah no matter where he is and soon he will be asleep right away.

"Watiwat", my other cat, is very stubborn, but he is also very funny. This cat always wants to be around people. Watiwat is always here at home unlike Tagulamen who is a bit wandering. Watiwat is always asleep and he is really lazy, he only wakes up when he smells food. But if you wake him up before the time, he will get angry and he looks really funny. He also loves eating crackers like Tagulamen because they are brothers. And another thing is that this one is very startled, the type that you just hold him while he turns his back on you and he can't see you makes him jump in panic. Hahahhaha even though I didn't intend to startle him, that's what happens even though I just want to touch him, sometimes I even get startled because of him.

Those are the characteristics of my three pets. All of us here at home really love those three. Even though I am their boss, the people here at home take good care of them. They were almost the ones who fed and bathed them when I was busy. That's why I also thankful to them because they take great care of my pets.

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France

Authors Note:

I love these three pets so much. When I'm sad and have a problem and I just look at them and touch them, the problems and sadness goes away somehow. I always talk to them as if they are really human, and I don't know because sometimes they seem to really understand me. I am thankful because I have pets like this, even though they have different habits and characteristics , I love them equally.

Note: All photos are mine

You, do you have any fur babies? Flex them too.

Thanks for reading this.

Keep safe and Godbless everyone.

Dont forget to Be Nice and Be Good as always.


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Avatar for Expelliarmus30
3 years ago
Topics: Pets, Writing, Random, Story, Blog
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Really interesting names :D They seem to be taken good care of.

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yes there names is really interesting quite funny. Yes we take care of them so much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your pet names are interesting. Watiwat sounds funny to me☺ And they look adorable. I don't have any pet though. Tamad ako mag alaga😂

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Hahahha watiwat is the funniest one. You should try po mag alaga ako pag may time kase naging responsible po ako nung nagkaroon ako ng mga fur babies.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nakikialaga lng ako paminsan minsan hehe. May mga pusa din bumibisita dito nakikikain🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ayeee. Can I take you guys home????? hehe

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Hahahha yes of course but you can borrowed them only hahhahha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hahahahhaaha nakakatawa naman ang mga alaga mo hehe sobrang unique ang mga pangalan kudos to your mom hehe

$ 0.02
3 years ago

Yes po sobrang cute nga po ng mga yan eh. And thanks to my mom nga po at very unique ang mga names nila.

$ 0.00
3 years ago