First rabbit breeding attempt: SUCCESS and FAILED.
DISCLAIMERS: You again could read terms for Agriculture, Science breeding and Research type papers hehe. Sorry for that but that will make the article more real and more precise when it comes to the rationale of the paper. Thanks for understanding…
I could say success even though just one subject yet showed significant results and the other two is que and might result in a high density of error to the subject experiment. Well that is how the result and I know the fact that experimenting and execution of the study was delivered projectile juvenile data. The study was conducted last March 2022, yet I found some variance of error in terms of age identity and maturity of two of the subject matter that leads to predicting variance of concern. That's to give a first projection that the first attempt of the study was labelled failed. Yet comes that result showing a small high degree of significant progeny.
Based of conduction:
The study was conducted to answered the following question:
Does the age of female subjects affect fertility in mass production?
Does the age of male subjects have an adverse effect on the conception of female reproduction?
Does the age of male and female will lead to some error?
On the contrary. The study began to show high insignificant differences in both three questions and the unveiling product of different variance for human intervention and inadequate data. The data gathered and compiled to solve the error square of the three female subjects. The research won't testify to the result and need further more look out in data and variance of solving the concern. In terms of research and the law that must include. The study conducted failed and could be recorded as loss.
I am sorry for that introduction haha, yeah I just wanted to list two different things, the lost and gain. In terms of research what was the result was really lost but in terms of my personal archives. I could say that it was successful. Yeah, because of observing and gaining experience I got what I wanted and in research, I could compile the lost and list what I did and not make the same mistake again haha. Yeah I found out the mistake that will lead me to another attempt later on.
That’s how I was, I wanted to becomes a researcher in my life. That’s what my calling, listing and solving data in my laptop, and will soon used that for further things in my very soon studies.
In informal talks, I will tell you what happened to my rabbits.
I was really surprised when I saw that my rabbit laid her kits. It was her first time, and I thought that what attempt I did was lost because I never considered the age of buck that I used not until I looked at my notes that the buck or male needs more than one month until it matures. So I really thought that I wont have any kits this month yet.
I introduced three females to one male. And she was the first one I bred, it just showed that there was no problem in my doing but I refused and gave the feedback to lose haha.
I woke up this morning of April 21 and after my coffee I went to feed the rabbits. I was surprised because I saw some features that were lost in the cage of one of them. Yeah that’s happened surprise. If I know that she will lay some kits I will prepare some nesting box just to warm the kits and protect them from harm. Yet it was late and they are sensitive to sudden changes so I don’t bring a nest box anymore.
I was curious how many kits she had. But with care I gently massage her first and bring the odor of her in my hand before I touch or open up the nest she made. It was morning and I saw three black kits from the nest. I thought it was all she got because I really didn't see or observe she was pregnant because her belly was so tonight no sign that she was pregnant and had a baby. Not until I looked again this afternoon and I saw six pieces of kits playing in the nest. Yeah I was shocked. I thought that she all had tree kits but ended but she laid more this afternoon. That shows that they could deliver their own child with even a high span of intervals.
It was her first time and she gave me six healthy and big size kits. Lucky me that the size of the litter didn’t get from their father haha. The father of the buck that I used was a small one. But I am a bit disappointed because it was a white mother and brown father yet they were all colored black lol. Well it's happened because they are all upgraded as they said in the pedigree lol.
So now I am looking carefully at the next one, I breed her just before him and she is now showing the same things like the other one before. Hmmm what if she also had a prolific line, the rabbit who just got her baby was her sister and the number of kits from them is highly genetic haha.
If you asked me how many rabbits I had now. Officially I have now 15 rabbits, and two of them are que waiting if they could lay some kits, and the other one is just bred. Hmmm sounds like I really need a huge cage for them haha thanks for reading…
Rabbits are my one of the most favourite animal. Their cute expression attract me more. rabbits are very clever and clean. I made a small hut for rabbit. But for lack of time i didn’t buy Rabbit. Now my mother use that hut for small chicken.