When Dad, as a teacher, praises my work...

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2 years ago

Hello, my dear friends and family, I hope you are well. it's me again. what's up?

As usual, before starting anything, let me first of all, thank all my dear supporters, subscribers, visitors and voters for your constant support and endless kindness. Thank you for always standing by me, and never leaving me alone. How good it is to have you by my side, in all my sorrows and joys. You who accompany my joys, and touch my heart with your loving words, and in my sorrows you are always my best consolation and unique helpers. Thank you so much for your blessed existence.

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Today I want to write about the second day we went to work on murals. We did some work on the first day, and the walls have been painted so far.

Mural for the first day
Mural for the first day

On the second day, my father followed me at about 3:30 pm to go to the mall to continue the mural. We started working as soon as we arrived.

My father is a professional painting teacher, whose art is well-known in our city. He is a real artist to me, and because he is a real artist, and he has to analyze everything artistically, then paint, he is very slow in painting. But I have learned what I know only from my father, and I do not see myself on a par with him in the art of painting, and I only depict what I have learned, so my speed in painting is really much faster than my father. When Dad spends half a square meter of a painting on the wall, I paint two square meters at that time. So that both my father and his student who help us in this painting are amazed at my speed in this work... πŸ˜„

I thank God that despite my speed in painting, my father never complains about my work, and he accepts my painting, and leaves it to me to draw and paint. I am very happy about this. I am very happy that I have reached a stage in my painting skills where my father no longer tells me what to do, and he sees no problem in my work. He accepts my painting, and looks at my work with admiration. It is a great honor for me, because my father, my lifelong teacher, now praises me for my work and my art.

While we were painting, one of my friends called me on my cell phone and I told her I was painting. She, who is always interested in painting, and loves to learn, asked me if I could come and help you, and learn something? I also said that of course you can come, I will be very happy. She came with her sister an hour later. Her sister, who had previously worked as a painter, both helped us a lot with the painting that day. Our murals went very well that day, and that's the result so far.

Mural for the second day
Mural for the second day

From a place where our painting is formed on the walls, the attention of passers-by is very much attracted. Everyone passes by this shop, stops, and looks at our work, and even many people express their feelings to us. They appreciate our artwork very much. Seeing their bright eyes while watching our working, and hearing their loving and admiring words, gives us many times more motivation and energy to keep working. The hours I spend doing this mural, although it is very tiring for me, but it is very enjoyable and sweet, and I really enjoy doing it. I hope that starting this work will allow us to get more orders for murals after this, because I am really interested in this work.

I think it will take about two to three weeks to work on these walls. I hope it ends soon, and the result will be satisfactory.

This is enough for today. I love you very much, take good care of yourself my dear ones... πŸ’šπŸŒΎ

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$ 0.77
$ 0.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Alther
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
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2 years ago


You are such a great artist and you deserve the compliments :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh Many thanks my dear... Nice to hear this from you... That was so heartwarming... πŸ€—β€οΈ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're doing really great , this painting is too beautiful to describe. Our parents always accepts us as the way who we are. Glad to know that your father is a well-known painter and you're making your father more proud of you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks so much my dear, nice to see you... 😍 Exactly true, and I'm so happy because of that... πŸ€—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really love your art work my dear Ellen. All of them is really amazing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks so much my dear Jean, it's kind of you my dear friend... πŸ€—β€οΈ

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My God, I would like you to live here and paint my whole house together with your dad, they both have hands that paint pure art, really, exploit that unique and perfect talent

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much my dear Maria, I wish I was really in your city, it was a great honor for me β€Œ. Thank you for always being so kind to me, my friend... πŸ˜πŸ€—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The painting is very beautiful, when I read your article, I had time to think about seeing the best painting your father made and now I have seen it clearly. this is a very interesting sight as the colors match the contrast on the walls, your father is a professional painter.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much my friend, you are absolutely right. My father is a professional painter, and he has painted unique and amazing paintings throughout his life... ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As I expected, your works always amazed me. You really had a great hand for painting my dear. I love your work and I really adore your talent.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Wow thanks so much my dear Garreth, you always warm my heart with your words. How good it is to have you by my side. Hug... πŸ€—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's looking great already! Love the colors for it is relaxing to the eyes. I'm biased for blue of any hue is my fave :D

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much my friend, I'm so glad you liked the painting so far. Exactly the color of this painting is very beautiful, soothing and eye-catching...

$ 0.00
2 years ago