Starting a new painting project with Dad...

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2 years ago
Topics: Business, Art, Wallart, Artwork, Painting, ...

Hello, my dear friends and family, how are you? What's up? How did you start the first of your week? I hope you are full of energy on Monday, to start a good and positive week.

Let me first thank my dear supporters, subscribers, visitors and voters for their constant support. Thank you for always believing in me, and for standing by my side. Your presence always is heartwarming . Thank you for your kind presence and unwavering support.

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My friends, I apologize if I had less contact with you over the weekend. As you know, I went to my mother's garden, and there I tried to enjoy my moments with my family more. Whenever I had free time, and I wanted to visit, the internet was so weak that it would not allow me to access the platform.

I really enjoyed these two days with my family, and I got a lot of energy to start the new week. My father, after one of his friends called him, went to visit him on Saturday morning. When he returned, told us that his friend, who was also my father's old client, and that my father had painted paintings and even some murals for him, had invited my father to do another painting project for him.

My father's friend is a rich man, who has lived in America for many years, and is currently traveling between America and our country. He has opened several shops in one of the big and luxury city centers of our city. A long time ago, my father painted the wall of one of his shops, and painted a picture of a sea on the wall for him. The man loves so much the sea and the painting that my father painted last time for him, and because of that he asked my father to paint the same picture of the sea on a bigger wall for him again in his new shop.

My father's previous painting project

In his new business, he brings custom chocolates from America, he packs them very nicely and elegantly in our country, and he wants to sell them in his new shop. He gave my father a packet of chocolates. The packaging design was incredibly beautiful, and inside it, there were cocoa chocolates in different shapes and in different flavors. I forgot to take pictures of them. Their flavors were very interesting and new, even cocoa chocolates with the taste of cinnamon, tea, and masala tea, which was new to me.

He wants my father to paint the same sea on the walls of his chocolate shop. I said to my father, why not paint beautiful chocolate designs like chocolate houses, chocolate dolls and many other things instead of the sea? My dad said he loves the same sea painting, and he loves the sea so much, that his chocolate packaging is also the color of sea-blue-green.

Finally, my father asked me to help him in the new painting project. And in return for my help, he will pay me about $150. This mural should be painted on two wall each of them measuring 5 x 2.5 meter, and it takes about two weeks to work on it. In my opinion, two weeks of work on this painting, in addition to the experience of doing mural painting, which is one of my first experiences, and which can greatly help my painting skills, and become a good experience for me, is worth it. That's why I accepted my father's offer, and we are going to visit the city center together tomorrow to visit the shop wall. Pray that it will be a good and comfortable experience for me. I will definitely let you know what happens next.

Thanks so much my dear ones, have a nice day...

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$ 1.24
$ 0.88 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.05 from @Malikbrothers786
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Avatar for Ellen.he
2 years ago
Topics: Business, Art, Wallart, Artwork, Painting, ...


It's a great opportunity, my friend I hope that you feel comfortable with the project together with your Father, best of luck.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow Ellen you are Multitalented. One more time you prove that by this beautiful painting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow!, No wonder you are so good at painting, you definitely got this trait from your dad. This is beautiful dear Ellen.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your father is an artist and good at painting, many people like art but cannot be creative in art and your father has it. painting is creativity that is intertwined between talent and imagination so that it is difficult for people to develop painting works, that also happened to me. At first I really liked the art of painting but it was very difficult for me to work because of my limitations. your father deserves to be paid handsomely for each painting because it is a work that is difficult for others to make.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much my friend, how inspiring and heartwarming your words were. Exactly my father is a professional painter, but unfortunately these days, especially in our country, the value of painting is not known as it should be.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my! Your just like your father my dear Ellen and that's why you have talent in painting. Love it!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks so much dear, exactly my dear Jean, I learned painting from my father, and he was always my teacher in this field...🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love the sea and for you to paint it like that is awesome!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks so much dear, it's a great honor for me... 🙏☺️ I am happy because this new painting experience...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Friend, no wonder you have so much talent as an artist, if you inherited it from your dad, I don't know but what he did seems beautiful to me 😍

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much my dear Maria, you are always kind to me... ❤️ I am very happy that you have such an opinion about me, my friend, yes, my teacher has always been my father in the field of painting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seems your coming weeks are busy with that new job my dear. Be bless and blast!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks so much my dear Kendy, yeah, as you said it seems that I will be busy in coming days and weeks, but I'm so happy because of this opportunity that help me experience new things... ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! Your dad can sure paint!! Nice skills there. Seems like you've been busy just like me, at least you're getting something from it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks so much my dear Layla, exactly my father is a professional painter, and I learned my painting skills from him... ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow that's amazing!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago