Hello, my dear friends and family, how are you? I hope you are in perfect health, your moments are happy, and your eyes shining with hope.
I want to thank my wonderful supporters for all their love and kindness. Thank you my friends for the faith and belief you always give me. Thank you for standing by my side in all my way, you have always supported me. I ask God for your happiness, health and increasing success.
As I promised you, today I come to you again with another painting. After the butterfly I drew a few days ago, I was looking for a model for today's painting that would fit next to the butterfly, so that they could be put together in a set. That's why I painted today's painting inspired by this beautiful bird.
This bird gave me a sense of movement and dynamism, of course this bird is a sculpture, but I wanted to be inspired by it, to create a bird in my own way.
These are the tools that I used in this painting. Watercolor, colored pencil, two small brushes, Ashtenbach cardboard, and white pen.
I cut the cardboard into 30*30 dimensions using a cutter and ruler. And with a black pencil, I lightly sketched my bird outline on paper. I have drawn the design so lightly that I think only I myself can see it. π
Now, in the first stage of painting, I paint all the points of the design that have faint colors with light colors. As I said before, when I paint with watercolors, I always start with light colors, and gradually make the colors bolder and more colorful.
In the next step, I paint the whole bird very lightly.
At this point I use a little bolder colors, and add red and brown to my painting.
Now I use black and brown on the bird's body. And I make the shadows a little more bolder.
Now it is time to draw details such as the legs, tail, and bird eyes and tree branches in front of the bird's face.
Finally, with my white pen and my colored pencils, I add a little detail to my bird. I will try to add some details to the bird wings. And make the shadows a little clearer.
Now our bird is ready to fly and go wherever it wants. Our bird wants to fly, and sit on the green trees, smell the flowers, sit behind the windows of the houses and greet the inhabitants of each house, sit by the rivers and drink from their clear water, and even visit different countries. Our bird is completely free, and the cage doesn't make sense to it.
I hope you like my painting today. I will come to you again with more paintings. I love you, take good care of yourself.
All mockups in this article are made with interior photo frame software, which can be downloaded from Google App.
Wowwww! Your too much talented my dear Ellen. Love it. Keep up the good work in the name of art.