So another month is here, and just like the usual thing I do, it's time to set some SMART goals again.
It's been quite a while when I last published an article about my set goals at the start of the month, and I just want to share some of my goals here again to make myself accountable.
Setting goals means the willingness to have a productive day, week, or month ahead, by exerting enough time, effort, and dedication to making these goals come true.
It doesn't actually matter if the goal is too grand or simple. What matters the most is that you want to achieve something while existing, and building an optimistic mindset. It's not also just about achieving it, but it's establishing a favorable characteristic once you don't get to accomplish the goal.
In The Crypto-Verse:
Write 1 Article per Day on
This was my goal last month and knowing that I was able to publish 24 articles in 31 days means I can push myself more to make it. I actually had some valid reasons why I was not able to publish articles and I was inactive in those days, but since it's lockdown here in our place again where people are not allowed to go out, I think I can achieve this goal this month.
I am not going to set any amount of Bitcoin Cash I want to earn on because we all know that Rusty is sometimes missing, so I will just ignore the tips I will be receiving from him and just let myself be surprised at the end of the month. I just wish and hope the Robot will be generous again like before.
Retain my Silver Badge:
I want the silver badge next to my name so I will keep sharing some of my Bitcoin Cash with other writers and to my commentators so I will always be on the Top Tippers board.
Post 1-10 Times a Day on has been a part of my life since December and there is no way I'm gonna be inactive on that platform, even just for a day. This is a piece of cake goal but let me just include it here.
My ultimate goal on that platform is to always receive a payout every day with a minimum of $5 per payout. There is a huge earning potential on the platform and it has also helped me a lot with my BCH goals. Don't worry, I won't spam the platform just for the sake of earning.
Earn my 8th Bitcoin Cash:
Aside from and platforms, I am also trading my other crypto assets in order for me to accumulate more Bitcoin Cash. I am also starting to acquire more BCH by converting the coins I'm farming through the Pancakeswap DeFi.
In the Real World:
Buy and Read 1 Book per Month:
I've read somewhere that investing in one's self is one of the best pieces of financial advice a person could ever receive. I am not a bookworm but because reading is the best way to enhance my perspectives, and to acquire more knowledge, I will invest some of my BCH earnings by buying financial and personality development books.
This month, I will start reading the first book that opened my understanding of finances, which is "For Richer, For Poorer: Why the Rich get Richer, and the Poor get Poorer" by Chinkee Tan.
I am also seeking your book suggestions of what's the best book to buy and read. Comment down below. Hihi πΉ
Sleep Early, Drink More Water, and Work out Once in a While:
I really feel like I've been neglecting my health already since I began sleeping late at night. My body feels so weak, and I feel like it's deteriorating. I have been having a hard time sleeping early at night no matter how hard I try. What could be wrong? Perhaps, my body has already adapted to this kind of sleeping routine, and I want to correct it. So here's to more sleep, more water, and more exercise.
Enroll for 4th Year: 1st Semester:
Can I just skip this one? Lol Just kidding. I can't believe vacation is almost over. Our enrollment for the 1st semester is scheduled this 23rd day of August, and the first day is on the 25th. So I still have 22 days remaining to enjoy my life before I suffer again. π€§
To be honest, I'm a little unsure and frightened about this coming semester. I'm so excited to get out of college but I'm also scared of what would come next. I guess, c'est la vie.
My life in the crypto world is even more productive than my life in the real world. Well, I guess that's the new life of most of us who has been in this crypto world for almost a year now.
Thankfully, we have these platforms that make our lives productive.
These are the goals I aim to accomplish this month. What are yours? Share them and let's smash these goals! π₯³
sna ako din kayanin ang 1 post a day.. laki ng earnings..more kita po s ating lahat..truly inspiring