Is Indifference To The LGBTQ Community Being Homophobic?

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2 years ago
  • Lead image by me.

I'm aware that people have different sexualities, and the world has accepted homosexuality. With the awareness these days, I'm pretty sure even a child knows what being gay or lesbian is.

I couldn't publish an article yesterday because I was in an argument with some people. I'm in this book club and we pick a book every month to read and review at the end of the month.

This month's book is Ace of spades by Faridah Arike Iyimide. I haven't read it even though the review is next week because I'm a very fast reader and reading it early makes me forget some points when it's time for the review. I plan to read it on Friday.

Someone on the group chat mentioned that some of the characters were gay and it felt forced and unnecessary and that it was probably a marketing strategy by the author to sell more especially to the LGBTQ community and all hell broke loose.

Another person called those who felt uncomfortable due to the homosexual content homophobic, and that it is our duty to learn what LGBTQ was about and accept it. I was like what? In a country where homosexuality is illegal?

She started comparing being homophobic to racism and sexism. It was all messy. Different people had different analogies about this.

The first analogy

Someone said Homophobia is a type of fear just like being claustrophobic, is claustrophobia a problem? He also said people don't choose what they're afraid of just like how homophobic people don't choose their sexuality.

He said and I quote 'having phobias for different things is an innate nature of man. The fact the object of my phobia is gay people doesn't make me a bad person.

It's similar to having a phobia for large bodies of water. You don't because of that try to fill up every large body of water you come across.'

The second analogy

Swimming was used to substitute homosexuality in this context.

If you have a phobia of water, and you have a friend that loves swimming, you won't because of that friendship go swimming with that friend no?

The other party supporting LGBTQ then retorted

No, you won't go swimming, you do not have to go swimming

You should just understand that your friend likes swimming and not insult it or stop them from swimming

I then replied,

Exactly, the friend should also not convince me that swimming is right or wrong and make me accept it.

Accepting or understanding LGBTQ should be a choice and not shoved down our throats. These days, you're a bad person if you are homophobic or you don't just care. Which by the way, isn't legal

My point

Homosexuality isn't legal in my country, Nigeria. If caught, it's fourteen years in prison. The person kept stressing the fact that indifference is a bad thing and that it leads to homophobia which I don't agree with.

I kept telling her that I don't actually care about it, we are all entitled to do what we want, it's a free world. You have the free will to choose whether you're straight, gay, or non-binary and other people have the free will to be indifferent.

What is wrong is when people are now actively against homophobia by calling them derogatory names, killing them, and doing all sorts of inhumane things to them.

The world has accepted homosexuality and that should matter.

What I have a problem with is trying to make everyone welcome, accept, and love LGBTQ. They just have to accept that not everyone is going to love them.

For example, I'm a Christian, and in my religion, it is greatly frowned upon. I know people that are homophobic because of what the Bible says about it but then I chose not to be homophobic, I instead don't care and believe people can do what they want in terms of sexuality.

The whole argument ended messily as the avid supporters of LGBTQ started calling us names for being indifferent, I was pissed.

No one is saying to change your sexual orientation, our point was that we don't understand how it feels to be lesbian or gay and that's okay, we have our free will and can do what we want and we chose to be indifferent but they insisted that it wasn't okay.

Is being indifferent wrong? I mean, I don't hate the people of the community, I see you as humans like me rather than defining you by your sexuality and that's still not okay? I don't understand.

It felt to me like they want everyone to join the community.

If you understand better, feel free to explain in the comment section. I'm open to corrections.

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May 22, 2022.


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2 years ago
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People can justify what they like and what they want but my own is, you can't force me to believe in what I don't fancy even though I would respect your rights to your opinion. My issue with most of them is, they want to force you to accept their ways when I am not even force you to accept mine. I respect you and I won't judge you or stop being a friend to you because of that, but please, don't force your ideals on me. I love your response to that person.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly, human right to free will is even being infringed, that PSG footballer that refused to support LGBTQ is asked to apologize for something that should be a choice

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly. Apologize for what! Did they apologize to him for making him accept what he doesn't believe in? They are not serious.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At all, i agree with you sir

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly, they feel it's discrimination if we try to make them accept their ways but they want to shove their ways down our throats. Thank you sir

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's really crazy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ahhh deee thank you very much .. Mo like this article gan gan now let me begin … Everyone on this platform knows I have a gay friend .. because I have written about him before but if I were “homophobic” as it may seem and somebody is telling me I have no right to be .. I would slap the taste of their mouth.

As long as I pose no harm to anybody who is homosexual and I cause no nuisance around the LGBTQ community I am entitled to my thoughts and feelings about who so ever I choose to be. So nobody should be telling how to feel about anything or anyone that is your choice ..

Hope you understand.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactlyyy, so no one should be telling you it's bad not to like them, they can choose to be gay, you can choose not to like them, other people can choose to be homophobic, it's a free world afterall. Abi🤷‍♀️, as far as they're still doing their thing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly.. make nobody dey form like say dem dey treat am bad because they no like Wetin him dey do ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is nothing wrong with being indifferent about LGBTQ. Myself, I don't care really who's what. You can choose to do what you want. Got something to write about this topic, will tag you to it, if you don't mind

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly. Sure, I don't mind, you can tag me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't think being indifferent is a problem, I really don't care about them and their opinions shouldn't be forced on me.

To each their own.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Exactly, it's forcing their opinions on me I really dislike

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, true but then again in the world we live, there is a lot of forcing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah, a lot of them

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is nothing wrong with being indifferent. I agree with your point of view and believe their ideology shouldn't be forced down our throats. You can compare this whole situation to religion. We all have our choice and nobody should force theirs on other people. The whole stuff is messed up.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Honestly messed up, I missed those times where everything was normal but when was everything ever normal?

$ 0.00
2 years ago