Life Lesson
It been a hard for me these days, trying to steal the time for myself and be myself, work for myself, have fun, take a nap and long refreshing rest. My busy schedule keeps getting tighter and tighter, with work activities and trying to get a hold on all information and requirements concerning my NYSC. And more other miscellaneous activities steal the only time I needed to rest and do something for my own pleasure. It has been a terrific week.
Give a warm welcome to my dearest sponsors, such wonderful people they are in this amazing platform. I am always super greatful to them.
For the pass two weeks however I have learned and experience new lessons about life and people. Something I always find interesting_ LEARNING. Learning new things from people whether good or disappointing ones, I find them super interesting. Because I love to learn new things about life and people. I guess that is why is still cherish schooling.
The things I learn recently about people and life are as follows.
Never Depend on Anyone
This is the first thing I learned. Never Depend anyone even if that person is the closest person to you. It is sometimes good to have someone around to lean on but don't lean on too much. Because when you get too comfortable, they will get tired of your burden and eventually they will slip away. So to avoid and save yourself from disappointment, Never depend on anyone. Look for a way out yourself and stand firm on your feet.
Never Trust anyone
Sometimes people smile and show love to you and show that they care about you, but most of those smiles are fake and they don't give a sh*t about. They are just smiling to deceive you into falling in their trap. And people will only become lenient with you when they hope to achieve something from you. And when they're done using you, they will then discard you like a piece of trash. So I say it again never trust anyone. Do what is right for yourself.
Put Value on yourself
People won't value if you are super soft and don't put Value on yourself. Learn to say no to people when what they are asking is not more their benefits more less beneficial to you. Is good to be selfless but these days people stomp on super nice people anyhow. So put Value in yourself. Know your worth and don't ever let anyone disrespect you no matter who the hell they are. Nice people die with emotional pain these days. When you try to be nice get ready for all kind of trash to be thrown at your face.
Learn to work for yourself and be your own boss
You try and find a handwork, or invest in business no matter how small. It is better than to go seeking for job from anyone. When you have your own business you are your own boss, no one is gonna puppet you around or look down on you. You are not slave to anyone. So be your boss.
That is all my observation and experience fellas, some of you might disagree with me but it wont change my mind. Thank you stars. Have a nice evening.
That's all fellas.
February 20, 2022.
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Thank you so much friend for giving a lifetime lessons like this