Bitcoin Cash Hub: Building BCH 1 Contribution at a Time

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Avatar for CryptoMax
3 years ago

This post is going to be historic since it is the Launch Post of one of this platform's most important communities - Bitcoin Cash Hub(0cd1)

My goal with this community is to aggregate the efforts of everyone trying to build the Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem up while also finding cool ways to reward them.

I have a lot of good things planned out for this community, and this post is going to tell you all about them.

Finally, if you are invested in the success of the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem, then you will also have the chance to join and get your first reward.


I'm always saying success is inevitable, but we can help hasten it!

What is Bitcoin Cash Hub: Growing the Bitcoin Cash Community, One Contribution at a Time!

The Bitcoin Cash Hub is a community that aims to foster all kinds of people working to either enrich the BCH ecosystem through development or spread the word about it through promotion.

We aim to accommodate everyone who thinks they have something to contribute to the blockchain, and, as we find our grounds, coordinate and execute evangelizing actions.

Finally, know that our goal is to become the go-to community for those who want to work in improving the world's electronic cash while becoming a TransMedia funnel for meaningful messages and actions.

To achieve that, we are going to organize collaborative actions, reward value, establish goals, and find original and creative ways to tackle problem-solving.

Want to know more?

Keep on reading!

Who Is Bitcoin Cash Hub For? Is It Centralized? Are You The Leader?

First of all, Bitcoin Cash Hub is for everyone who wants to help in any way.

This includes:

  • Read.Cash Writers;

  • YouTubers and Video Creators;

  • BCH Evangelists;

  • BCH Redditors;

  • NFT Developers;

  • Appic Developers...


If you have got anything to offer and want to be put to work, then tackle one of our many projects.

And this is where the topic of Projects comes in.

But, to understand projects, you need to understand who owns this project first.

I am not the owner of BCH, nor do I lead it - because the community doesn't need a leader as it works on a per-project basis.

Let me explain.

People who want to help with their content, app or whatever, publish it under the community - this much is obvious.

However, people who want to work on behalf of the Bitcoin Cash Hub can post projects and garner the support of the community.

Pitch your projects to the community and wait for other community members to donate work, time, or resources - watch the magic unfold.

Voluntaryism, collaboration, generosity, the fight for freedom, and against statism - they fuel us all, so I hope this community gets bigger and bigger while doing better and better stuff.

What's my role in this?

I'm going to be moderating the community along with some others, and sure I may give added visibility or viability to one or two projects I deem to be important, but I'm no more the owner of Bitcoin Cash Hub (BCH) than Roger Ver is the owner of Bitcoin.

You can say I represent it, alongside some others, and may issue community-based projects with the Bitcoin Cash Hub logo over them.

However, I can and will most probably pass on the role to dependable community members, who will pass it on to others and so on, because this project is everyone's.

I started off by donating the idea, the concept, the images you see throughout the post, and the time to write the post itself.

Over the next few days, I'm going to be "donating" projects alongside other community members, no doubt... but the rest is up to you.

How will YOU contribute?

How Do I Join? Is There Any Community Reward?

I'm glad you ask.

All you have to do to join is to go to the communities tab, find, and join Bitcoin Cash Hub(0cd1) (or just click this).

Once you're in - congratulations, you're a Bitcoin Cash Hub member and you can start posting to the community.

The moderators will evaluate the submissions you make and you may even get one or two surprises.

But I'm not done donating to the project yet.

To get the community rolling and to get more people on board, I'm going to be crafting badges for everyone who joins and comments in this post telling me they want the badge (no point in having all the work if you don't want it).

Here's an idea of what you get:

You'll get a card like this one, with your name, your avatar, what you focus on in the community (Community Writer, Community Promoter, Community Vlogger etc...), and two descriptive titles thought out by me analyzing the profile you give me to look at (Youtube channel, Read.Cash profile, Twitter page, etc...)

Sounds good?

At the time I'm publishing this article, I just opened up the community and therefore I'm its sole member, but I am bringing some people aboard shortly.

One of these people will surely be @Pantera , my Crypto Bro, and @MicroReylatos the man who referred me to Read.Cash and so did his job promoting me.

Here's a card I already made for Pantera for you to see what another card looks like.

So, now you see the "prize" I decided to give those who are going to jumpstart the community and start working for the betterment of all.

Let's make this the number 1 community in Read.Cash!

I'm counting on all of you to make this happen.

Are you coming with me?

Are you up to build Bitcoin Cash, one contribution at a time?


This is Original Content Published Exclusively Here!


My Top 3 Sponsors Get:

  • A comment, upvote, and $0.20 per day they publish a quality article;

  • More links and mentions in my posts;

  • They are featured in my Profile;

  • A section like the one coming next:


@Macronald @Pantera,  @Idksamad7869 ,  - thank you! I recommend these guys as they are publishing great content.

$ 50.94
$ 35.98 from Anonymous user(s)
$ 14.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Adeilton_Filho
+ 9
Sponsors of CryptoMax
Avatar for CryptoMax
3 years ago


Great content. Just joined the hub

$ 0.01
3 years ago

One of the reason that I join here it's because of your sir. My friend told that you are posting about Bitcoin cash and doing great things for it. Now I joined your community and I will start my journey in your community. I usually do videos and I am great that it is open for video creators. Thank you and God Bless

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Cool Jeju! Can't wait to start seeing your videos pop up! Work hard and let's get the word out. Cheers and thank you for coming to my post for a visit :D

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Can I post an article there that was already posted on readcash before? It was about BCH mads adoption.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Sure you can, if it's yours and its on the topic you're welcome to do so, maybe the curation won't be so high up like if it was fresh but you can.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good ideas...join to your community... Hope for the best

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is a great idea and I think the community will grow if everyone will support it.

I want the badge but I'm thinking on what can I contribute on the community.🤔

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Hi Max:

Definitely this is a very good idea what the springboard is going to be, I think for very big and positive things. I already see meet-ups, conferences, webinars, and much more.

A great initiative that I am going to click on as soon as I finish writing this comment.

Regarding me, use my profile here at 💥

And it would be great for the community to decide what is the premise that will identify this community is going to be.

You know what I'm talking about, the phrase or motto that will identify it 😁

Thanks for the mention bud! 🎶

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Cool, will make you a card today. The motto or tagline is already there: Building Bitcoin Cash One Contribution at a Time

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice, i am growing one contribution at a time! 💥

I will use the card as a signature that is seen in my publications !.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Another brilliant idea. I am now starting to think what else can I contribute other than being a cry baby eh? Kidding! Haha

But always proud of your ideas Max. Dunno where'd you get that but I am applaud that you get to think more about really building a commnunity.

I'll see if what I can offer. Hmmm

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Cool! Let me know if you want a card signature like that for your Bitcoin Cash Hub community posts! Cheers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is very helpful dude, thanks for your efforts in making this community more like a family-oriented site. You always have full of surprises. rock on! Please count me in.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Sure thing Bjorn, can I make you a card for your Bitcoin Cash Hub posts then? Cheers

$ 0.01
3 years ago

that would be great bro. if it would be a way to promoting this community for good it would be a great pleasure. thanks in advance.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

All is well just by You Well done.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow this is cool, so in this group you have to post all about bitcoincash?

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yeah, posts about Bitcoin Cash, or posts on how to improve, adopt, news and promotional stuff on BCH can be submitted here. Let me know if you need a card signature for those posts. Cheers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh, okay okay. And you have a badge on name already heyy, I just notice hehe.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey, Really cool badge of me!! I joined the club and I will support as much as possible. I guess we will be publish our new posts there then, right?

$ 0.01
3 years ago

The good thing about Voluntaryism is that you only do stuff that you want :D You publish them there if you want and it is a fit and don't if you don't feel like it or feel like talking about something else.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes, of course, only if they fit.

$ 0.00
3 years ago