Meet the Artist SoggyApplePie

I am so proud to say I had the chance to meet the creator of one of the biggest NFTs out there cryptomonkey now we have all seen them somewhere .

Show her some love and give her a follow now lets get into the question.

First thing il say is I love your cryptomonKeys sadly I dont have many I was mining for them in alienworld

Name ?

My name is SoggyApplePie

Where you from ?

I live in Canada šŸ˜„

Do you have you have cryptomonKey telegram channel if so can you drop your link here?

We have a very active telegram channel, hereā€™s the link:

Discord is our main hub for both cryptomonKeys and BANANO, the links can be found at and, respectively.

I am already a member in the discord .

So is this your full time job if not what is?

I spend most of my time working online throughout the week, I am a freelance illustrator outside of the work that I do for BANANO and cryptomonKeys. I serve/bartend on weekends to make a little extra money. Iā€™d love to draw all day every day if I could though.

How did you come up with cryptomonKeys ?

Bantano (who is the co-founder of cryptomonKeys alongside myself) approached me in June 2020 with the idea to make BANANO NFTs. cryptomonKeys have MonKeys, which are BANANOā€™s unique wallet representatives- they are essentially little wallet mascots. You can get more info about MonKeys, BANANO wallets, and other stuff at

What made you get into nft design in the first place ?

cryptomonKeys is my first NFT project, but I was very inspired by GPK NFTs on WAX. Since then I have come to love tons of different NFT projects in the space and am blown away by what is coming out. Iā€™ve always loved trading cards and of course as an artist I have always appreciated and really enjoyed seeing so many different styles of artwork- and the NFT space is ripe with tons of incredibly talented artists.

Other then Banano coin what other crypto currenceys you have ?

Also, I collect a few different cryptocurrencies but BANANO and NANO will always be my biggest HODLings.

Love Nano and have a few Banano myself not much do .

Have you alway been artistic ?

Always. I have always struggled with focusing, and itā€™s exhausting in every way. But when I create things, I feel this peace settle inside of me. I donā€™t know how to explain, but itā€™s kind of like the difference between stop-and-start bumper-to-bumper traffic and smooth open roads. Not sure if that makes sense.

I actually get you . You like the ideas just to flow instead of coming and going

Sort of. I guess I would more closely relate it to the brain having a moment to relax and think about one thing for a long time, instead of it always fighting about what to think about (which is how it feels for me most of the time).

I know you are freelance artist / illustrator do you do other work in nft world or outside it ? If you do can i have a picture ?

cryptomonKeys is the only NFT project released to-date that I have been a big part of, but there are some exciting things coming. No spoilers!

Even a little hint


How long have you been designing nft ?

Itā€™s crazy to think that is has almost been a year (~10 months) since designing the first images for cryptomonKeys.

Say it has kept you busy durning lock down do


Might be a silly question why do you design nfts the way you do ?

I donā€™t think this is a silly question at all.. I am a huge cartoon buff and pretty much exclusively watch cartoon-animation television. I like the lightheartedness of most cartoons. The colours and the simplicity are my favourite parts- I always loved how simple the artwork is in cartoons; itā€™s easier for my brain to process every frame on the screen (character design, setting, colours) as opposed to in non-animated television. My artwork definitely reflects this- fairly simple colours, shapes, dimensions.

Whats your favourite nft you have designed ? Can i have a pic of it ?

Haha I love them all in their own way, but I definitely have a few favourites from every generation. Iā€™m not sure I will ever tell which they are, but I love to see what other peopleā€™s favourites/least favourites are

What advice do you have for people trying to get into nft ?

Whether it is creating or collecting, the space is growing and it has room for anybody who is interested in learning. Also, you donā€™t have to spend money to get NFTs- some awesome projects (cough cryptomonKeys) believe in free and fair distribution, just like our homies at BANANO.

Whats your most valueable nft you have ? Can i have a picture ?

It is difficult to define value, as they all have a special place in my heart - but cryptomonKeys highest sold card on a secondary market was sold for over 55k WAX

Wow that is some price you dnt happen which one it was ?

It was at the peak of the Blue Wizard

Ah i see i have seen a few of them and a few people copy the design for there nfts.

It was a fun card to release in the early hype .

What hobbies do you have ?

I really like RPG video games and shitposting in BANANO Discord

What you do for fun ?

Same answer haha

What rpg games you play lol

Lol lots.. My all-time favourite RPG is The Legend of Zelda saga.. but some ol faithfuls are borderlands, sims, minecraft. Used to play a lot of Heroes and Age of Empire/Mythology on pc back in the day. I also enjoy other types of games like fortnite

So any chance of a small airdrop for people reading this ?

We can surely discuss something fun to do

Any big announcements coming up for cryptomonkey or even banano you can hint about ?

BANANO Runner 2.0 is in its testing phase right now and itā€™s gonna be awesome! Also some great stuff coming from cryptomonKeys real soon!

Just 2 question left for you is there anywhere else people can keep upto date with you and finally this is for an article that will be be put on do you use it ?

I donā€™t currently have a web page but if I ever put one together I will surely let you know

All I have to say it was a pleasure and thank you for your time .

Right guess please give her a follow on twitter and join there Banano discord

Right if you enjoyed please give it an upvote or even give me a follow

Quick note I havent got an airdrop to give yet but leave your wax and il sort you out tomorrow myself If I have to

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I heard of CryptoMonkeys in November and thought nothing of them , was I fool for not following up with them then


$ 0.00
3 years ago

MonKeys got me into NFT'S. Thank you very much.. I just love to simply look at those funny monKeys so much!


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi soggy was brillant to interview sadly i gave away all the nfts so this article i do have other nfts giveaway from other articles

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How isn't cryptomonkey doing this full time? He really deserved it, Heck, I thought the guy was a millionaire. ... this just shows how early Cryptocurrency is on the maturity line

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I total agree with you i think one of the big things is the money isnt there yet plus she is actually an illusator as well

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love cryptomonKeys and Soggy style!


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am actually of the airdrop for this one but have other 1s if your interested r

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Love the artwork, thanks for the article! I just recently found out about the cryptomokeys and only have 1 so far but hope to get a lot more soon! mrob.wam

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like Monkey Miner the most of all of them. This Monkey looks like me :D Totally. pomato la4ay.wam

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahhh, his ntf's are really cool I wish I can have one.

This one of the best so far in your ntf creators interview.


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Honestly, I want to have one of those nfts, they look so cool because of being cartoonšŸ˜Ž


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hopefuly i knw whats happening in the morning but il make sure you will get sorted

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're doing great! I Iove it!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

MonKeys! My most valuable NFT is a unimonKey. It's my favorite. kcfqw.wam - should you need to give a monKey a home.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am still waiting to here back but il sort something out

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love cryptomonKeys! ā¤ā¤ another amazing article crackers!!

.zbb.wam :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

So you're also here

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Cheers mann

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yay! One of the best highlights ever! Never thought cryptomonKey was a she.. Thought a he. LOL.

uhmqy.wam just in case :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Awh stop i am so glad she took my questions

$ 0.00
3 years ago

And many new NFT collectors will follow her in Twitter all thanks to you

$ 0.00
3 years ago šŸŽ Just in case

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article. I've been into cryptomonKeys for a while now, glad to see the interview.

If you do get the airdrop rwpqy.wam

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago