Health #1 (High Blood Pressure)

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Hello! Good day!

Want to be aware of your health? This is the right article that you have to read. Enjoy reading and be informed.


If you were recently diagnosed with high blood pressure, or if you have known about the condition for a while but have been steadfastly ignoring it or only half-heartedly taking steps to control it, consider this your wake-up call. You can – and should – control your blood pressure, and live a healthier and longer life. We only have one life, so if you have given a chance to change your lifestyle into a brand new you, start it now and inspired others with your thoughts and actions.

DID YOU KNOW: High blood pressure is very controllable – by you, in many cases. Although the condition is deadly if ignored, it is probably the easiest of all chronic diseases to manage.

The first thing you should know about having high blood pressure, or hypertension, as it’s known in medical language, is that you’re not alone.

According to a statistic, around one out of four standing around the office kitchen have high blood pressure or, closer to home, around one out of four people sitting around the Christmas dinner table. (For people over 50, the number escalates to one in two.) Now for another statistic that might elevate the blood pressure reading even of a yogi: more than half of the people with the condition don’t know they have it.

No pain, no problem? Don’t be quick to point an accusing finger at these in-the-dark hypertensives. Unlike arthritis or a sore back, high blood pressure rarely announces itself or shows any symptoms. You can have it for years and feel perfectly okay – until, that is, you suffer one of its very serious consequences, such as a stroke or heart attack. Doctors aren’t being melodramatic when they call high blood pressure a ‘silent killer’.

This leads us to the second thing you should know about high blood pressure. If you’ve been diagnosed with it, you can consider yourself, in a way, very, very fortunate. At least you know you need to take steps to get your blood pressure down to normal levels. For you, staying healthy is a very real option.

PRESSURE POINT: High blood pressure isn’t really a disease because it usually has no symptoms and therefore doesn’t make you feel sick. But it is definite risk factor – and a big one – for stroke, heart disease, aneurysms, as well as vision and kidney problems.

For those of you who don’t know if your blood pressure is too high for your own good, it’s time to ‘break the silence’ and get your blood pressure checked. Do it as soon as possible. Don’t just assume everything is okay because you feel fine. Remember, not knowing your blood pressure reading can be dangerous, even fatal, to your health.

Become A Controlling Force

High blood pressure is a lifelong condition. Which means it can’t be cured – not by a doctor, not by you. However, don’t worry, because the good news is that the condition lends itself to self-treatment.

Compared with all other chronic diseases, high blood pressure is probably the easiest to control. And control is as good as a cure because it reduces all of the health risks associated with the condition.

Many years ago, doctors often advised newly diagnosed hypertensives to quit their day job and to go into social hibernation – avoiding any activities that might be the slightest bit stressful. Today, fortunately, that advised is considered outmoded. No longer do you have to take a diagnosis of high blood pressure lying down! You can have the condition and continue to lead a full, active and long life.


Your health is one of the important possessions you have in your life and once you lose it, this will never come back. So, as long as you have it and your healthy, keep it and take care of it. Thank you for reading.

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Health is wealth. So good health is very important for us. this post is very essential for us. thank you so much.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

you are very welcome

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Me too i think i had have hypertension like the last time i check my blood pressure monitor, it goes up and its beyond normal and that makes me worried about my health well ironically speaking i don't have any sign of it i didn't feel something strange, i just tried to look for my blood pressure becuase im bored and to my surprise i had a high rate in my blood pressure. Thank you for this

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think you should have to check-up, your health is important. You must know what is the result.

$ 0.00
3 years ago