Drunk Cupid V: Nearly Hitting a Bullseye

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2 years ago

February 11, 2022 - Friday, 05:00 PM

The Drunk Cupid Series continues for this love month chill'hustler's and now currently on it's  Part V. If you haven't read any of the first four part's yet, you can check it here:


As Galaxy was secretly loving his new found apple of the eye at work. He slowly let her presence be noticeable to this woman. This woman is fresh from her province and it is her first time working in the city. The newly hired employee's name is Star and just like her name, she's a real head turner. Now let's push the play button towards this amazing story.

Before anything else, I'll introduce y'all to the woman that will melt Galaxy's heart in this chapter my dear chill'hustler's.

Star is a long legged woman, standing at 5'5" in height with a long and black hair. Her skin tone is brown and has a dimple on both cheeks, purely a morena beauty of its own. That's why I said above that Star is the new head turner in Company.

One morning at work, Galaxy finds Star busy with her paperwork's in the corner of her room. Galaxy then see this as an opportunity to help Star and of course, to be close to his new admired woman. Knowing Star is new to the city, she entertained Galaxy openly. Then the usual getting to know each other talk follows with some fishy words from Galaxy to lure Star to the bait. (Our boy is turning on his antics already.! Hehe...!!!) The former innocent turned playboy is now on the move again. But this time, Galaxy is serious.!

After a month of normal talking at work and also chatting at night, the two became more comfortable with each other. Galaxy always tried to shoot his shot at Star but it doesn't have a strong effect on Star. Realizing that his strategies aren't working on Star even if it's a country girl, Galaxy then changes his approach to Star and watches how it reacts.

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The more serious Galaxy gets in showing his true intentions towards Star, the more curious Star gets also in knowing more about Galaxy. So, Star started to ask few of her workmates about Galaxy's recent relationships and lifestyle in the city and the information she gets were not pleasing to her.

After knowing more about Galaxy, Star makes a plan on her mind. Maybe this time she's already falling for Galaxy too. Star then challenged Galaxy to prove his sincerity in courting her and as a full grown man, Galaxy accepts the challenge ( who would say no if your having chances, right..?) even though Star said that if he'll succeed, the answer to his intentions are still a capital "MAYBE'' but with a smile.

Now Galaxy is pumped and hyped with the challenge of proving Star that he can change. Galaxy tried his best each and everyday, staying away from bad influential friends and stopping his alcohol addiction but sometimes failed to do so. The only thing Galaxy was able to succeed was stopping his smoking habits and it's the only thing keeping his chances in getting the sweetest "YES"from Star.

After two months of trying, the chances becomes much more brighter for Galaxy. But, Star is still doubtful in Galaxy's real intentions knowing from his experiences alone. So the courting reach its peak after two months and nothings happens. Then Galaxy attempted to ask Star about her past relationships even if it's not his type as a man asking woman's past. But he did because Galaxy's instincts pushes him to do it and he was not wrong. There is something that keeps on holding Star to make her decision and this is her last relationship. Star hasn't fully moved on from her last boyfriend yet.

So Star ask a favor again to Galaxy and that is to give her more and enough time to think. Which Galaxy then agreed quickly.

But while giving enough time for Star to make her decision. Galaxy was bored and temptations comes in again. This is when the waiting becomes longer and more challenging. This stretch ot time is really hitting Galaxy soo bad which makes his chances more shaky...!!!

To be continued...!!!

Author's Points

Have you experience dating for quite a long time and that you get bored and it makes yourself felt slowly losing your chances at your goal? Mind you that if ever you'll experience this, just keep going and never fails the one you admired the most. Always remember this "if she's worth it, it's not going to be easy and if it's easy, she's not worth it". Just keep on shooting your shot and be hopeful that everything will fall into its right place at the right time.

Hello there Chill'hustlers!! 🙋🏽‍♂️ That's it for today and as always, I'm glad you reach the end again, thank y'all for always sharing your day with me, see you on the next one Chill'hustler's. Have a chill vibe love month and stay hopeful cause better days are comin', Good vibes always, Jah bless and PEACE ✌️!!! 🙏🙇


Title   : Drunk Cupid V: Nearly Hitting a 
Author  : @Carewind - 51st Article 
February  11, 2022 - Friday, 05:00 PM

$ 2.70
$ 2.68 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Pachuchay
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Avatar for Carewind
2 years ago


Uyy ahh you really quit smoking koduts because I've never done that to my husband I even drink with him and his friends then they tell me I'm cool hahha. But looks like you really love her. Hndi ko pinilit magbago yung mahal ko kaialangan ko syang mahalin dahil yun yung nakita ko ehh. Things may change as they years goes by pero yun dahil nagsama na kmi. Maybe sa last part ako mag advice lods kasi dto yung story eh umiikot pa God bless po beautiful story you camed up

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha drinking is fun as long as it is moderately lods, hehe Dapat talaga yan lods, tama lang na wag pilitin, dahil kung gusto talaga nya, mag e-e stay talaga yan. Hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Technique bro kasi 1 decade na din kami mahigit is dinadala ko umabot na sa part na masyaa sya pag papauwiin ko sya ako yung ginagawa nyang alebay o dahilan.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha ganyan naman talaga mga lalaki lods, mahirapan lang yan tumanggi kaya napipilitancuminom tas maganda pag sinusundo para uwi na agad, matic haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahhaa naku ako susundu Ilan beses lang din pero ngayon hindi na parang sa edad nya n 39 less 6 yun ang age ko ehh parang nasa matured stage na po ehh. Hey yung story ang topic ahh next na VI nako lods. Pero hanga ako kay galaxy kung nakayanan nya yun parang ang hrap masakal ehh

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha di naman din sa sakal lods, nag eenjoy pa din naman haha, naka adjust na kayo sa isat isa lods dahil sa edad din.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yung na experience ko now len is the opposite one lol. Tried to chat/date in a short period and ended up getting bored or maybe I am not really ready for dating hehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hehe you need to heal first before you can move forward len, who's that who man uie 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't believe in the statement of "if she's worth it, it's not going to be easy and if it's easy, she's not worth it"-- it's just something that people have gotten used to saying and acting out. Liking someone and agreeing to date a person without causing the person much stress doesn't make you cheap, it's just a wrong mentality that has been spread through the years.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I respect your opinion kris, of course not all has the same mentality, but as a full grown men, it is more worth it if you exert effort in it, because in that way, you'll take more care of it. Just like our hard earn money. But for me, its not a wrong mentality.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay naku, mahina to si Galaxy, 2 months mahigit pa nga lang nakalipas nabored na sya at mukhang matetempt pa sa iba.. Thumbs down yan, hahahaha!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha para humaba lang yan lods, abangan mo ang next chapter haha gagalawa na naman ang katawang lupa ni Galaxy. Haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahahaha,aabangan ko talaga yan

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha number one na taga subaybay ka sakin lods, haha yun reward mo mga ganyang babasahin 😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha, salamat

$ 0.00
2 years ago