Our Past

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Written by
2 years ago

At one time or the other you should have heard the statement: it's all in the past now. What we do today will later be referred to as our past. Our past is who and what we were before. Things we have done and long forgotten but will always reside in the memory of others. People don't forget things you know. They will always remember.

Most times, our past is usually referred to as something we did wrong before. Our past doesn't define us although it might find a way to creep into the future. We shouldn't let it get the better of us, affect us in any way or try to influence our emotions. We are more than our past. Don't live in the guilt of what you were. Don't go back to your past if it's a bad one. You are not that bad person anymore. Let go of the past as much as you can. Forgive yourself because until then can you heal and forgive others.

One way to help you let go of the past is to go back to God. He would forgive you of whatever sin you've committed and give you peace in abundance. So, run to God.

Another way is to try as much as possible not to be idle. Engage in anything that will bring profit to you. Read a book, learn a skill, start a business. Just don't be idle. There is so much out there for you to do.

Please, don't forget to love yourself. Self-care is important. Remember, you are you and not someone else. And before you know it, you will be a role model-someone people can look up to. Your happiness matters.

You see a good quality in someone, admire such and if you can, make it yours. Don't try to be like someone else. Don't get me wrong, get motivated by them if they are someone you could look up to.

And try to reflect on yourself. Check how far you have come and how well you are doing. If there is anything you need to change or improve on, don't hesitate to do so. Don't be static. Try to improve on yourself daily. It might not be easy but in the process of trying, you get to learn something new. Remember, you only grow when you determine to. Come rain, come shine don't give up on yourself.

A problem shared is half-solved. This is very correct. Talk to a matured person about it. Someone you can trust, that can advise you and share his/her experience with you. It might even be a friend. Don't bottle it in all the time. Speak out. Don't die in silence. It's not every time you will be forming hard guy. There is a solution to almost every problem, if not all.

Okay. I will stop here today.

I'm so happy right now 💃. Just yesterday, the random rewarder started visiting my recent articles for the very first time. I appreciate everyone that reads, comments, subscribe, tip, sponsor and encourage this baby gal in any way possible. You mean a lot to me ❤️🤍

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Written by
2 years ago


You're right, we should not live from the past. We should learn from it and make it a reason to be better and stronger for the future.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Really cool to know and acknowledge our past and not living in it anymore. Most times what we did were out of ignorance..and as you said sharing our past with matured minds, will help solve it

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, you are right. We should not live in our past. Thanks for commenting 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The past is a lesson that we introspect and evaluate today and then practice in the future. nice to hear if random gifts visit your account , i'm newbie , i haven't visited yet. I hope to be like you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You will be visited very soon. Just keep writing and make sure you don't break the rules. Nice to meet you, dear Shaw

$ 0.00
2 years ago