BCH is Better Choice for Humanity Vs BTC Bitter Traded Coin

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Avatar for BlueFlipper
2 years ago

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"As cryptocurrency becomes more widespread, we'll have a world where money is easy to access, easy to move, easy to send, easy to receive, and easy to invest... And we'll be able to do all of this globally."

...Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

Hello to all Beautiful Read Dot Cash Community! How are you all?. Sorry, I am too late to drop an article here. I was gathering information for a nicer article that is legit, right, reality, and logic base. I know it will be a slap on the bullshit statements of Maximalists. Therefore, I have 3 types of sweet chocolates for them before their bitter acid words attacked me. So eat them of your choice and enjoy my article.


...Bitcoin cash...

According to Satoshi's Whitepaper about P2P Electron cash, we have only a coin now that is real Bitcoin BCH. I have abbreviated it on the base of World Revelation, I hope you will like it if you believe Bitcoin cash is Cash for Everyone".

  • B stands for Better.

  • C stands for Choice.

  • H stands for Humanity.

...BCH is Better Coin...

I have neither sold my house nor my rickshaw to trade it for BTC. I accumulated BCH drop by drop and now I have a bucket full of BCH. I didn't feel pride by accumulating penny in my wallet but I am happy and feeling pride after accumulating some Satoshi in my wallet. According to my friend for me," BlueFlipper you are not blue but BCHflipper". I never mind these words but actually, I love it because this is all asset I have in my Binance account. Why BCH is a better coin than others?. Because Bitcoincash is:

  • P2P Cash

  • Money for Everyone

  • Coin with Fast Transaction

  • Coin with a Small Block Size of a few megabits.

  • Coin with Low Transaction Fee

  • Win large profit in the pump, afford small loss when it dumps

  • BCH gave birth to sBCH which is a combination of EVM and smart contracts. If you accept it or not but sBCH is performing a dominant role in crypto-verse

  • Updating SHA-Gate for overlapping of Different coins.

...BCH is My Present Choice...

Today when all markets crashed Heavily. Investors are worried after losing a lot. But buyers are asking them, "Which Coin is best for Investment?." The main reason for this uncertainty is the market holy crash. I have a simple solution with two examples.

  • One person buys one BCH for 600$ but sells for 112$.

  • Other people buy BTC at 46K$ but sell for 20K.

In the above two examples who is at more loss?. And a person whose all bread and batteries her salary will be the biggest duffer if will invest in BTC. I literally can't afford either to sell my house or to sell my rickshaw. Because both are then impossible to buy again for me in case of loss.

Then what is the solution and answer for the above condition?.

Of Course, the solution is BCH and you have no other better choice than BCH. Invest small but get profit a lot. Roughly if you invest 4$ when BCH is 100$, it will be 16$ when BCH is 400$. Mean you can enjoy 4X profit by just Hodl real Bitcoin. Moreover, can you imagine the price of BCH when its mass adoption will spread around the whole world? I can see green flags are increasing day by day on the BCH map you can find the type of Business easily available to you by clicking on the source of the image.

(Image Source)

...BCH is for Humanity...

For me, Humanity is the name of Love, peace, kindness, and sympathy. If one person has these four pillars then it can construct a building of Humanity in His body. If he is not able to fulfill anyone from the four, I shall not define him in Human terms.

If I talk about Bitcoincash, then it is equal cash for all either you are rich or you are poor. We all have equal opportunities to invest, trade in the market, and design a business with it. Just you need to approve BCH as your payment system. If you are a merchant then I shall welcome to you the Bitcoin cash community, work with BCH and this comment will flourish your business. Because it is working for the betterment of quality, spreading love, and assuring peace in the whole World.


After Maximalist put Satoshi's Whitepaper into Dustbin, I traded my whole BTC assets in BCH. I can't support this coin anymore where I didn't have full control of money. Moreover, Ponzi Schemes are now a hot topic in the Crypto Industry linked to fraud and dumping of stable coins. Yeah, stable coins are not more stable in the crypto world. You can take a very good example of UTS. It was a mini attack in the sBCH world, so USD dropped to 50% less in value after people had removed their liquidity. It was of course full attack for me on this day. I will abbreviate BTC in the following words.

  • B stands for Bitter.

  • T stands for Traded.

  • C stands for Coin.

...BTC is a bitter-traded Coin...

I am not blaming your Diamond coin. It is reality. Have you seen in the news, "Someone committed suicide after losing all investment in BTC OR Someone lost his house and Autorickshaw? These all made BTC worst and more bitter not for me but for the whole world. Moreover, Blockstream is not able to exaggerate more data to make people fool because now the modern world believes in practically the Crypto in which BTC failed badly. After getting 70K ATH as the all-time best price graph, it dumped where you can see it in the red pocket more than two times less in the highest ATH BTC price. It is not a new thing for me as I can see its confusing fluctuations in 2018. For me, BTC is the most bitter coin.

...Final Thoughts...

If We are real crypto lovers and believe in it, then do justice to its utility and purpose. BTC is sucking all the other ALT coins badly. But still, we categorized it as Diamond and Base Coin. Why do I ask why?. I can't do this injustice to Satoshi's remarks. And I am a supporter of the functionality of crypto. After struggling a lot, after getting scammed a lot, and after studying a lot, now no one can stop me from this," BCH is Better Choice for Humanity". Already we all are fighting poverty, floods, and Starvation. Now we can't participate in the war of inflation. All world economic structure destruction is facing a high inflation rate. They all failed to control the dearness of things in their country. Still, we can get rid of this blackmailing by replacing our economic structure with BCH with better results. I hope the world will Sooner realize it as BCH is at earth price easily approachable to all. Thanks for reading and supporting me always.

Thanks, sister @Talecharm for renewing our sponsorship. I wish you all Happy Sponsorship Recover Day.

About Author:

<====BlueFlipper Original Content! All copyrights are reserved for reading. cash Laws so you can share it only========>

$ 65.07
$ 62.00 from @XingmeiLiao
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Avatar for BlueFlipper
2 years ago


Love the acronyms. hehe BTC have swayed away from the very purpose of cryptocurrency a long time ago. It's now more like crypto gold. Currency is supposed to be used as a payment in exchange for services or goods. Not to be kept and traded when the price goes high.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for good advice dear friend. I shall trade when price will be pumping. I believe in logics. It is no more crypto anymore for me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just realized that you changed your username?! welcome back and what a great come back!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sister I am one month old user here. My fiance Doctor introduced me this platform. I think you are talking about him?.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Perfect thoughts🔥

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I was shocked when I experienced the transaction time and speed of BCH for the first time. It's the only coin which is based on Satoshi's wish.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah it is only coin with good oppurtunity of investment and lot of love it has.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow, actually this is my first time engaging into BCH I was actually hesitant before on handling this kind of digital currency because of its volatility but then I was enlightened by your article, most especially the good side of it. It takes lot of knowledge in order to hold a cryptocurrency well and wisely. Thank you so much for this informative article, it would literally educate everyone.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Welcome to read dot cash family. Yeah BCH is multi use currency with bright future due to high use case. You can enjoy it by saving your kiddo future when it will be Diamond.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have never loved any other coin more than I love BCH. :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sister it is your best choice. You should feel proud on it. I am happy with it also.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You did absolutely great justice to this post and I hope a lot of people see this so they can understand the value and importance that BCH holds. BCH is really underrated and only when they understand it fully can they take advantage of the great uses. BCH is my first choice too and always would be. The possibilities are endless with BCH. The low fee would always be an attraction...always...

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Low fees and hundreds of utilities having bright future are all the things that made me a big fan of BCH.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely. I am a fan too. BCH won my heart easily.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I prefer Bitcoin cash over any coin because from read cash I receive money in bch

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Great brother, now you can use Your BCH in better way. Do your best to spread positive vibes about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

BCH is my first earning crypto currency which help me to maintain my family cost. BCH is easy to transection without low fee.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It has no doubt BCH is supporting many families financially. I agreed low transaction fee is most favorite feature owned by BCH.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

well said....👍👍 I want to earn crypto currency because i need to maintain my family with it ..... its my first earning resource 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am happy to see friends supporting BCH. I am doing my best to spread the benefits of using it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah mass adoption is main thing which is spreading in whole Asia. I love to their policies making people aware of it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Muy buena me encanta BCH

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bitcoincash is indeed a cash for everyone. i love BCH Because of it's low transaction fee and the transaction is indeed faster than the others.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I love BCH because it is unparalleled. We should spread all knowledge about its better use.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It gives me joy when I see bitcoin cash supporters. Aside all you listed, I just love bch bcoz I love it

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sister BCG deserved all love, support and peace because it is really better coin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago