Know Your Strength.
Hello family. How is your day going? How did you spend your Sunday? As for me, I slept throughout the day and woke up when there was light. I turn on the television to watch some movies. Later, I took a stroll on my street when I was very bored. The boredom was too much for me to handle. I took to the street to feed my eyes and see if I will meet new friends but I didn't. Let's get back to the movie part. I watched a movie yesterday. It was a very interesting movie. Do you think I'll share with you what happened in the movie? No, I won't. I noticed something in the movie and that is what I'm talking about today. In that movie, there's a very popular actor who has been featured in a lot of movies. Everyone has his or her voice. I'm sure you know that. That's why we always recognize people's voices even without seeing their faces. I realize that this man has lost his voice. I checked his other movies on YouTube. I realized that is how he has been talking for a while. That's surprising. His voice was sweeter before but now, it doesn't sound well. He does not sound like his old self. At some point, I got tired of the movie because I could not hear what he was saying. I lost the vibe of watching the movie. He acted well but I was not cool with the voice. It ruined my day somehow because I did not like the voice I was hearing. I had to change it to another channel.
This made me remember a topic in our music class. I'm sure that those who have been reading my articles will know that I attend a Film Academy. We have different courses and one of them is the musical course. We were taught something about tonal integrity. What is tonal integrity? It is the way we pronounce some words. For example, the way an English person will speak English will be different from the way a Nigerian or Filipino will speak English. The way you pronounce your words is known as tonal integrity. Also, we were taught ways of taking care of our voices. We should not drink things that are too cold or too hot. We should not take too many oily things. We should prevent ourselves from shouting too much. It affects the voice. Also, we should avoid talking too much. Why all of these? The strength of an actor lies in his voice. As an actor, we should be able to hear what you are saying properly. Also, your voice should be very pleasant to the ear so that your fans will like the way you talk. I got to realize that the way you talk matters a lot. This is why we were taught the way to take care of our voices so that we will sing well. As an actor, your voice is your strength.
I think I need to talk to everybody. We all need to know our strength in whatever we do. I mentioned earlier that an actor's strength lies in his voice. Let's talk about a model. I'm sure we all know what their strength lies in. It lies in the way they dress. It lies on their skin. This is my a model need to dress well and always take care of their skin all the time because they may get an appointment at any time and even the way they look will fetch them more jobs. Let's talk about people who cook. Their strength lies in their skills. If you bought food somewhere and the food does not taste nice, I'm very sure you won't go back there but it does not taste well but if it tastes nice, you would want to go back there. The strength of the person who cooked the food lies in his or her skill in cooking. This goes for every other job out there. You need to know your strength in the job that you do because that is what more jobs in the future. Your strength means a lot. Your strength will feed you.
Know your strength, today!
Truly! Know your strength and hone it well ❤️