I Think Men Are Like That.

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1 year ago

If you read my articles a lot, you will realize that I would love to travel to so many countries. Traveling is one of my hobbies but it is quite unfortunate that I don't have enough funds to do so. There is a friend of mine whom I met on blurt. He is so rich and he loves to travel too. I have seen pictures of what various places looked like because he shared them with his audiences on his blog. Also, I am a very friendly person. I wish to meet various people from various parts of the world. There are a lot of friends that I have not set my eyes on but we always talk like we are with each other. Why am I being kind? It's in me, naturally. I won't be kind to you because I need something from you. That's just like trying to extort you stylishly. I'm also being kind because I want to know you more, I want to share my experiences with you and also make you share yours with me. There are other advantages to being kind to people but that's a talk for another day.

One thing I noticed about men is that men switch up easily. I mentioned earlier that I wish to visit as many countries as I can. I wish to know men from other countries. I wish to meet with them. I wish to know if they have the same behavior as the men that I have met here and that's why I said I love to share experiences with different kinds of people. I think that's cool. Men switch up easily. Let's take heartbreak as an example. A lady may continue to cry or still think about it for a long time while a man will get over it in a short period. Why? Is this how every man is? If you are observant of your man, you will realize that it's not every day he uses those sweet words for you. I'm talking of baby, honey, and those sorts of words. Sometimes, the man may just call you the name that common people call you. This thing makes me mad!! Sometimes, they will talk to you like you guys are just friends and nothing else. I guess this makes a lot of ladies think that their man is cheating. The gentleman may not be cheating. He may just be thinking of how to make some money and that's why women are always quarreling with their men. My man calling me the normal name outsiders call me is weird. He does not call me that and we may get talking sometimes and he will call me that name. I think a lady should understand that it may be normal or the man may not be in the right frame of mind but most ladies will quarrel with their man as I will do too 😅. I got no chill bro😅😅.

Let's talk about cheating. Is it every man who cheats? I have made my research and realized that not every man cheats but a lot of them cheat. I have dated two guys before now and they both cheated on me. My female friends are always complaining about this too. I dislike cheating. I will cry!! I'm a very jealous person and I so much dislike it when I am sharing my man with someone else. I can't cheat because the moment I cheat on my man, I will begin to like the other man, and there are high chances of me leaving my man so I won't cheat. I always believe that if my man cheats, he feels something for the other lady too and this will make me feel insecure. I don't like cheating😭. A lot of us believe that all men cheat. I got talking to a friend on this platform two days ago and he said no matter how things are in his relationship, he will never cheat. Isn't he a man too? Why am I always meeting guys who cheat? At the end of the day, I still concluded that every man cheats but if you ask them about this same thing, they will tell you they don't cheat and they will still go behind you to do so. I may be wrong here but I'm talking based on my experience and based on what I have seen happen to my friends.

It's quite unfortunate that I can't remember the general things that men do. Who else can remind me? What else?

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Avatar for Bisolammy
1 year ago


We have similar personality I hate been cheated on and not only that I hate it when keeps lying... you didn't add that one....men can lie even they are caught in the act

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Men are talented liars😅😅 No doubts about that

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well I believe there is always an exclusion to this rule. Keep searching you'd find a faithful one.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm sure I will Thank you so much

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1 year ago

Men are stronger than woman most specially when it comes to emotions. They don't like a long drama, but some men are just like woman, they also fall into pieces after breaking up with their relationship.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I once met a man who loves drama😅😅. It's annoying

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Men cheat women cheat. While I can go on and write a full article as to why people may cheat, I will stop and ask a question:

If you see signs that the person you like and is wooing you will cheat on you or is likely to, will you end the 'courtship'?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I won't end it ooh I may only end it if he does not have enough respect for me

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I hope you see the problem?

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1 year ago

I can't speak for every men out there. When it comes to cheating though, the closest to me are the ones who were cheated upon by their wives - my brothers, my cousins. People do what they do and there is a reason they do it.

Also, not everyone is used to endearments. We can't force people to be the person we want them to be. Why not accept them as they are? Love the person as they are and not the "ideal person" we have created in our minds.

I think relationships fail because we only like what we want to see and not the person as a whole with who they are and who they are not. Thus, we end up frustrated and disappointed in the end.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hm I understand your point It's valid

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1 year ago


This is the second time I'm hearing the importance of sweet pet names like , babe , honey bla bla bla. No Wonder one lady got angry because I sent "Hi" without adding "babe" like "Hi babe". I laughed that day eeh🤣🤣.

On a more serious note, not all men cheat. I can't do it and it shouldn't be done to me. But las Las, ladies will always deliver breakfast with premium cheating. Relationship is not for the weak

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hmm. Which one is breakfast with premium cheating😅😅😅. Rest abeg😅

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Sister, you should be keen observer about men. I agreed like you all men are not cheater but they cheat when they find an opportunity for this. I am also passionate to move in each part of the world but I am shy to interact with men 😂.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Lol I'm not always shy I'm very free

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1 year ago

Not all men cheat and it has even gotten to the point where ladies now cheat the most. I am not here to back anybody or say who cheats the most, I am just saying it's two-sided. We can only pray to God that we should meet the right person cos it's very rare to meet one that doesn't cheat. As for me, I will never be involved in that cos I am the jealous type and on no account will I do what I don't want others to do for me to someone else.

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1 year ago

Me I sha no dey cheat and if my man cheats, I will cry😭. If he talks to another girl, I will cr🙏😭

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1 year ago

Cheating is not only related to men it is present in the nature of both men and women

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1 year ago

Yes but I think it's more common among the make gender

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1 year ago

I am men and based from your experience is acceptable lol, but I will end that "men's are not the same, we also different from each other" uwu.

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1 year ago

Hmmm Maybe I should agree with you😅

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1 year ago

Men maybe has the tendency to switch, but for me, if a man really has the commitment to his gf or wife, he won't do any cheating ot switching with other woman.

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1 year ago

I guess such a man is difficult to find

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1 year ago

I don't know why ladies don't understand a guy when he is busy. They always want full attention. I could remember when I was in school and I had a girlfriend. Because I don't have sponsor and I don't want to disturb my mom because she doesn't earn much. So I was earning online then to sustain myself. Any time I am online trying to make some money, this girl would disturb me and want me to leave what I am doing to give her full attention. The funniest thing is that she knew that if I don't browse, I will not earn money. So it is not the fault of we guys sometimes that we don't give you ladies attention.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I am always craving attention too😅. We are like that but I always understand sometimes

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You should understand. Because love without money will vanish one day

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1 year ago

Cheating is everywhere not only in men but also in women but anyways I like your plans, my friend. traveling and meeting new friends is quite interesting

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Women cheat too and that one annoys me more

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1 year ago