When the job comes with alot of risks

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Avatar for Bilqees
2 years ago

Well, I have always been afraid of heights. Even as a kid, during breaks,I never had much fun with the slides in our school compound because it looked quite intimidating in my little mind . Our school was actually a three storey affair, but I'd always play and run around the ground floor close to my classroom block instead of running up and down the stairs with other little girls of my age.

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To me, it has always been an awe-inspiring sight to behold a man on top of a ladder trying to fix an electric fault on an electricity tower. Also, watching a carpenter at a construction site doing his best to connect roofing materials atop of house while standing on an attenuated piece of wood makes me shiver.

Each time he raises a hammer and clamps down a nail into a wood repeat, my heart always give a little lurch and it continues to thump faster and faster with every strike he makes against the woodwork. Watching his body movements as he works in such a precarious position, I'd silently begin to pray to God that he doesn't fall off. I would try to close my eyes for some moments and only open them again when the sounds of the striking hammer eventually ceases.

As the carpenter climbs down the ladder, I'd breathe a sigh of relief thinking it's all over. "Thank God he is done with the work already!, I would exclaim. Only for me to be more disappointed when he later mounts the ladder again after he had already picked whatever piece of equipment from the ground he would be needing to continue his work.

Seeing me in such a dramatic state, dad would laugh out loud and make fun of me. "But what if he falls done and get seriously hurt? He could be someone else dad too" I'd scream at dad in a voice laddened with fear and agony.

Dad would again laugh at me before he replies. "Bilqees, my dear, he would never fall down because he's a professional. He has already conquered the fear of heights and he's able to maintain his balance even when he's on the tightest spot on the highest parts of a tower. He could even take a meal in such a position". Dad laughed again.

This explanation was convincing enough, but I didn't accept it entirely. Afterall, we are all humans who ain't perfect. Even doctors make mistakes sometimes. God forbid that this family man misses a step and slips or a wood breaks under his weight. I tried my best to shake off such unpleasant thoughts.

Thank you 🙏

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Sometimes, I can't help but wonder and feel bad at the kind of risky jobs that some men engage in just to be able to earn enough to pay the bills and feed their family.

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Just recently, I heard the sad story about a young man who died on the job. He was actually an engineer working at an electrical installation when he was suddenly electrocuted. As a result of the shock, he fell from a great height and his head made several impacts with steel bars before he crashed horribly on the hard floor.

What's more sorrowful is that a date for his wedding had already been fixed. It was also said that his fiance was never comfortable with the nature of his job due to it's high risks. She had just only succeeded in persuading him to resign from the job after trying for a long time. He promised her that he would look for another job as soon as they got married. Then this happened.....

I can only but imagine how bad the young woman could be feeling right now.

Sometimes ago, I also heard about a worker who fell from an electric pole and fractured his spine. Before the accident, he had always been the best man for the job. He'd always be at his company's Beck and call anytime they needed him to undertake a very familiar assignment.

But after the incident,he was abandoned by his company after they had settled his first medical bills. The young man is now left under the care of an aged mother who attends to him since he had lost most of his bodily functions after the accident. He would be needing a major surgery before he would ever be able to walk again.


So sorry I couldn't put up an article yesterday, I had a little problem. I would definitely do my best to go through all of your articles before retiring .

Thank you for staying with me ♥️ ♥️♥️

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Avatar for Bilqees
2 years ago


These works are just like that with the common qoute "life is all about risk". I'm used to site works and I've experienced where some of us fell from high scaffold but the one that fears me most of the water works. Not that I have phobia for rivers but I've heard so much heartbreaking news about ship sinking and wild aquatic animals.🤦

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hmm.. water works, I heard that those people have protective charms that defends them from the mammy water. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is the reason why we should only do the work we know we are comfortable with. Just imagine someone with a fear of height working as a pilot

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Lol.. or imagine someone with the fear if blood wanting to be a doc or nurse

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes many people take stupid risks when working at height!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

And they think it's ok since it's part of their job, ignoring the risks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah... 😂 But you know that I have always loved heights in contrast to you. I feel for the man who lost his life. He went in the process of taken care of his responsibilities. His soul have rest.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yea... So sad

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh my... that is so sad for the man whose wedding had been set. Accidents do happen whether we like it or not, but feels heartbreaking each time.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Sure. So unfortunate it happens when our life is at the most sweetest

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We can't be where we wanna be if we don't take risks!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's true. Calculated risks can improve our lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm with you on this... I do not have severe vertigo but whenever I stand from balcony, even from the first floor, my legs start to feel butterflies, a tingling sensation and my head immediately starts to spin and it intensifies when I keep adding more floors...That is why my only condition for my husband when he said he is searching for house is to buy a flat in first or second floors.. that's maximum...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

But you look like someone that would love skydiving, judging from your profile picture. Lol 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Almost all jobs comes with great risk. And these risks are one of the reasons not everyone is doing them. If you're willing to take the risks, then why not? And as your dad had said, they have already mastered how to navigate these risks without any complications

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's true. But not all jobs are that risky. And in these cases, the popular refrain " the greater the risk the higher reward" does not follow 😂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some jobs are risky & even low paid. But still people do it. They admire it as their responsibilities.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure.. since that's what put food on their table

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dear Bilqees, Unfortunately, these very unfortunate events sometimes happen to these hardworking people, which are very bitter. One of my friends, unfortunately, his father, fell from the scaffolding of a building and passed away. And his family mourned their young father forever.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

A lot of high paying jobs come with high risk and it's the kind of kind of country have met ourselves... It's a very sad one that we get hurt when we fight for survival

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sad sis that the date of his wedding has already been fixed and now he's gone I hope the girl can recover from what happened to her fiancee, the accident happened with an unexpected.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hmm, may we get all we loss our sanity and safety for. Truth is there is no job without its own risk. May God keep and guard us as we look for what to eat.

$ 0.00
2 years ago