Doleful Saying of Famous comedian

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2 years ago

you can express your feelings, your thoughts, your message, your idea, through peripheral body Gesture, posture, and Main contribution of eye communication. You don't have to speak all time. I leant that from some cartoons and funny clips. Cartoons like Tom And Jerry, funny clips like Mister Bean and Charlie Chaplin.

Watching cartoon of Tom and Jerry makes me happy, it indeed refreshes me that's why I also like to watch clips of Famous comedian's like Charlie Chaplin, and mister bean etc . Both these Characters are my childhood favourite. They had played vital role at the time when I found myself bored. Their videos were like transition of my mood swing from sorrow to jubilant, Sad to happy.

BEING logophile,i like to know about different languages words and their meaning. Like there is a Japanese word Wabi-Sabi means Be perfect in the imperfection of life. That kind of word attracts me, i feel like those are somehow aesthetics.

Similarly I like to read different quotes too. Because sometimes we don't understand the essay but we get precise precisely. That's why quotes helps me in my life to keep going. It helps me to broaden my vision regarding negativity and pessimistic life.

I love Walking in the Rain, so no one sees that I'm crying.

Famous of Charlie Chaplin

This quote is heart wrenching, seeing all time funny videos of a person doesn't let you at start to think that, that person might have problematic life. I learned many things from this quote,

  • The happiest person might be crying inside

  • Hide your tear from world, Better let them come out in the solitude

The Happiest person might be Crying inside

From my childhood I was used to see Charlie Chaplin funny videos, being unaware of cruel reality of world. I considered him the happy person by always doing happy acts and funny things. Getting know about his famous Saying at the time of getting mature. I found him one of the saddest person who is pretending to be happy in front of world although internally he is bearing pain. Person with such personality is complicated to understand. Well let me write what I think about him.

Firstly From his character, I learnt don't lean on people to make you laugh and Happy. No, you're yourself enough to please yourself. Don't find happiness, create it on your own. If you feel happy with anything just do that you don't need to show the world that I'll happy if you allow me to be happy.

Secondly, Don't think that if someone is happy and doing funny act is the one of the jolly person of all time. Although it's psychologically proven, person who laughs a lot is internally sad and heart broken.

Hide your tears from world, better cry in the solitude

From Charlie Chaplin famous saying, i like walking into the rain so no one sees that I'm crying makes me think like that.

He might said such saying because he don't want to show his sad face to the world. That's why he choosed to burst out his drops of tear while it's raining. Or He might be thinking about himself all alone, so nature in the form of rain helped him to overcome his grief while no one sees him. Usually people during rain rushes indoor,hide their selves from being getting drench.

Benefit of Walking in the rain

After reaching the age of Adulthood. I find it difficult to cry in front of others which makes me feel embarrass and hesitant. Here in the society where I live, crying in the age of Adulthood puts skeptical vibes. Haha you can't cry openly even in front of your family members. Once i missed the person, she was very close to my heart and sometimes getting touchy regarding future makes my feel sad. To overcome heart load, shedding tear was great solution, problem i faced where to crying while no one around me. Fortunately it was raining outside and mostly a person gets sentimental vibes in the raining weather. So, I started walking in the rain with tear in my eyes. So no one was able to distinguish either it's droplet of rain or I'm sobbing with tears in my eyes. Dramatic Me Lol


No part of my article is against the community rule. Everything written belongs to my own experience and learning. Intention behind this article is to overcome thoughts that were emerging in my mind. ©Bibijani01

All photos were taken by me 
Including lead image. 

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2 years ago


I have experienced this thing in my personal life, this is why they say you should meet new people so that you know more, when you know more then you learn, you see people who are less than you in terms of happiness and you see people who are happer than you, this experience makes you mature .. Then you stop comparing people you just live your happiness and you wear your tears happily. This is life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

In our life we always come across with the people's who had such Fun of not cry Infront of world but deep down They cry and are the most saddest person exist on this world.

Charlie Chaplin is one of the biggest example of it. You write such a wonderful Article Ma'am. Well Done 👍

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's so nice of you. Actually from past few day being living a life of introvert be because I'm fed up of explaining myself to everyone, so it's better to pass a smile that I'm OK. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey! I don't know what happened with you but believe me no one is depressed more than me at that time but still I am Greatful for everything. I cry, I struggle, I lost myself but then Today started my journey here just to make Myself busy and try to help my self and people like you in my journey through some word's.

If you had any problem feel free to share with me as I am always there for you and will Try my best to help you out .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are really resilient girl. I'm grateful to have you here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Obviously those laugh more are empty from inside. They supposed to hide some thing behind their laugh and smile.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Agreed dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The world is like the land of unhappy comedians. Some commit suicide, some get sick out of sadness. For example, Robin Williams. Look, even Chaplin was unhappy.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah my dear I'm agreeing with you, but at least they have shown us the path how to keep oneself happy by our own. They are true legends.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone has some specific kind of pain and sorrows in their lives but some people have the fun of hiding it behind their face like Mr. Bean and I think this thing made person strong

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dear arooj you're 100 percent right. I have learnt from them how to keep happy in front of other without showing them my sorrow face.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's how life is for most of these celebrities.. people don't always care wether are having it rough emotionally. Whatever battle they are passing through, they just gotta bury it inside and give their followers what they want, else they'd move to someone else

$ 0.01
2 years ago

That's true my friend, they have been making us laugh since we were children's. They are true legends.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I like to say your pictures in this article are so beautiful.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

your kind words are enough to make me feel happy, I'm grateful for your response.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Photos used in this content are heart capturing, very beautifully taken

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Year ago once I captured it while scrolling gallery today I found them on my archive and used them in my content.

$ 0.00
2 years ago